Politicians Warn: Vaccines Can Be Forced on People

Fauci: Phantom of His Own Opera

Politicians are now coming right out and saying they believe they have some kind of right to force a vaccine on you. They fully believe that all they need is a law (words on paper) that they wrote themselves to violate your basic human rights.

Anthony Sabatini, a Republican state representative, has already warned Floridians that under the current law, Governor Ron DeSantis or any future governor of Florida could violate “personal liberties” (basic human rights we were all born with) by forcing people to quarantine or forcing them to receive a vaccine. He also claimed he was going to file legislation to repeal the state law that could force people to get vaccinated during a public health emergency, according to Newsweek.

“Right now in Florida, under the public health emergency statute chapter 381, they can literally take you, test you, quarantine you, but also force you to take a vaccine. They can restrain you and force you to do that,” he said. “The powers have not been used yet, but they’ve been on the books for over 25 years and it’s important that Floridians know that this power can’t be exercised by government because it’s just too much an invasion of their personal liberties.”

The law has never been used, and DeSantis has already stated that he would not force any Floridian to get a COVID-19 vaccine when one is made available. “The state will not mandate that Floridians take these vaccines – that’s going to be the choice of each and every Floridian,” DeSantis said on November 19. Yet, never forget that politicians lie. They will do anything to maintain a grip on power.

This law actually doesn’t have to be repealed even. Everyone simply needs to disobey the orders to get vaccinated. If we all stand together against this, no one has power over anyone else, and that’s every human being’s birthright: to be free.

In August, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, said that the U.S. would likely never mandate a vaccine for the general public. And they may not. Even worse, they won’t have to. If they don’t mandate the vaccine, there will be punishments for refusing it and your life will be much less convenient than if you just bow to the ruling class and obey. Sadly, most Americans will choose convenient slavery over difficult freedom.

Recent polls suggest only 58 percent of adults would be willing to get vaccinated, but that number will likely rise when they begin issuing punishments to those who are not complying. While they probably won’t force anyone, they will make it hard to get a job, buy groceries, and could tie vaccine compliance to welfare or universal basic income. Meaning you must comply, or your finances will be cut off.

Richie From Boston: “The Darkest Winter” Is Here

We should not ever believe any politician when they say they won’t make this mandatory. Here’s what that means: take the vaccine, and you will be a slave. Don’t take the vaccine, and we’ll make your life hell. What great choices…

Written by Mac Slavo for SHTF Plan ~ December 1, 2020