The Medical Corruption that few People have Heard About

With the political corruption in the U.S. so rampant, a person does not hear very much about the medical system, and how it is controlled by the Drug companies, FDA, and even the government in some areas.

Political corruption is everywhere. The political corruption in the United States is so rampant that it extends right up to the front steps of the white house. It has invaded our government in a very large, destructive way.

Most political corruption in the U.S. is controlled by crooked politicians, crooked billionaires, large mega-corporations, the media, CIA, FBI, FDA, drug companies, and foreign countries that are not our friends. Corruption creates a huge disaster for our freedoms, our liberty, our laws, our children, our grandchildren, and even poor people who are just trying to survive.

In Websters Dictionary, corruption is described as “perversive or deterioration of moral principles, attaining a treason or a felony, deprivation, adulteration, taint, bribery, to destroy, bribe, contaminate, pervert, make or become corrupt.” Treason is defined as; 1. Violation of the allegiance owed to one’s sovereign state, and/or betrayal of the constitution of the United States. 2. Any betraying, treachery, breach of faith, or betrayal of trust in the constitution. There are even more definitions in some dictionaries.

The formula for corruption is to use pressure for blackmail, infiltrate companies or nations for technical information, induce population and people control, use U.S. taxpayer’s money and leverage it for personal, family greed and money, or seduce people for money and information. Politicians create huge multi-billion military and government contracts and receive a kickback behind the back for a politician’s signature, and/or give U.S. secrets to foreign countries for money. These actions deprive companies that will enhance health and welfare from legally operating, while politicians are making laws that are not truthful in their meaning and objectives, etc. Much of this corruption edges up to the act of treason.

But that is only one half of what I want to discuss today. I call it “the greatest medical hoax in U.S. history“.

Have you ever wondered why American citizens in the U.S. pay four to five times more for medical treatment than in most other countries? What is the reason for the high medical costs? When did this situation and medical hoax begin? Why don’t we have a cure for many diseases like cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure, when they are available in other countries? How did big Pharma and drugs end up being our biggest medical treatment system? These questions and more need to be answered to solve the reason why we have the most expensive medical system in the world.

There is no doubt that we need physicians and associates to treat many ills, diseases, and medical problems. But something has gone wrong with the way that we treat many diseases and illnesses with many treatments and drugs that are being used today. This is especially true in the treatment of cancer.

In the shadows a long time ago, a certain millionaire connived to develop and control our U.S. medical system. From the beginning, he developed a plan to start a system that ended up being big Pharma, and the control of our medical system, colleges, drug companies, and doctors.

Before 1878 most of the medical treatments in the U.S. were plant-based and homeopathic medicine. Almost all countries today use homeopathic treatment and medications, along with modern medicine. They not only surpass the U.S. in successful cures of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases but have four to five times less cost for the patient.

The beginnings of big Pharma started with John D. Rockefeller in 1878. He controlled a vast oil empire and made millions of dollars with over 90 percent of the oil business. Cars were just invented and the use of oil was just the beginning. His grandiose ideas in medicine and medical treatment came about that time when the discovery of aspirin was made by Felix Hoffman, a German scientist. Rockefeller knew that a new medical frontier could be opened up with the use of petrochemicals.

Rockefeller realized that to expand his medical empire, he would have to change the plant-based and homeopathic medical system to a petrochemical medicine domination. This would be no small task. He visualized that petrochemicals could be the foundation for medicine, including aspirin, penicillin, and other treatment drugs.

First, he established the Rockefeller Institute for medical research. His leader, Fredrick Gates, in 1901, was influenced by a new book, “Principles and Practice of Medicine,” written by Sir William Osler. Osler was an early pioneer of “Eugenics,” the study of hereditary improvement by genetic control. Bill Gate’s name is often mentioned using the word Eugenics. What is interesting about this is that C. C. Little, a eugenics follower, and early president of the American Cancer Society, became the founding member of the birth control league, which eventually became known as “Planned Parenthood.”

In 1913, Rockefeller, his son, and Frederic Gates joined in a new project. the goal was to justify the modernization, streamlining, and consolidation of medical teaching in medical schools and hospitals. This effort forced out most of the teaching for plant- based and homeopathic medicine. This was a greedy, control effort that changed the course of medicine in the U.S. Many homeopathic schools were closed and many had to change their curriculums. Some doctors were even jailed. This was the beginning of a new era, “a pill for every ill.”

