I have believed for a long time that the American Medical Complex and the Consumer Food and Beverage Industrial Complex have little interest in the prevention of disease. It makes far better business sense to let the population eat, drink and smoke to their heart’s content and then offer seemingly high tech and expensive methods for cleaning up the aftermath. In the United States, the food industry alone generates 500 billion dollars in sales: Bacon, eggs, milk, fast food franchises, soft drinks, fried food, dead food, overcooked food, sweets, treats and canned goods.
We have gotten away from simple diets and become human garbage disposals. Sixty percent of the American public is overweight. Clearly the large food conglomerates are successfully marketing to an oblivious public. After feeding your body with dead and processed foods for 20, 30, 40 or more years, things begin to run less perfectly. We have overlooked the processing energy required to digest bacon and eggs each morning, that steak in the evening and the cocktails in between. The result is the current health crisis where one in three will have cancer in their lifetimes — not to mention heart disease. ~ Greg Stirling, Vancouver, British Columbia
Ingredients NOW Linked By Multiple Scientific Studies To INCREASED Cancer Risk
What follows is an intense and valuable commentary about the poisons in our daily food and how each of them contribute to our ill-health – and in most cases – CANCER. This is an in-depth, carefully researched, high quality report with over 70 scientific references and we strongly challenge you to READ it ALL – carefully. After all – it is YOUR Health and YOUR Choice!. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor
The 17 WORST Foods that you Should NOT be eating…
~ Red Meat ~
There have been sufficient studies over the years that link high red meat consumption with an increased risk for cancer, for cancer organizations such as the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute to cite red meat as a risk factor for colorectal cancer. [1] [2]
A study conducted by Cross and Sinha in 2004 found that red meat cooked at high temperatures, specifically preserved meats, contains mutagens that expose humans to NOC (N-nitroso compound) – a compound directly linked to colorectal cancer. High levels of NOCs are typically found in meat that has been processed or preserved. This research suggests that the combination of fat, protein, iron, and preparation of red meat could contribute to the mutation of normal cells in the colon and rectum. [3] Similarly, Di Maso and his researchers focused on the dietary choices that could contribute to cancer in a 2013 study. It revealed that red meat consumption was a risk factor for cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, nasopharynx, esophagus, rectum, pancreas, breast, endometrium, and ovaries. [4] This coincides with the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) decision to classify processed meat as a carcinogen and red meat as a probable carcinogen. [5]
Tips: Instead of including an unhealthy amount of red meat in your diet, go for alternative sources of protein like fish, seafood, and chicken instead. Add more fruits and vegetables to your daily meals as well to give your immune system a boost. If you are unwilling to cut out red meat from your diet, make sure to avoid processed, pre-packaged, and canned meat – always go fresh! Fresh meat means that you can adjust how you cook your meat and avoid the preservatives that come with the processed kinds you often see in the supermarket and the deli.
~ Processed Meats ~

The impact of processed meat and red meat
Processed meats have earned the bad rep of being loaded with sodium, because salt plays the most important role in preserving any type of food. The amount of sodium in frozen hotdogs, canned meats, and similar food items is directly linked to hypertension, heart disease, and kidney disease. However, processed meats also have direct links to cancer – a fact that is typically overlooked. Different studies have found that intake of processed meats is directly linked to breast and colorectal cancer risk and mortality.
Inoue-Choi, et. al.’s study in 2016 found that eating processed, red meat increases a woman’s postmenopausal risk for breast cancer. In fact, the higher the intake of nitrate (a substance used to treat processed meat), the more positive the association with localized breast cancer. Similar results were seen in Bernstein, et. al’s 2015 study, where the results showed a significant positive relationship between processed meat intake and the increased risk for colorectal cancer, specifically distal colorectal cancer. [6] [7]
More recent studies have also found similar associations between processed meat intake and the risk for Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and prostate cancer. While the exact mechanisms for this increased risk are still widely unknown, it is thought that it may be caused by the chemicals used in the preservation process which cause cancerous changes in the body’s cells. [8] [9]
Instead of picking up a can of meatloaf or frozen hotdogs at the local supermarket, head over to the fresh meat section instead. Going organic is still the best way to get chemical and antibiotic-free meat – but fresh meat from your local butcher’s can be a good start to healthier meals and reduced cancer risk.
