Category Archives: Dr. Kelley’s Kitchen

FOOD and nutrition: The good, the bad, and the ugly, including some excellent recipes and commentary about certain types of food/meals, which have proven to be of benefit. Also some harsh warnings about food and food-related products, which are over-sold, over-bought and over-used, many of which raise questions as to their safety and nutritional value.

5 Reasons to Eat More Berries – a Superfood Packed With Mental and Physical Health Benefits

Berries are a superfood rich with nutrients and health benefits.

Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News

Berries are a superfood rich with nutrients such as fiber, magnesium, vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants, per The Washington Post. A daily dose of berries can benefit your heart, skin and mental health.

“On average, people who eat more berries seem to live a little bit longer,” Eric Rimm, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told the Washington Post. Rimm suggested eating a cup of berries every day to reap their health benefits.

Here’s a look at what defines a superfood, and the health benefits eating berries can bring. Continue reading

Precision nutrition: How certain diets can starve cancer cells

Cancer likes glucose. So take it away…

Cancer is the target of some of the most advanced treatments in medicine’s arsenal. Proton therapy bombards tumors with targeted streams of positively charged particles. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (engineered white blood cells) penetrate into tumors and destroy cancer cells. CAR T-cell therapy sends reprogrammed T-cells to hunt down out-of-control cells.

Oddly, however, clinicians often neglect a simpler way to potentially fight cancer, one that can be used in tandem with other therapies: FOOD. Continue reading

Time to Inform the Public About the Adverse Effects of Ultra-Processed Foods

Summary of potential factors and mechanisms linking ultra-processed food consumption with adverse cardio-metabolic outcomes. Credit: BMJ (2023)

A team led by researchers from the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and Université Paris Cité, France, has summarized where we are in our understanding of the adverse health effects related to ultra-processed food with some suggestions of how to move forward with this information.

In their paper, “Ultra-processed foods and cardiometabolic health: public health policies to reduce consumption cannot wait,” published in BMJ, the authors point out that while there is convincing evidence that processed foods have adverse health risks, efforts to reduce, change or eliminate these food formulations lack sufficient support. Continue reading

Cancer Preventing‘ Vegetable That Could Also Protect Against Diabetes and Heart Disease

Red onions are full of health-boosting compounds (Image: Getty)

Research has suggested that eating red onions could help prevent cancer. The vegetable, which is a cornerstone of dishes in food cultures from all over the world, is full of chemicals that can kill cancer cells, according to scientists.

Eventually, this discovery could lead to cancer-busting pills being developed that are based on the internal chemistry of an onion. People with the highest level of consumption of the vegetable have a lower chance of several types of cancer; including ovarian, bowel, and breast cancer. Continue reading

Precision Nutrition: How Certain Diets Can Starve Cancer Cells

Cancer likes glucose. So take it away.

Researchers say gut bacteria changed in subjects that consumed artificial sweeteners, leading to glucose intolerance. Credit Weizmann Institute of Science

Preliminary studies show that certain diets can slow the spread of cancer in mice. Low-calorie, intermittent-fasting, and ketogenic diets all can lower the amount of blood glucose available to fuel cancer cells. Restricting the intake of certain amino acids and lipids also can starve tumors of nutrients. Still, those promising early results in animals have yet to show up in human trials, mostly because large, controlled studies have not been conducted.

Cancer is the target of some of the most advanced treatments in medicine’s arsenal. Proton therapy bombards tumors with targeted streams of positively charged particles. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (engineered white blood cells) penetrate into tumors and destroy cancer cells. CAR T-cell therapy sends reprogrammed T-cells to hunt down out-of-control cells.

Oddly, however, clinicians often neglect a simpler way to potentially fight cancer, one that can be used in tandem with other therapies: FOOD!
Continue reading

Curcumin in Turmeric STARVES CANCER CELLS to Death

The polyphenol curcumin, which is responsible for the bright orange-yellow color of turmeric (Curcuma longa), appears to have preventative and therapeutic effectss against various types of cancers.

Over 4,500 published peer-reviewed studies have shown curcumin to prevent cancer progression through a variety of mechanisms – by reducing inflammation, preventing chemical stress from radiotherapy and chemotherapy, shutting down cancer-promoting pathways and interfering with the growth and development of malignant cells. Continue reading

Turmeric Has Many Purported Health Benefits. Does Science Back Any of Them Up?

