Pancreatic Enzymes ~ Why you Need Them to Cure Cancer

When I talk about pancreatic enzymes, I have to start with an orthodontist that I met in Texas, many years ago. His name was Dr. William Kelley. Dr. Kelley had a wonderful wife, four beautiful children, and a great thriving orthodontic practice. He had medical training in the Navy before going to college and dental school.

While in Dental school, he also worked in the electrocardiac department at the local hospital. During that time he also took a nutrition course in dental school, read many nutrition books, and understood a great amount of nutrition knowledge.

Four years after beginning his orthodontic practice in Texas, he began to lose energy, and just felt bad. Over the next two years, he felt worse and worse, until he had to rest between patients in order to proceed. It was then that he found he had metastasized terminal cancer in his pancreas and liver. His cancer was so advanced that they thought if they did surgery, he might die on the operating table. They gave him only two to four months to live.

With his medical training, and his research into enzymes, by Dr. John Beard, he started taking massive amounts of pancreatic enzymes. He found that he had to detoxify himself with coffee enemas, while changing his diet, and taking a large amount of enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

Dr. Kelley started feeling better and better. Because of his knowledge, research, diet, and enzymes, he cured himself of one of the worst forms of cancer.

After getting back to his office full time, cancer and other disease patients asked him to help them. Soon, he had cured more and more cancer patients, as well as those with diabetes, heart disease, and other ailments. After a time, he had cured thousands of cancer and other disease patients.

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley

Another exciting chapter in Dr. Kelley’s life occurred when a very bright medical student, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez read about Dr. Kelley and his success with curing cancer. With approval from his superior, Dr. Gonzalez proceeded to investigate this “fraud” as far as the medical profession was concerned. Dr. Gonzalez went to Texas and began to examine Dr. Kelley’s records on these cancer patients. To his surprise, they were extremely accurate and truthful. Dr. Kelley kept immaculate records on the many thousands of cancer patients he had cured. Dr. Gonzalez wrote up the records on 50+ of Dr. Kelley’s cured patients, later writing a book about Dr. Kelley’s success.

This changed the way that Dr. Gonzalez thought about curing cancer. The proof was enough that when Dr. Gonzalez graduated from medical school, he started using Dr. Kelley’s program in treating cancer with this great alternative cancer treatment. During the next decade, Dr. Gonzalez cured about 75 to 85 percent of his cancer patients (over 10,000) using Dr. Kelley’s program, with some of his own additional treatments. Unfortunately, Dr. Gonzalez mysteriously died in 2018, along with about 77 other alternative cancer doctors who died between 2015 and 2019. Dr. Gonzalez’s book, “One Man Alone” – is a great story of Dr. Kelley, and one that every professional should get and read.

Order the Book Today!

Dr. Kelley’s story is also written in a book called Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation. The book begins with his life story, his treatment, and curing of cancer. It is a revelation of how cancer can be cured. It is also a great story about why pancreatic enzymes are one of the great treatments used to cure cancer. This should be a “must read” for serious professionals.

The original title of the book was “One Answer to Cancer” and was was written by Dr. Kelley and Fred Rohe. The book was later edited and re-titled, “Cancer: Curing the Incurable,” however there were parts of the original text which were inadvertently removed by an editor, and may have damaged the protocols of Dr. Kelley’s work and intent.

In 2015, at the request of the Kelley estate, Jeffrey Bennett took it upon himself to restore the original Kelley protocols and to this day continues to keep the works of Kelley alive and is the current Editor and Publisher of said works.  It can be obtained by calling 623 –  327 – 1778, or by clicking on the book cover above.

Due to the limitations of space, I will list only a few of the important issues pertaining to enzymes and treatment of cancer. Cancer is an ectopic germ cell which starts in the wrong place. It is common in pregnant women when they first get conceived, but cures itself with pancreatic enzymes in the uterus.

It usually starts in an acidic body with an insufficient amount of enzymes to digest excess amounts of protein. It usually starts with a “hit” in the body cell mitochondria from an overworked pancreas due to excessive amounts of protein, sugar, vegetable oils, and other acidic foods. The pancreas can only produce small amounts of enzymes, not enough for excess eating of those foods.

Dr. Kelley made a great comparison of diabetes and cancer. He stated: “Diabetes is a disorder of sugar and carbohydrate metabolism due to inadequate production and/or utilization of insulin. Cancer is a disorder of protein metabolism due to inadequate production and/or utilization of protein, and digestive enzymes.” These enzymes Kelley mentioned are produced by the pancreas.

Dr. Kelley stated that massive amounts of these pancreatic enzymes produce as good of results, as chemotherapy, radiation, and/or chemo drugs. The enzymes that he is referring to are pig enzymes, and are very hard to get. They are called solozymes. These same enzymes are used now by many European and alternative U.S. cancer physicians, plus many alternative metabolic cancer doctors in the U.S. These pancreatic enzymes can be obtained from or by calling 817 458 9241.

The action of enzymes: Enzymes are produced by the pancreas to help digest the food that enters the small intestine. These enzymes can be absorbed through the wall of the small intestine, travel in the blood stream, and go to the cancer cells. One of these enzymes is trypsin, which can travel in the blood stream to the tumor. How does it destroy cancer cells? It can tell the difference between good cells and cancer cells because of the low electrical properties and valence of the cancer cells. There it breaks down the tumor cells. Trypsin cannot break down the cancer cells by itself. It needs other pancreatic enzymes to help kill the cancer cells. Many years ago, Dr John Beard used enzyme injections directed into the cancer cells, which digested the cancer tumor. But Dr. Kelley found that oral enzymes work just as good, with less trauma.

Another less potent enzyme formula can be very effective in preventing cancer, and can be found on Amazon. It is called wobenzyme-N. Wobenzyme-N is made in Florida, and has many pancreatic enzymes, but does not work as good as Solozymes. It also can be a substitute for solozymes if they are not available. For cancer, a patient would need 15 to 18 between meals, the same as solozymes. For prevention, three Wobenzyme-N tablets a day would be just the right amount.

Cancer cells make their enzymes. The enzyme that cancer cells make is called “malignin.” The malignin digests body cell protein around the cancer cells. The more malignin that the cancer cells can produce, the faster the cancer cells grow. Enzymes are part of a three prong master list in curing cancer. There are many other things that I have mentioned in the three part “Cause, Prevention, and cure for cancer.” These most important three things are, Dr. Joanna Budwig’s cottage cheese, flaxseed oil formula, pancreatic enzymes, and the CellSonic electrohydraulic therapy machine. The FDA needs to give the OK for using the CellSonic machine for cancer, but I think it will eventually be in the U.S. A person with cancer, cannot forget to use the many other treatments that I mentioned in my previous cancer bulletins.

Dr. Merle Loudon
April 11, 2020

The information posted above is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and are not intended as medical advice.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of each of the respective authors, who retain copyright as marked unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Kelley and the family of researchers and writers. We, who represent Dr. Kelley and the work that he was committed to, encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

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