~ Too Much Protein ~
Protein plays a very big role in our diet. It is an important nutrient responsible for building and repairing the body’s tissues. Without protein, our muscles start to “shrink” or lose volume (“muscle-wasting”). However despite how important protein is, too much can cause health problems as well.

The body’s natural process that removes dead and dying cells actually fuels the spread of cancer to bones and other organs due to a pro-inflammatory protein that is released
For a long time, it has been thought that people who have cancerous growths or tumors suffer from exponential tumor growth and metastases in the presence of a high protein diet. Now, science has proven it!
In 2013, a group of researchers focused on dietary protein intake and tumor growth in cases of breast and prostate cancer. By inhibiting dietary protein, the researchers found that tumor growth was reduced by 70 percent in cases of prostate cancer and 56 percent in cases of breast cancer. And it doesn’t stop there! Replacing animal protein with vegetable protein was also able to reduce tumor growth by 37 percent – showing that inhibit of protein doesn’t simply mean a reduction in quantity but a change in quality as well. [10]
Another study published in 2014 found that lower protein intake in older adults (65 and older) lead to a major reduction in cancer incidence and mortality. The researchers suggest that a diet with restricted protein intake could possibly improve the quality and longevity of life. The Recommended Dietary Allowance for protein is a minimum of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. You can actually use the USDA’s online calculator to compute your protein intake based on your personal needs. [11] [12]
Don’t be fooled by the whole “more protein = better health” shtick! Vegetable protein is an excellent alternative to meat protein (especially since red meat has also been linked with a risk for cancer) and can help reduce cancer occurrence and consequent mortality risk.
~ Acrylamide ~
Fried food is a favorite all over the world – from store-bought potato chips to deep fried chicken. With the advent of “fast food”, the prevalence of deep frying food has reached a new level, adding unhealthy calories and sodium to the daily diet; leading to a high risk for hypertension and heart disease. However, fat and sodium aren’t the only negative things that come with eating fried food. A substance called acrylamide forms when food is fried under extremely high temperatures – especially when burnt; this substance is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a “probably human carcinogen”. Acrylamide doesn’t only occur in fried food, it is actually a common industrial material used in paper and plastic production – meaning trace amounts may also be found in food packaging and similar products. [13]
While recent studies have shown varying results on the effects of acrylamide on humans, it cannot be denied that the substance has been found to increase the risk for cancers of the mouth, throat, bowels, kidney, breast, and ovary. Despite these studies, a systematic review of available acrylamide and cancer literature in 2014 claimed that the majority of studies did not find significant association between the two but that more research is needed in order to draw a significant consensus. [14]
One study in 2014 is dubbed the “first study” to show an actual, direct correlation between acrylamide intake and colorectal cancer – manifesting as specific mutations in the cells of the colon in both men and women. Other damaging effects of acrylamide to the body include cellular aging, infertility, liver toxicity, and even brain damage. [13] [15] [16]
In the meantime, skip or avoid fried food, especially high temperature deep frying. There are many alternative options to frying – you can make baked potato chips at home or opt for roasting your chicken instead. These are excellent ways to help keep off the extra weight, reduce your risk for hypertension, and most importantly, protect yourself from cancer. It is also advisable to avoid eating burnt food of any kind – acrylamide is found in burnt toast and other blackened foods.
Note also that smokers are exposed to substantially more acrylamide from tobacco smoke than from ingesting burnt food. [13]
~ Smoked / Flame Grilled Food ~
Smoking food has been touted as a great alternative to frying because of less fat involved in the cooking process. However, smoking or flame grilling food exposes it to tar formation – the same kind of tar that enters the lungs when you smoke cigarettes. Grilling meat on an open flame exposes food directly to charring and smoke – and this leads to tar forming on the food. According to the WHO, tar contains a myriad of carcinogenic substances that contribute to the development of cancer. While this kind of cooking has become very popular because of the smoky flavors, there are many health risks involved that people often overlook. [18]
Different studies have linked smoked food to the development of breast cancer. One of the most significant was by Tao, et. al. in 2012. They found that there was a strong association between the intake of smoked meat and the risk for acquiring breast cancer. The study found specifically that the risk of breast cancer increased for women with a specific gene called the SULT1A1 variant allele who had high smoked meat intake. [19]
Other studies have similar results linking grilled meat to increased cancer risk. Research done by Tang, et. al. in 2007 concluded that reducing your intake of grilled red meat also reduced the risk for prostate cancer. Joshi, et. al. in 2015 also found a similar relationship between grilled or barbecued meat intake and colorectal cancer. [20] [21]
Time and time again, science has backed up the claims of smoked and grilled food being bad for your health. Maybe it’s time to start avoiding these foods and reduce your risk for cancer altogether.
