Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, a student of Dr. William. D. Kelley, DDS, MS, reveals the unspoken history of chemotherapy; news about its side effects that Western medicine has ignored for decades and, most importantly, what you need to know about its success rate – unreported by the mainstream media.
In this video he takes a very unbiased approach to the pros and cons of chemotherapy. Patients should always do what they think is best for them whether it involves conventional or alternative treatment. ~ July 24, 2015
I love this interview. I am amazed at how generous and kind Dr. Gonzalez is to conventional oncologists. There have been several polls of conventional oncologists in which they were asked if diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer they would take chemotherapy or give it to a loved one. More than 73% said, “No”. How then do they justify continuing to give it to their patients? How do they sleep at night? ~ Jeff Bell
NOTE: Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD passed away of suspicious circumstances three days before the above video was made public. ~ Editor
Thank-you for this wonderful interview. I will continue to study Dr. Gonzalez’s work, and those he has recommended as well. What a wonderful human being and a true Doctor, which means “teacher”. I wish he was still with us, but he has giving us true teaching about true healing!!! We are blessed to still have him with us! cheers. ~ Dr. Elizabeth Martin
He died a while ago. I do remember him. He was heavily educated too. As usual, the establishment called him a quack. Nothing new there, if someone does not go the chemo, radiation, surgery, etc. route. He was a M.D. so it made him different in many eyes. What I know, he was a good man and his treatments were good or better than the established protocol. ~ Tom Jones
If that video isn’t considered a pure stream of consciousness, honesty, education, intelligence, articulation, common sense, straight forward…. then I don’t know what is. That is the kind of physician I want treating me if I get cancer…. heck, he’s the kind of physician I would want as my primary!!! I’m sorry he didn’t live longer. My condolences to the family. ~ Autumn McCall

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley