Loudon: Why are so Many Younger People getting Cancer

But Jimmy – there are cures for Cancer!

The following was submitted to Kettle Moraine Publications for publishing on May 16, 2022, but was lost in a fiasco in our computer system. It has recently been relocated and we are happy to submit it to our readers for your consideration.

Since it’s original submission – America and the world has been bombarded with Covid and massive vaccinations which were labelled as “experimental” – hence – no guarantees or submissions of compensation from insurance companies. In recent postings on this site, it has been discovered that the increase of cancer due to these horrendous vaccines has proven to have caused an increase in the diagnosis and deaths via cancer.   ~ Editor

The obituaries in our town are showing many people in their 50s, 60s and even 70s, that are leaving us and this wonderful world way to early. Many of these people are dying from cancer. A short time ago, one of our dear friends died of breast cancer at the young age of 63. This is sad. This is also odd, since many longevity physicians and researchers are saying that our bodies have the telomeres that will last until a person reaches 120 years old. But one big problem is, in over 70 years, cancer doctors have not been able to improve their success rates for curing cancer.

There are many stories about the millionaires and Billionaires getting stem cell therapy, I.V. bone marrow injections, and other telomere lengthening treatments which will give them many extra years of life. Many of these people realize that they also have to follow a strict regimin of exercising, eating an excellent diet, and keeping a lifestyle that enhances fighting diseases and cancer, plus keeping long telomeres and long life. Your telomeres are the tiny “countdown clocks” that are at the end of each DNA strand, inside your body cells. Dr. Al Sears says “short telomeres have been linked to a 300% increased rate of death from heart disease, cancer, plus with an 800% higher death rate from infectious diseases.”

Most of us are not able to afford the high costs of taking these stem cell life enhancers to extend our lives. And really, are stem cells that sustain the fountain of youth, going to enable everyone to live a disease free, and healthy long life? If we look closely, we might find the reason for the diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases that are shortening these people’s lives. If we understand what causes these diseases, and how to combat them, then every person has the telomeres to live a long life, but it may not be easy in this complex, sad environmental, GMO. refined and processed food world. There is more diabetes, alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, auto immune diseases, and cancer, than ever before.

The center for disease control stated that many alternative preventive physicians are finding that the diets of many Americans are prematurely killing them. One hundred twenty lbs. of sugar per year that the average person in the U.S. eats, cannot stretch the telomeres into a longer length. The tiny pancreas cannot control the insulin from the bad diet, and does not have enough enzymes for an excess of sugar and protein. They are finding that “ninety percent” of all diseases can be attributed to “TWO’ very serious ailments. These ailments change the DNA and RNA changes in the body cell mitochondria, and can cause many diseases, plus cancer. First, an acidic, bad sugar, omega 6 oil, refined and processed food diet, mentioned many times in previous bulletins, produce toxins and “INFLAMMATION,” in the one celled walls of the small intestine. These ornery bad bacteria, candida, parasites, other culprits, and toxins then cause “LEAKY GUT>” Leaky gut creates holes in the small intestine that allow the nasty toxins, bad bacteria, candida, other parasites, and every other nasty germ to get into the blood stream. Diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and cancer follows. The telomeres crawl into the corner and start to give up their long length.

But hope is on the horizon. Eliminating stress and worry can be the forerunner to a longer life. Eating a good diet, with mostly raw or lightly cooked foods, polyunsaturated oils, getting good supplements, minerals, eliminating bad omega 6 oils, and sugar, exercising, plus keeping or maintaining a neutral acid/base balance in your body cells and blood, can change the conditions, and let the telomeres come out of the corner. With these changes, people can live a longer life, and many will also prevent cancer with these lifestyle, and diet modifications.

Dr. Al Sears has made it his life’s work to research and teach his patients how to increase the length of their telomeres and live a longer life. He states that the most critical thing is to know is your telomere age. The shorter your telomeres are, the more you are prone to symptoms of old age. He has several biomarkers that test the telomere age and biological age of his patients. He then helps correct their diets and gives them changes in their biomarkers to lengthen their telomeres. His biomarkers include, heart and lung power., bone density and strength, memory, artery health, hormones, grip strength, hearing, and range of motion. These are combined with a strict diet with the instructions that are mentioned above.

Dr. Sears also has some suggestions on how to restore your telomeres. One supplement he recommends is MILK THISTLE. It increases telomerase activity threefold. Silymarin, its ingredient, is a very strong antioxidant that stops free radical damage in body cells. Buy the highest concentrations available because the higher concentrations improve absorption and bioavailability.

Another great extract not only inhibits the oxidative stress that causes aging, but lengthens the telomeres by as much as 40 percent. It is an extract from the terminalia chebula tree. It is also known as haritaki and myrobaian. It has been used for thousands of years to cure a wide variety of diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, and diabetes. In India, it is known as a great medicine. Dr. Sears says it is hard to get, but a person needs to find a website that specializes in Ayurvedic herbs.

I hope these suggestions will help you in your quest for a long, prosperous, disease free, healthy, vital, energetic, and long life. If these suggestions will help one person or more, in living a longer life, it will fulfill my mission. Living a longer life is the obligation of each person, and determines the quality of life that they want to lead. It is sometimes hard to maintain the standards necessary to keeping long telomeres, but in the long term, it is worth it.

~ the Author ~
Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. graduated from the University Of Washington School Of Dentistry in 1957. After two years of service in the Air Force, he started a private practice in East Wenatchee, Washington. For the past 45 years his practice has included Orthodontics and TM Dysfunction treatment specializing in temporomandibular pain treatment, headache, head and neck pain control, functional jaw orthopedics, and straight wire orthodontics. Associated with mercury elimination, oral surgery, crowns and bridges is TMJ treatment, diet control, parasite elimination, intestinal cleansing and healing (wellness).

Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has taught advanced courses for dentists on TM Dysfunction treatment, orthodontics and related pain control for more than 30 years. In 1972 he was the first dentist in Washington to use straight wire orthodontics and the first dentist to correct vertical deficiencies in children by placing vertical dimension-primary molar buildups and/or vertical (erupting) appliances. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. was involved with the first group of dentists to recognize lateral tongue splinting in young infants and integrate functional and fixed techniques to correct vertical dimension deficiencies and condylar placement. He is the originator of vertical dimension-primary molar build ups, which help to correct deep bites and Otitus media in children. He invented the Loudon-Chateau Anterior Repositioning Appliance, the functional muscle malocclusion concept, the twelve commandments of occlusion and the vertical overbite domino rule. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has written numerous articles in several American and foreign dental journals and has lectured in over 50 cities and 7 foreign countries on functional jaw orthopedics, fixed wire orthodontics, Otitus media treatment and TM Dysfunction treatment. He has been instrumental in setting up criteria for teaching in the International Association For Orthodontics, including the certified instructor program.

Dr. Loudon is a member of The American Dental Association, Diplomat and Senior Instructor in the International Association for Orthodontics, and is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management. He also is a member of the American Orthodontic Society.