After 1913, all medical schools and hospitals, to receive Rockefeller grants and money, were directed to teach and do research in the directed medical areas where these newly discovered drugs could be patented and sold in the many drug outlets within the Rockefeller empire. This included Squibb, which at the time, was a wholly-owned Rockerfeller business. New great, helpful medicines, techniques, and medical machines that were not sanctioned by the FDA were denied by the FDA and drug companies. This practice is still going on today. Many great treatments and machines that are being used to cure cancer in other countries are being restricted for use in the U.S.

During world war II big Pharma was well established and bringing in high profits. They were filtering money to the FDA, lobbyists, drug companies, and even cancer doctors. This is still going on today. Over the years big Pharma has entrenched itself into the ropes of the government, FDA, lobbyists, drug companies, and even some specialized doctors. Also, many of the smaller drug companies were bought out by the larger drug companies.

Researchers say that more than 50 percent of all Americans are over medicated. The Rockefeller dream has cost the U.S. patients millions of dollars. It has increased the medical insurance charges and profit by millions of dollars. Now, medical treatments and drugs cost American patients over 500 billion dollars a year, and over 200 billion for cancer treatment alone. The cure rate for cancer in the U.S. on average is about 55 percent for people living over 5 years after treatment. In some types of cancer, it is higher. In many foreign countries, the cure rate is much higher. Some private cancer treatment centers like the Budwig cancer clinic in Spain and the Gerson clinic in Mexico are getting cure results that are above 85 percent.

My brother Jim was diagnosed with lymphoma. His medical insurance company paid out about $13,000.00 per month for chemotherapy. Over 4 years of treatment, the insurance costs were over $500,000.00. The treatment did not cure his lymphoma but subdued and retarded it over that time.

But there is some hope. New research, artificial intelligence, electric pulse machines like the CellSonic VIPP therapy, and the Onestsu 4 in 1 blanket used by the Budwig cancer clinic in Spain are helping cure cancer. For more information on the VIPP therapy machine, you can contact Information on the 4 in 1 therapy machine can be obtained by emailing Plant-based cannabinoids, homeopathic medicines, and new treatment modalities are on the rise. Hopefully, we will see some great changes soon.

Most of the corruption in this country is because there are two opposing sets of principles. They are involved with medical control, the media, the billionaires, the politicians, large mega-companies, some law agencies, the lobbyists, the conservatives, and the liberals. Until we get back to the same set of rules set out by the constitution, we will have no just law, mob violence, breach of laws, anarchy, a one-world agenda, violence, corruption, even treason, and a downhill spiral into oblivion. Many things need to be changed soon. If we do not keep up with the honest truth, the constitution, laws, control the deep state, and stop the corruption, we will be left with the crumbs, and that will be too late. We are reaching the boiling point.

January 9, 2021

~ the Author ~
Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. graduated from the University Of Washington School Of Dentistry in 1957. After two years of service in the Air Force, he started a private practice in East Wenatchee, Washington. For the past 45 years his practice has included Orthodontics and TM Dysfunction treatment specializing in temporomandibular pain treatment, headache, head and neck pain control, functional jaw orthopedics, and straight wire orthodontics. Associated with mercury elimination, oral surgery, crowns and bridges is TMJ treatment, diet control, parasite elimination, intestinal cleansing and healing (wellness).

Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has taught advanced courses for dentists on TM Dysfunction treatment, orthodontics and related pain control for more than 30 years. In 1972 he was the first dentist in Washington to use straight wire orthodontics and the first dentist to correct vertical deficiencies in children by placing vertical dimension-primary molar buildups and/or vertical (erupting) appliances. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. was involved with the first group of dentists to recognize lateral tongue splinting in young infants and integrate functional and fixed techniques to correct vertical dimension deficiencies and condylar placement. He is the originator of vertical dimension-primary molar build ups, which help to correct deep bites and Otitus media in children. He invented the Loudon-Chateau Anterior Repositioning Appliance, the functional muscle malocclusion concept, the twelve commandments of occlusion and the vertical overbite domino rule. Merle E. Loudon, B.S., D.D.S. has written numerous articles in several American and foreign dental journals and has lectured in over 50 cities and 7 foreign countries on functional jaw orthopedics, fixed wire orthodontics, Otitus media treatment and TM Dysfunction treatment. He has been instrumental in setting up criteria for teaching in the International Association For Orthodontics, including the certified instructor program.

Dr. Loudon is a member of The American Dental Association, Diplomat and Senior Instructor in the International Association for Orthodontics, and is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pain Management. He also is a member of the American Orthodontic Society.