Just going through some old files and cleaning some things up. I thought that you might find the images interesting – for historical reasons.
I’ll be back to full in a few days. ~ J.B.
Just going through some old files and cleaning some things up. I thought that you might find the images interesting – for historical reasons.
I’ll be back to full in a few days. ~ J.B.
When Dr. William Donald Kelley, DDS developed pancreatic cancer in 1962, he was given less than a 4 weeks to live by the physicians of his day. Facing imminent death, Dr. Kelley chose to follow the theories of Dr. John Beard, MD in order to enjoy an improved quality of life. Dr. Beard proposed that cancer cells act similarly to trophoblastic (placental) cells—cells whose growth is stopped by endogenous pancreatic enzymes from the mother and baby. Beard’s theory is known as the “trophoblastic theory of cancer.” Employing this theory, Dr. Kelley used pancreatic enzymes, raw juices, and coffee enemas to improve his overall quality and length of life. Dr. Kelley survived until 2005. Continue reading
The following is the transcript from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’ lecture in 1990 to the World Research Foundation.
For Dr. Kelley cancer began with eye problems. He was riding down the road and noticed that he was having trouble reading street signs. At 35 years old he had always had 20/20 vision. Over the subsequent months his eyesight got progressively worse and he called his ophthalmologists. The ophthalmologist told him that at 35 he was just getting older and prescribed glasses for Dr. Kelley.
A few months later while he was with his patients (Dr. Kelley was an orthodontist) he noticed that he was having trouble seeing the patient’s teeth clearly. He went back to his ophthalmologist who said “this is interesting, you need bifocals”. That didn’t sit well on Kelley’s soul because he was only 35 years old he thought that was much too young to wear bifocals, but he wore the glasses anyway and they seemed to help. Continue reading
At least 86% of all cancer conditions could be adequately treated and/or prevented by diet and pancreatic enzymes.
Cancer is a symptom of inadequate and deficient protein metabolism. The real problem is protein metabolism, not cancer. Cancer is only a symptom telling those who would listen that their protein metabolism is in very serious trouble. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy only treat the symptoms of cancer.
One hundred years ago Dr. John Beard at the University of Edinburgh discovered that the body’s primary mechanism for destroying cancer is contained in pancreatin, a secretion from the pancreas that includes enzymes for digesting protein (among other things). Enzymes digest or liquefy foods for absorption by the body. Dr. Beard presented pictures in his books and papers to show recoveries using pancreatin. This was an unprecedented approach to treating the symptoms of cancer — a direct attack on the malignancy with a substance that did not have toxic side effects on the other functions of the body.
Dr. Howard Beard (no relation) of Fort Worth, Texas has contributed considerably to the understanding and use of pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of cancer. He and other researchers indicated that where cancer is concerned trypsin and particularly chymotrypsin are the important enzymes in pancreatin. Dr. Beard also recommended a nutritional program and other things, as stated in his book: A New Approach to Cancer, Rheumatic, and Heart Diseases.
William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
From Dr. Kelley’s book, Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation.