The Soil, Energy, Cations, Anions and Lemons

The energy in our bodies is directly related to the soil. The soil produces the 67+ minerals and nutrients that are needed in our bodies. The most wonderful thing is that these minerals and nutrients are related to our body cells and the energy our body needs to operate, digest foods, move around, think, and most of all, feed our intestinal bacteria so we can stay healthy and live a long happy, great quality of life.

The minerals and nutrients for the body, especially calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphate, potassium, nitrogen, phosphoric acid, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and scores of others are picked up from the roots of plants that produce the live, fresh, raw vegetables, nuts, fruits, berries, melons, seeds, squash, sprouts, bulbs, and the leaves that we consume. When we consume the products of chickens, fish, marine species, goats, cows, and pigs, that also provides us with minerals, oils, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, and other nutrients, but not like the important minerals, oils, and nutrients from raw fresh food from plants and trees.

These numerous minerals and nutrients are transferred through the small intestine by bacteria into the blood, body cells, organs, and brain. They make up our brain cells, body cells, and organs plus the energy that we produce.

The process sounds simple but the hundreds of food producers, warehouses, packaging plants, the FDA, plus many other government agencies have thrown wrenches into the refined and processed food. They make food, oils, supplements, and nutrient selection very complex and complicated.

The Production of Energy
There are some very important processes that occur between the soil and the creation of energy in the human body. To understand, I will try to explain it in ENERGY 101.

First, a person needs to know there are two different types of molecules produced by these plants, trees, and animals. These atoms (molecules), plus other refined and processed food atoms (molecules) make up the energy in our bodies. The first type of molecule is called an ion or ionic molecule. Basically, an ionic molecule is digested (processed) by the body into an alkaline type molecule. Some other foods may when digested (processed) by the body, form another type of atom (molecule) called a cation or cationic molecule. This type turns into an acetic molecule in the body.

Breaking this down with a little organic biochemistry, the anion or anionic atom (molecule) has a nucleus and electrons that have a negative charge The electrons travel in a clockwise direction around the nucleus. The cation or cationic atom (molecule) has a positive charge and the electrons travel in a counterclockwise orbit around the nucleus. This alkaline and acidic valence forms a tiny electrical circuit called a Hertz or pH. The electrical circuit can be measured with vibration instruments or with hydrion litmus paper, showing whether the saliva, urine, body cells and blood is alkaline or acidic.

Why is this important? Because these two different types of opposite moving atoms and molecules combine in the body to create energy. In fact, they create the energy that is in our intestinal bacteria, body cells, organs, and even in our brain. If there is not a balance of these two types of atoms (molecules) or resistance, loss of energy and disease will ensue. It is not possible to have only anions or cations.

The atoms and molecules in raw, fresh foods, minerals, and nutrients produce these wonderful anions, while the atoms and molecules of refined and processed foods, GMO foods, plus acetic foods produce the cations. An overload of cations in the diet and small intestines leads to inflammation, toxins, bad bacteria, and parasites which cause “leaky gut” (holes in the small intestinal lining) letting tiny protein particles, food particles, bad bacteria, toxins, parasite larvae, and other mischievous aliens into the bloodstream, organs body cells, and even the brain causing disease.

The following is a very important PEARL. In order to create optimum energy, a great healthy brain, good immune system, great health, prevent disease, and create longevity, you need 80 percent ionic (good) bacteria and 20 percent cationic (bad) bacteria in your small intestine. (an 80/20 ratio). A raw, fresh food diet needs to be the foundation of your food intake. When optimum diet and acid/base balance are obtained, optimum energy, health, and longevity will be your reward.

The objective of creating maximum energy, plus maximum health is to keep a balance of both good anions and some cations, but not overload on cationic (refined, processed, and acidic) food. This keeps the electrical (acid/alkaline) optimum balance at a 6.4 optimum hydrion litmus paper pH reading.

Hydrion litmus paper has colored graduations going from 5.5 (acidic, cationic) to 8.8 (ionic, alkaline) reading. 6.2 to 6.8 is a good acid/alkaline balance, while a 6.4 reading is ideal. When the reading is 6.2 or less, you are heading for trouble in River City. Low cationic foods have no energy (dead) foods, and will swing the pendulum to the disease state.

Dr. Carey Reams and His Biological Ionization Theory
Dr. Reams states that outside of the body, live, raw, fresh plant and tree nutrients and minerals are mostly cationic until the pancreas metabolizes them with alkaline pancreatic enzymes. This process changes the raw, fresh plant and tree foods into anionic (alkaline) rich intestinal bacteria food (note; intestinal bacteria food.) If there is an overload of cationic refined, processed, GMO, or acidic foods, the 80/20 (good to bad) food ratio changes reducing the energy that can be produced plus it creates a disease state. Dr. Reams explains that in the body, newly ingested live fresh plant and tree minerals and nutrients are mostly cationic except for the lemon. You would think that an acidic vitamin C containing lemon would be cationic, but that is misleading. Raw, fresh lemon juice stimulates the pancreas to produce alkaline enzymes. That is why many naturopaths, nutritionists, and alternative physicians advocate turmeric and lemon juice at night and in the morning to raise the pH (acid/alkaline) balance. A chronic acidic body is a nesting ground for disease.

My pH has always been very acidic, no matter what I eat. I have a lemon juice and turmeric cocktail every night and morning to raise my pH. It seems to be working very well.

May 8, 2021

~ the Author ~
Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. graduated from the University Of Washington School Of Dentistry in 1957. After two years of service in the Air Force, he started a private practice in East Wenatchee, Washington. For the past 45 years his practice has included Orthodontics and TM Dysfunction treatment specializing in temporomandibular pain treatment, headache, head and neck pain control, functional jaw orthopedics, and straight wire orthodontics. Associated with mercury elimination, oral surgery, crowns and bridges is TMJ treatment, diet control, parasite elimination, intestinal cleansing and healing (wellness).

Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has taught advanced courses for dentists on TM Dysfunction treatment, orthodontics and related pain control for more than 30 years. In 1972 he was the first dentist in Washington to use straight wire orthodontics and the first dentist to correct vertical deficiencies in children by placing vertical dimension-primary molar buildups and/or vertical (erupting) appliances. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. was involved with the first group of dentists to recognize lateral tongue splinting in young infants and integrate functional and fixed techniques to correct vertical dimension deficiencies and condylar placement. He is the originator of vertical dimension-primary molar build ups, which help to correct deep bites and Otitus media in children. He invented the Loudon-Chateau Anterior Repositioning Appliance, the functional muscle malocclusion concept, the twelve commandments of occlusion and the vertical overbite domino rule. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has written numerous articles in several American and foreign dental journals and has lectured in over 50 cities and 7 foreign countries on functional jaw orthopedics, fixed wire orthodontics, Otitus media treatment and TM Dysfunction treatment. He has been instrumental in setting up criteria for teaching in the International Association For Orthodontics, including the certified instructor program.

Dr. Loudon is a member of The American Dental Association, Diplomat and Senior Instructor in the International Association for Orthodontics, and is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management. He also is a member of the American Orthodontic Society.