~ GMOs ~
The growing demand for food sources has led to the creation of genetically-modified organisms or food, popularly called GMOs. The genes of vegetables, fruits, and animals are changed in order (so it is claimed) to resist disease and improve production. However, everything comes with a price – literally and figuratively. GMOs may pose a threat to human health, as well as our economy. GMOs are cheaper than organically grown food but they only funnel money towards large corporations and businesses. But the biggest threat GMOs pose is a significant link to disease, particularly cancer.

Have Fauci and Bill Gates been here???
The scientific community has faced a long battle in the publication of works that show the negative side of genetic engineering. In 1998, Dr. Pusztai conducted research on the effects of eating genetically-engineered potatoes and found that test subjects experienced hormonal problems, developed tumors, and had damaged immune systems. While he remained unpublished and was subsequently suspended by the institute where he worked, his results are not something that the scientific community can turn a blind eye to, no matter what mudslinging is thrown his way. [22]
Another study experienced the same “black-listing” as Pusztai – and this one is pretty recent. In 2014, Sèralini and his group of researchers found similarly damaging results when test subjects were fed with genetically-modified maize. The results showed that eating genetically-modified maize caused severe liver damage and growth of mammary tumors. This study was requested by the editor of Food and Chemical Toxicology to be retracted after one year of publication because the results were “inconclusive”, despite the scientific process and method involved in the study being correct. [23] [24]
Similar results were seen in a published study on genetically-modified bacteria sprayed on crops. The researchers discovered that Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) caused a decrease red blood cell production by the bone marrow or “hematotoxicity” – a process that characterizes a blood cancer called leukemia. [25]
This is of course a highly charged and controversial topic as there are billions of dollars at stake. But one thing is certain – it should be up to you to decide if genetically-modified is worth the money you save and the risk you take with your health and the health of your loved ones. There is no valid reason why food should not be clearly labeled. We have a right to know what we are eating.
~ BHA ~
BHA – butylated hydroxyanisole – is a preservative that was approved by the FDA for use in a variety of products, including food. However according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, BHA is a possible human carcinogen, with numerous studies showing carcinogenicity. Although there are currently no published studies on the effects of BHA on humans, the label “possible human carcinogen” is replicated in different studies on test animals. Despite this, BHA can be found in some cereal, potato chip, and beverage brands that have been designed for extended shelf life. [26]
Vandghanooni, et. al. found that BHA causes severe damage to DNA through cell death and gene fragmentation – basically destroying the body’s DNA. This is an important cornerstone to consider when linking BHA with cancer, since cancer is essentially the mutation of the body’s healthy cells into cancerous ones. Numerous studies even as far back as the 1980s linked BHA intake with stomach cancer, causing damage and modification in cells of the gastrointestinal system. [27] [28]
A newer angle on BHA intake was taken by a group of researchers in 2013, finding that BHA not only causes tumors but also stops the body from fighting back against them. The study revealed that BHA blocked tumor-associated macrophages, affecting the body’s immune response to potentially cancerous growths. [29]
When you buy food from the grocery, be more vigilant in checking food labels, demand lists of ingredients when these are not present – and avoid items with BHA (typically found in snack foods).
~ Farmed Salmon ~
While salmon ranks pretty high on the list as a “healthy food” because of its high vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid content (plus it tastes pretty amazing), the popularity of this fish in the market has led to illegal farming practices – resulting in farmed salmon that is toxic to health, specifically linked to cases of cancer. The scientific community remains divided when it comes to the benefits and risk of eating farmed salmon but one thing is clear – studies have found cancer-causing substances in farmed salmon and certain practices have resulted in elevated health risks.
