Things that the corporate media will not tell you…

…and things their social media companies ban

It’s YOUR Health and YOUR Choice…. it is time to bring all of this to a flying HALT!

* The Great Deception

* They Created a Religious Belief — a Political Identity to Invoke the Frauda

* The Real Reason They Locked Down the Healthy

* Dr. Simone Gold on Politicized Covid Misrepresentations Lies — excellent presentation

* Injected? You’ve been Magnetized. Why?

* Dirty Electricity is ONE of the Co-Factors in Immunity Failure

* If you have had it, Especially You Should Never be Vaxxed

* More reasons to not accept the Vaccination

* Deadly Blood Clot Cases Multiplying Among the Vaxxed

* Spike Protein NOT “virus” Damages Cardiovascular System that, in part, is why the shots are causing emergencies and deaths

* How Many Have Died from Covid “vaccines”? – more than you think, and that is just the officially reported ones

* Covud-19 MISTAKE

* Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaxxes—The Heart Attack Jab blood clot roulette — GOOD LUCK!

* Dad Says Life ‘Not the Same’ for 21-Year-Old Student Who Developed Myocarditis After Second Moderna Shot

* Will The Covid VAX for some cause Brain Damage, Alzheimer’s?

~ Highly Recommended Expose ~

* COVID19 treatment expert Dr Peter McCollough – his disturbing but credible perspective