At the end of 2019, it was reported that turmeric, a spice that was once only known to Southeast Asia, had racked up $328 million in annual U.S. sales as a dietary supplement. It’s only increased in popularity in the years since as many supplement companies have heavily marketing its health benefits. Some of those benefits are exaggerated or unproven, but others are backed by science.

“Turmeric’s main active component, curcumin, makes it a potential treatment for numerous health conditions,” says Denise Millstine, MD, women’s health and integrative medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Continue reading

Loudon: Vegetable Oils on the Grocery Shelf Cause a Health Risk

Have you wondered why nutritionists say “Be careful about using oxidative vegetable oils on the grocery shelf? It is because all oils on the grocery shelf except extra virgin olive oil have been boiled to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit EXCEPT COCONUT OIL, PALM OIL, BUTTER, RAW LARD, AND SUET. These omega-6 Cooked oils on the grocery shelf not only have no electromagnetic value, but they are prone to oxidation, which means they are oxidative instead of being an anti-oxidant and have no electromagnetic health value. Some nutritionists call them “dead” oils. They may cause serious health problems if used in deep-fried meat, beans, and other vegetables, plus even worse if combined with sugar products in the diet. Continue reading

June 1, 2023: Your Health ~ YOUR Choice!

New Study Is Extremely Embarrassing for Lab-Grown Meat

Researchers at UC Davis have made a startling discovery that could change the way we view lab-grown meat.

As detailed in a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, they found that the meat alternative’s environmental impact appears to be “orders of magnitude” higher than retail beef you can buy at the grocery store — itself already a very environmentally damaging foodstuff — at least based on current production methods.

If confirmed, the research could be damning: lab-grown meat, long seen as a greener alternative to meat products that don’t involve the slaughter of animals, could be more harmful to the environment than the products it’s trying to replace

It’s not a panacea“… (Continue to full article)

9 Healthiest Vegetables to Eat
We all know veggies are healthy, but which ones are the healthiest to include in your daily diet?

“All vegetables offer health-promoting properties and compounds that reduce risk of disease, however, some vegetables are more nutrient-dense and functional than others, and I encourage people to include [those] in their eating plan every day.

Ready to fill up on veggies? Here are some of the healthiest vegetables to eat everyday… (Continue to full article)

Why Butter Is Better
When the fabricated food folks and apologists for the corporate farm realized that they couldn’t block America’s growing interest in diet and nutrition, a movement that would ultimately put an end to America’s biggest and most monopolistic industries, they infiltrated the movement and put a few sinister twists on information going out to the public.

Item number one in the disinformation campaign was the assertion that naturally saturated fats from animal sources are the root cause of the current heart disease and cancer plague. Butter bore the brunt of the attack, and was accused of terrible crimes. The Diet Dictocrats told us that it was better to switch to polyunsaturated margarine and most Americans did. Butter all but disappeared from our tables, shunned as a miscreant.

This would come as a surprise to many people around the globe who have valued butter for its life-sustaining properties for millennia… (Continue to full article)

Covid vaccines – A colossal failure around the world
The COVID vaccines – and the new bivalents, of which they are a part – are alarmingly and irredeemably unsafe, as well as ineffective for the advertised purposes. It is increasingly recognized by laypeople, physicians and scientists throughout the world that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective nor reversible. In this article, I show irrefutable proof that the COVID vaccines are irredeemably ineffective. (See many dozens of my other Substack articles, and my book Neither Safe Nor Effective, on how dangerous these vaccines are.)

Background – US mortality data at the end of 2020 did not support the allegation of a pandemic, because there was no more of an outlying peak in excess deaths in 2020 than other peaks throughout the past two decades, as reported at that time. A series of CDC revisions have continually increased the number claimed dead in 2020. Even now, as of 4/24/23, the CDC shows that 3,383,729 people died from all causes in the US in 2020 on one page written in December 2021.

If even two years after the end of 2020, allegations of the number of those dead in 2020 continued to increase, at what point will that number be settled? How is it that by December 2021 an accurate number of deaths in 2020 was not available to the CDC? …and it is now half-way through 2023… (Continue to full article)

Men should eat walnuts to prevent prostate cancer
Good news, gentlemen: Eating walnuts can help stave off prostate cancer.