J. Foran and his team of researchers found that toxins, specifically variations of dioxin, were found in high levels in farmed salmon (higher levels in European salmon compared to American salmon). Their study published in 2005 discovered that the intake of farmed salmon caused an increase in dioxin intake and therefore elevated health risks for consumers. While another study published by Foran, et. al. in the same year concluded that the benefits of salmon consumption outweighed the risks, the results were the same – there were toxic chemicals found in farmed salmon that could cause health effects. [30] [31]
According to the WHO, dioxins have been directly linked to a variety of cancers – and are classified as “known human carcinogens” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). People who are very susceptible to cancer risk from dioxin intake include pregnant women and their unborn children, as well as people who have weak immune systems. [32]
If you’re going to include salmon in your diet, it is suggested to choose wild or organic salmon.
NOTE: Dr. William Donald Kelley developed his Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types in the 1960’s to help bridge the gap of research to practical application. He realized that the overall state of health of this nation could no longer be maintained acceptable unless the nutritional needs of the people were brought into immediate and sharp focus. No one (doctor or patient) knows what a well-balanced meal is. Doctors have not been trained along these disciplines, nor do they have the time or inclination to educate themselves in these areas.
A person may be following a program of the best foods, the best supplements, and plenty of exercise – but how does he or she know that those really are the best foods for them?
Diet – Schmiet! For those who truly want to understand their body’s needs and start on your pathway to Health! This book is a must for everyone – whether they have ever been diagnosed with cancer or not. The bible of Metabolic Typing, as stated by the prestigious Price-Pottenger Institute, “…is the greatest advancement in metabolic typing in 150 years.” ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Editor
~ Microwave Popcorn ~
This famous movie snack is actually a danger to your health – and it’s not just because of the corn, butter and salt. New studies are being conducted on how chemicals found in microwave popcorn packaging can cause cancer.
In 2012, two researchers, Martinez-Moral and Tena, conducted an experiment on microwave popcorn packaging and found that it was abundant in a variety of PFCs or perfluorochemicals. According to the NIH, exposure to PFCs have been directly linked to infertility and cancer, through the dysregulation of hormones and the immune system. While a further experiment conducted by Moreta and Tena in 2014 found that the PFCs did not migrate from the packaging to the popcorn, the presence of PFCs still places the consumer at a certain amount of risk of acquiring cancer. [33] [34] [35]
Another study actually linked microwave popcorn to lung disease, although not specifically cancer. The 2012 study by Egilman and Schilling found that exposure to the flavoring used in microwave popcorn lead to inflammation of the lung’s tiny airways, causing problems in respiration. [36]
Instead of buying microwave popcorn, try to find organic, dried kernels instead. Pop them over the stove and add fresh butter and herbs for a gourmet (and healthy!) version of the popular snack.
~ Canned Food ~
Canned food has caused controversy not just because of its high sodium and preservative content, but because of bisphenol A in the cans themselves. Bisphenol A, also known as “BPA” is a now-infamous chemical that is used to make plastic as well as the lining of metal cans. You will often see “BPA-free” containers everywhere, targeted towards the health-conscious buyer, though according to some reports the BPS that has been used to replace it may be just as hazardous. [37]
According to the Mayo Clinic, BPA has been used in industrial processes since the 1960s – and not just in the manufacture of plastic items; it can be found in food and beverage cans as well – with most people being unaware of the latter. The most dangerous fact to consider is that the body’s biggest source of BPA is through the diet, meaning it comes from BPA-contaminated food and drink we have readily ingested. [38] [39]
BPA is dangerous because numerous studies have linked its presence in the body or exposure to it to certain types of cancer. A recent study published by Deb, et. al. this year in 2016 found that BPA disrupts the body’s hormones and induces the expression of cancer genes, specifically the gene HOXB9 for breast cancer, both in vitro and in vivo. Chen, Z., et. al. also had similar results, but in terms of colorectal cancer. The researchers concluded that BPA caused the spread of colorectal cancer cells to surrounding tissue, triggering metastasis. There are hundreds of studies that have very similar results, linking BPA to cancer occurrence and progression. [39] [40] [41]
To protect the public, the National Institutes of Health suggests reduction or avoidance of canned foods to reduce BPA introduction to the diet. Instead of buying canned food, opt to ditch the cans and eat fresh foods instead. Don’t increase your cancer risk by willingly eating and drinking food from BPA-contaminated cans.
