June 26, 2023 ~ cancer, Cancer, CANCER

How long can you have cancer without knowing? Undetectable types and more
Cancer is a complex and diverse group of diseases. It can develop silently within the body, sometimes without noticeable symptoms, until it reaches an advanced stage. This can make early detection and diagnosis challenging.

However, doctors can diagnose many cancers early, even before symptoms develop.

This article explores how long a person can have cancer without knowing and the types of cancer that may have the potential to go undetected… (Continue to full article)

Team identifies a nutrient that cancer cells crave
Arginine is an amino acid naturally produced by our bodies and plentiful in the fish, meat, and nuts that we eat. But as recent research in Science Advances reveals, arginine is an essential nutrient for cancer cells too. And starving them of it could potentially render tumors more vulnerable to the body’s natural immune response.

Researchers from Sohail Tavazoie’s Laboratory of Systems Cancer Biology at Rockefeller University have found that in a variety of human cancers, this amino acid becomes limited, prompting these cells to seek a clever genetic workaround: When arginine levels drop, they manipulate proteins at their disposal to more efficiently take up arginine and other amino acids. And remarkably, in a bid to keep growing, they induce mutations that reduce their reliance on it.

“It’s like if you had a Lego set, and you’re trying to build a fancy model plane, and you run out of the right bricks, the only way to still build the plane would be if you had altered blueprints that don’t require the missing bricks.”… (Continue to full article)

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Some cancers shouldn’t be treated
Early, non-aggressive tumors should be called “nodules.”

The collective effort to improve the treatment of cancer is often described as a “war,” as if malignant tumors are a scourge to be ruthlessly rooted out and destroyed the second they are detected. But oncologists are now increasingly calling for a truce in the case of many cancers. The fight might have gone too far.

As cancer screening has grown more powerful in scope and increasingly widespread, we’re detecting more cancers than ever before, and catching them earlier. A CDC study published last year found that between 2009 and 2018, the number of people diagnosed with cancer climbed from 1,292,222 to 1,708,921.

Cancer, what many people instinctively view as a death sentence, actually exists on a wide spectrum, ranging from ultra low risk, with less than a 5% chance of progressing over two decades, to extremely high risk, more than a 75% chance of progressing over one to two years. Since cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and surgery, can be costly and life-altering, the goal should be to wield these weapons in the cases they are called for, and keep them sheathed when they are not… (Continue to full article)

What Is Metastatic Cancer?
Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread from its original location to a distant part of the body. Most metastatic cancers are not curable, although people with well-controlled metastatic cancer can live for many years.

Signs of metastatic cancer

Metastatic cancers are serious and difficult to treat. While most are incurable, they can be managed for months or even years with the right treatment. And certain kinds of metastatic cancer, such as testicular cancer, can be curable.

The first cancerous tumor that develops is the primary tumor. This tumor can grow big enough to push into nearby tissue and organs. Also, cells can break away from the tumor and spread through tissue to form new tumors in nearby tissues, organs, or lymph nodes.

Cancer cells can also enter your bloodstream or lymphatic system. From there, they can travel just about anywhere in your body. When tumors form in a distant part of your body, you have metastatic cancer. For many types of cancer, metastatic cancer is also known as stage 4 cancer… (Continue to full article)

Lesser-Known Spices for Natural Cancer Prevention and Treatment!

Since ancient times, spices have been used to prevent and treat many diseases. There are many spices known to cure many incurable diseases. There have been voyagers, including Christopher Columbus, who explored the globe searching for treasured spices.

Many documented studies prove that more than adding flavors, these valued commodities are revered for their potential health benefits. The antioxidant properties and the biological effects arise from spice’s ability to induce changes in cellular processes. This includes those involved with cell division, drug metabolism, differentiation, apoptosis, and immunocompetence.

Some researchers suggest that spices may be a key to determining the balance between pro-and anticancer factors that regulate risk and tumor behavior. Recently, a rise has been noted in household use of spices, and about 75% of people in the U.S. believe this dietary approach reduces the risk of diseases, including cancer… (Continue to full article)

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