This is according to researchers from the University of California, Davis, who found that walnuts, aside from helping to reduce excess cholesterol and increasing insulin sensitivity, are also capable of reducing the levels of a protein associated with prostate cancer.

According to nutritionist Paul Davis, who acted as the study’s lead researcher, their findings provide additional evidence that walnuts, despite being high in fats, are actually a great addition to a healthy diet

Compounds in walnuts affect the expression of prostate cancer-related genes… (Continue to full article)

Gut microbiota may affect the anti-cancer activity of this oriental herb against colorectal cancer
Oplopanax elatus, commonly known as nakai, is an herb native to northern China that is known for its anti-cancer effects, especially against colorectal cancer (CRC). But questions remain on whether or not the human gut microbiota interferes with nakai’s anti-CRC effects

Finding out if the gut microbiota does affect the anti-CRC effects of molecules from O. elatus is important. Doing so allows doctors and scientists to better understand how to better use the herb in the treatment of CRC.

To test this, the researchers analyzed both compounds in the PEFO as well as PEFO incubated with human gut microbiota for 72 hours (PEFO I) using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometer (HPLC-DAD-QTOF-MS) method validation… (Continue to full article)

TURBO CANCER: Children are DYING within hours or days of leukemia diagnosis, often after receiving vaccine jabs
Children and young adults are dying within hours or days after being diagnosed with leukemia. Some say the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines have something to do with these untimely deaths.

Data suggests that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines deliver lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) with mRNA to the bone marrow. What does this have to do with these cases?

Leukemia is a broad term for cancers of the body’s blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. Leukemia usually involves white blood cells. In patients with leukemia, their bone marrow produces an excessive amount of abnormal white blood cells, which don’t function properly… (Continue to full article)

WHO Advises Not to Use Non-Sugar Sweeteners for Weight Control

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a new guideline on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS), which recommends against the use of NSS to control body weight or reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

The recommendation is based on the findings of a systematic review of the available evidence which suggests that use of NSS does not confer any long-term benefit in reducing body fat in adults or children. Results of the review also suggest that there may be potential undesirable effects from long-term use of NSS, such as an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality in adults. Continue reading

Our Bodies Respond Differently to Food…

A new study aims to find out how…

Genetics, gut microbes and other lifestyle and environmental factors can impact how people’s bodies react to food. An NIH study aims to find out how. Stephen Chernin/Getty Images

There’s plenty of one-size-fits-all nutrition advice. But there’s mounting evidence that people respond differently to food, given differences in biology, lifestyle and gut microbiomes.

The National Institutes of Health wants to learn more about these individual responses through a Nutrition for Precision Health study, and this week researchers began enrolling participants to take part in the study at 14 sites across the U.S.

It’s part of the All of Us research initiative that aims to use data from a million participants to understand how differences in our biology, lifestyle and environment can affect our health. Continue reading

Plants against cancer: Eighteen 100% natural phytochemicals that prevent and treat cancers

Cancer chemoprevention with natural phytochemical compounds is an emerging strategy to prevent, impede, delay or cure cancer. Below are 18 phytochemicals, or compounds, produced by plants that scientists believe can protect cells from damage that could lead to cancer, as studied in the research article published in Anti-cancer Agents in Medical Chemistry. Continue reading

04.26.23 ~ Dr. Kelley’s Kitchen

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Juice Every Day
There’s no denying that juice is tasty. But is this beloved beverage doing more harm to your health than good? A registered dietitian weighs in.

Juice is a delicious and refreshing beverage whether you prefer it fresh-squeezed or straight out of the carton. But is a daily cup of juice good for you? Fruit juices are often considered less healthy than their whole-food counterparts due to higher sugar concentration, more calories and less fiber—which can reduce the satiety of these beverages and, over time, could contribute to weight gain and obesity.

However, other research suggests regular juice consumption may offer some health benefits and can be included in a nutritious diet. Confusing, right? … (Continue to full article)

Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Cholesterol-lowering recipes: Nutritional profiles and health benefits
High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of heart disease. A person can take steps to lower their cholesterol naturally. These include incorporating low sugar and low cholesterol meals into a well-balanced, nutritious diet.