~ Sugar ~
Primarily, sugar has gained its bad reputation for causing persistently high or uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes. Recent studies have also found links to other chronic diseases, with cancer at the forefront. Sugar – specifically glucose – is known to supply fast-growing cancer cells with energy – meaning a diet with high sugar has been theorized to be more likely to fuel the metastasis of cancer cells.
This is not new information. It was in 1931 when Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his work demonstrating that cancer cells in the human body derive nourishment through the fermentation of glucose. He wrote “Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals, is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy-yielding reaction of the lowest living forms; namely a fermentation of glucose.” [42]
New scientific research has identified sugar not only as the fuel source for an already existing cancer, but as a primary driver in oncogenesis – or the transformation of otherwise perfectly healthy cells into cancerous ones. In 2014, Onodera, Nam, and Bissell published a study wherein the results showed that increased glucose uptake activates three oncogenic pathways – forming malignant or cancerous cells. On the other hand, reducing glucose intake suppressed oncogenesis and promoted balance and organization in the formation of new cells. This study shows a whole new side of sugar and raises alarm on the implications of a diet with high glucose intake. [43]
Further studies have also focused on how increased sugar intake can increase your cancer risk. In 2012, Mullie, et. al. found a link between breast cancer and high glycemic index or glycemic load. Even after adjusting for body mass index, physical activity, and other lifestyle choices, as well as menopausal status and hormones, did not significantly affect the results. High glycemic index was still significantly associated with higher breast cancer risk. [44]
In 2015, a study by Lin, et. al. discovered that high glucose consumption promotes metastasis through the migration and invasion of colorectal cancer cells. [45] A 2013 study associated high-glucose intake with increased signaling for cancer-cell production and proliferation. [46]
~ Alcohol ~

Researchers found the number of people who got a liver transplant or were put on a waiting list due to alcoholic hepatitis was 50% higher than what was forecast based on pre-pandemic trends.
Heavy alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of health problems in the world. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol drinking was prevalent in over 88 percent of people aged 18 and older (meaning a person has tried alcohol at least once in their lifetime), with 71 percent reporting that they drank in the previous year, and 57 percent reporting that they drank in the previous month. While alcohol drinking does not necessarily lead to cancer, it has been established that alcohol abuse or heavy alcohol drinking does. A shocking 25 percent of the adult (18 years old and older) population report binge drinking in the past month with 7 percent reporting heavy drinking in the past month. [47]
These statistics should worry you, because alcohol and cancer, particularly liver cancer, go hand in hand. Repeatedly drinking alcohol causes the liver to become damaged and cirrhotic, because the liver is the organ responsible for filtering out the toxins from alcohol out of the blood. In return, the cells of the liver become damaged, which can eventually lead to mutation and cancer. Liver cirrhosis, a condition characterized by the irreversible damage to the liver, is a primary risk factor for developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCCA) or liver cancer. [48]
According to a 2012 study conducted in Japan, heavy alcohol drinking by both men and women significantly increased the risk for acquiring primary liver cancer. [49] Chuang, et. al. in 2015 concluded that one alcoholic drink per day (meaning approximately 12 grams of pure alcohol per day) could increase your risk for liver cancer by 1.1 times – and this risk is cumulative. The more alcohol you drink, the more you become at risk for liver cancer. [50]

During Prohibition, you had to have a prescription.
But i doesn’t stop there! Consuming alcohol has also been linked to other cancers. Benzon Larsen, et. al. in 2010 found that alcohol intake was a risk factor for breast cancer. [51] Xu, et. al. in 2016 similarly found a link between alcohol intake and colorectal cancer, with alcohol causing cancer cells to become more aggressive and cause faster progression of the disease. [52]
Because alcohol can be addictive, we all have to be careful regarding our exposure to it. One drink can turn into two, two into three, and so on. However, for people who find that they do not wish to completely say no to alcohol, the “safest” amount to drink according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is one drink for women and two drinks per day for men. [53]
And for those who say that red wine is good for you? Much of the benefit is in the grapes, not the alcohol. You can drink grape juice.
