Index of Signs and Symptoms of Acute Poisoning

This index provides a table of pesticides and their related symptoms and signs and affected organ systems in poisoned individuals. This may be useful in raising the index of suspicion for pesticide toxicity where these signs and symptoms occur. Such suspicion can be evaluated further within the differential diagnosis as appropriate.

It is important to keep in mind that the signs and symptoms listed have multiple causes, pesticidal and nonpesticidal. In addition, no specific symptoms or signs are invariably present in poisonings by particular pesticides. Toxicological presentation may vary based on dosage, route(s) of exposure, life stage of the patient, and patient’s genetic vulnerability, co-exposures and/or underlying health status. This complexity may explain why many poisonings are characterized by unexpected or atypical manifestations.

It is important to keep in mind that the signs and symptoms listed have multiple causes, pesticidal and nonpesticidal.

Index of Signs and Symptoms of Acute Poisoning.pdf