A person’s diet can affect their cholesterol levels. By making some changes to what they eat, a person can help lower their cholesterol levels, particularly when they combine these dietary choices with other lifestyle adjustments and medications.

This article discusses some of the negative effects of cholesterol and provides some recipes that may help with lowering cholesterol… (Continue to full article)

The Best Fruit for Your Gut Health, According to a Gastroenterologist
Although we’re supposed to shoot for 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day, a recommendation based on our total calorie consumption, the average American only actually consumes about 10 to 15 grams per day, Harvard Medical School experts report.

And while it might seem more pressing to keep an eye on protein levels – or whatever appears to be the “hot” macronutrient of the moment – or try some other trendy diet, making an effort to eat enough fiber is never going out of style. That’s because the health benefits of fiber suggest that it can have a beneficial impact on our gut health, digestion, bone strength, weight, risk for several chronic diseases and even our longevity.

We’re not talking about suffering through glasses of water mixed with a chalky fiber supplement, though. You can score your daily dose from a wide variety of high-fiber foods… (Continue to full article)

Should You Take Turmeric Supplements?
Turmeric is touted as a “cure-all” spice that can do everything from healing your gut, boosting memory, and reducing inflammation. But studies on the health benefits of this golden root have yielded mixed results.

A small study in 2017 found that curcumin – the active ingredient in turmeric—may improve memory and attention, while a larger randomized controlled trial in 2018 found that curcumin had no impact on reducing inflammation following aortic aneurysm repair surgery.

Zhaoping Li, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and co-author of the 2017 study, said curcumin “definitely has an anti-inflammatory effect.” However, it’s most effective when it’s used for preventative purposes or to suppress low levels of inflammation associated with chronic disease… (Continue to full article)

Bicarbonate Proves to be Cheapest Fastest Safest COVID Treatment
One does not have to be an anti-vaxxer to see and understand that COVID vaccines are not needed. They are not required legally or for any medical or public health reason to treat or prevent COVID-19. There is a broad range of both natural and pharmaceutical treatments widely available, many already proven to be very useful.

Now comes some excellent news for the human race. There is an official study in Acre, Brazil that has doctors amazed at how fast COVID infected patients got better after nebulizing with 3 grams of sodium bicarbonate (widely available baking soda) in 100 ml of water administered in a nebulizer.

However, the bad news is that there are powerful forces, which we will discuss below, that hate good news and will do everything in their power to censor useful medical information… (Continue to full article)

Lesser-Known Spices for Natural Cancer Prevention and Treatment!
Since ancient times, spices have been used to prevent and treat many diseases. There are many spices known to cure many incurable diseases. There have been voyagers, including Christopher Columbus, who explored the globe searching for treasured spices.

Many documented studies prove that more than adding flavors, these valued commodities are revered for their potential health benefits. The antioxidant properties and the biological effects arise from spice’s ability to induce changes in cellular processes. This includes those involved with cell division, drug metabolism, differentiation, apoptosis, and immunocompetence.

Some researchers suggest that spices may be a key to determining the balance between pro-and anticancer factors that regulate risk and tumor behavior. Recently, a rise has been noted in household use of spices, and about 75% of people in the U.S. believe this dietary approach reduces the risk of diseases, including cancer … (Continue to full article)

Are These Cancer-Causing Foods in Your Diet?

Cancer is a systemic disease with various causes, some of which include a poor diet, toxin exposure, nutrient deficiencies and to some extent genetics. One extremely important way to prevent and/or treat cancer is nutritionally, through eating a nutrient-dense diet and avoiding things that are known to increase cancer risk.

But for many people navigating the modern-day food system often seems overwhelming. Ingredients in ultra-processed foods are being blamed for everything health-related, from cancer and diabetes, to reduced kidney function and bone loss. Only adding to the confusion, sometimes even the way we cook otherwise-healthy foods puts them in the cancer-causing foods category. Continue reading

Men can reduce risk of bowel cancer by 20% if they stick to diet high in veg and beans

Men who eat a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils can cut their risk of bowel cancer by more than a fifth, a study has found.

Women were also included in the research but no link between eating lots of plant foods and lower cancer risk was uncovered, which the scientists put down to men having an overall higher risk of the illness. Continue reading