~ Artificial Sweeteners ~
In a world where sugar has gained a bad reputation for causing weight gain, many people have turned towards heavily-marketed “sugar-free” products and artificial sweeteners. However, are artificial sweeteners a healthy alternative? Strong scientific evidence suggests otherwise. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to multiple health problems – from problems with the body’s natural metabolism to cancer.
Recent studies have linked the use of artificial sweeteners to metabolic disease. A study published by Suez, et. al. and Shwiertz, et. al. in 2014 and 2009 respectively. Suez, et. al. found that artificial sweeteners cause more far-reaching effects than making food tasted (allegedly) “better”. When non-caloric artificial sweeteners (or NAS) enter the body’s digestive system, they cause a change in the normal flora or microbiota of the intestinal tract or gut. This disturbance causes the body to become intolerant to glucose, which can cause persistent hyperglycemia and eventual diabetes – the disease you wanted to avoid in the first place by replacing sugar with NAS! [54]
While diabetes does not directly cause cancer, it can help promote its growth because of the persistently high levels of sugar and insulin in the blood. According to research done by the American Diabetes Association, there are specific kinds of tumors that are receptive to insulin, which can cause them to grow and spread rapidly, particularly in the case of breast tumors. Similarly, problems with metabolism also contribute to hormonal imbalances, which have been associated with a higher risk for breast, endometrial, and other similar cancers. [55]
While the “official position” of the US FDA is that artificial sweeteners are safe, a study published in 2012 revealed a potential link between artificial sweeteners and leukemia and lymphoma in men – and while these results were inconclusive, the possibility of causation exists. We cannot discount that there are cases the link between artificial sweetener intake and cancer diagnoses in humans. [56]
If you want to watch your weight or want to manage your metabolism (with or without a diagnosed metabolic disorder), wean yourself off of your addiction to sweet foods. At the very least, opt for natural unwashed sugar or better sugar alternatives like honey, which (as long as it is genuine) has significant antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
~ Soft Drinks ~
Both carbonated and non-carbonated “soft drinks” are linked to a variety of metabolic disorders because of their high sugar content. People who drink a lot of sugary beverages are usually at high risk for diabetes. However, scientific study has demonstrated that there is concern that popular fizzy drinks can cause cancer.
Soft drinks have been directly linked or associated with a variety of cancers, according to a review of several studies done by Aune in 2012. Aune suggested a link between soft drink intake and risk for blood cancers like leukemia. The study was published by Schernhammer and found that soft drinks sweetened with artificial sweetener could increase a man’s risk for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and leukemia. [57]
In a study published by Cuomo, Andreozzi, and Zito in 2014, soft drinks were found to increase the risk for pancreatic cancer. The study suggests that carbon dioxide produced by the drink inside the gastrointestinal tract could alter its cellular composition and cause the formation of cancer cells. Similar results were seen in a study by Mueller, et. al. in 2010, wherein the researchers found a statistically significant increase in pancreatic cancer risk among people who drank 2 or more soft drinks per week. [58] [59]
Soft drinks are perhaps one of the worst food items you can include in your diet. Instead of grabbing a can of soda, try drinking fresh juice or water with mint or citrus fruits added instead. They are much healthier alternatives that taste as good, if not better.
~ Food Additives ~
Artificial food additives have long been linked with the development of various diseases – from heart disease to cancer. These additives are added to foods in order to prolong their shelf life and improve their taste – but at what cost?

Hot dogs qualify as an ultra-processed food, since they’re packed with preservatives. – Dennis Van Tine via AP Images
Numerous recent publications have shed light on a variety of adverse health effects of food additives. There are hundreds of food additives in the market but here are a few to watch out for:
Sodium nitrite is a popular additive used in preserving meat, but it has been directly linked to liver cancer, specifically to the invasion and migration of liver cancer cells. [60]
Titanium dioxide (the same substance used in sunscreen) has been linked to colon cancer, forming tumors in the distal colon. [61]
Propyl gallate is an additive used in meats, popcorn, chewing gum, and a variety of other food items but has been found to cause cell death and DNA fragmentation, characteristics found in cases of cancer. [62]
Several food coloring agents have also been associated with cancer and other health problems by various studies: Blue 2 was associated with statistically significant incidence of tumors, particularly brain gliomas, in male rats. Green 3 caused significant increases in bladder and testes tumors in male rats. Red 40 may accelerate the appearance of immune-system tumors in mice. The dye causes hypersensitivity (allergy-like) reactions in a small number of consumers and might trigger hyperactivity in children. Yellow 6 caused adrenal tumors in animals, though this is disputed by industry and the FDA. [63] While additives may improve the longevity and appeal of food, they bring a lot of health risks to the table. This is why the movement against preservatives has gotten so big over the last few years. When you go grocery shopping, choosing additive-free food may be an important way to protect yourself from cancer.
~ rBGH ~

rBGH Cow – Robyn O’Brien
rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) is injected into cows, typically by larger scale dairy operations that maintain hundreds, if not thousands of milk-producing cows – to force their cows to make more milk than normal. This hormone is synthetic (meaning it was manufactured in a lab) and has been approved by the USA Food and Drug Administration despite not being approved by the European Union, Canada, and other countries. [64]
It is unsurprising that traces of the hormone have been found in the “inorganic milk” these cows produce – and this is where human health risk starts. In cows, rBGH causes an increase in IGF-1 (insulin growth factor) production, which is a substance very similar to insulin. This can cause problems with the body’s metabolic process and has been directly linked to a higher risk for both breast and prostate cancer. [65] [66]
These studies that link rBGH and IGF to cancer are the major reasons why other countries have banned the production of milk from rBGH-treated cows. Despite these measures around the world, the FDA still continues to promote rBGH use in milk production. Although major public awareness campaigns on rBGH and IGF have caused a decrease in demand for milk from rBGH-treated cows, this milk and its derivatives can still be found in the marketplace – because the FDA allows them! Be vigilant in choosing your milk and protect yourself from breast and prostate cancer. Choose brands that are rBGH free – including not only milk but other products that include milk.
~ Hydrogenated Oils ~
Many cooking oils are hydrogenated and have been heavily processed to prolong their shelf-life. Hydrogenated cooking oils undergo industrial processes wherein liquid oils are converted into a solid form through the addition of hydrogen. This kind of oil typically contains trans-fatty acids (a.k.a. trans fats), which, according to the Mayo Clinic are the worst kind of fats you can add to your diet. Trans fats increase your LDL or “bad” cholesterol – the kind that contributes to heart disease – and lowers HDL or “good” cholesterol. You can find hydrogenated oils and their trans fat components in numerous baked goods, junk food, fried food, some creamers, and margarine. [67]
In a study published in 2000 by McKelvey, Greenland, and Sandler, the intake of hydrogenated oil was associated with an increased risk for colorectal adenomas, a kind of cancer characterized by the formation of tumors in the colon and rectum. The researchers found that consumption of sweetened baked goods and other foods made with hydrogenated oil increased the prevalence of adenomas. [68] Because hydrogenated oils are likewise rich in trans fats, they also increase cancer risk in men and women.
Other studies focus on the dangers of trans fats and how they can cause various cancers. Laake, et. al. in 2013 found a link between trans fat consumption from partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and cancers of the stomach and breast. Chavarro, et. al. in 2008 found a link between trans-fatty acid levels in blood and increase in prostate cancer risk because of the increase risk for prostate tumors. [69] [70]
There are many alternatives to hydrogenated oils such as grapeseed, coconut, and olive oil – all oils that are naturally occurring and do not undergo the ontroversial chemical processing of hydrogenated oils. You can also steam, boil, or even bake foods instead of frying them to reduce this cancer risk.
~ Conclusion ~
Over the last 30 years or so, the medical profession and the medical community have progressed to unprecedented heights and achievements in areas of reconstruction and surgical procedure. They have worked hard and deserve every bit of the respect and honor they receive. They have done remarkably well in applying technological advances to their profession.
The medical community has centered its energies and advancement around the infectious and traumatic cases. It has all but conquered infections of all types. Surgical procedures and treatment of traumatic ills have advanced equally with control of the infectious diseases. In short, what the medical community does, it does well, unsurpassed in the history of mankind.
But the problems for which the medical community is so well trained and equipped to handle account for only a percentage of the illnesses in our society. In the balance of the cases involving degeneration or metabolic conditions, little hope is received. ~ William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
Written for and Published by Health Power Boost ~ October 10, 2023