Dr. William D. Kelley
Dr. William Donald Kelley contended this cancer protocol had a 93 percent cure rate on cancer patients, even including pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. The Kelley theory is that enzymes strip the unique protein coating off of cancer cells so the immune system can identify and kill the cancer cells.
Dr. Kelley and his practitioners treated more 33,000 patients, claiming a 93 percent success rate for those who came to him before — not after — chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. For those with a predicted life expectancy of about three months, he said that a well-designed nutritional program would yield “slightly better than a 50-50 chance of survival.” For those with a very advanced disease, given less than three months to live, he claimed a success rate between 25 and 35 percent.
Dr. Kelley highlighted the pancreas as one of the main organs in defense of cancer. Why would he say that? The pancreas works with the liver to regulate insulin (a hormone) and it produces many enzymes (more than 30) and some of them dissolve protein, such as those on the outside of cancer cells. Dr. Kelley learned this perspective from the famous embryologist John Beard, who worked at the University of Edinburgh at the turn of the 20th century. He first proposed in 1906 that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, in addition to their well-known digestive function, represent the body’s main defense against cancer.
Dr. Kelley, and Beard before him, believed to defeat cancer you don’t create some new method of defense that does not mimic the human body, you create a method of defense that acts like the human body, and the body uses pancreatic proteolytic enzymes in the natural fight against cancer. What makes enzymes function well in the body are trace minerals and hormone balance, so Dr. Kelley designed his protocol to support both. Dr. Kelley always focused on the process of regaining homeostasis; that does not entail large dosages of strange items being put into the body. What does he mean by that?
High-dose Vitamin C can reportedly disrupt enzyme function. That is why Dr. Kelley did not use high dose Vitamin C in his protocol. He did believe the body needed to harness plant-based enzymatic function, so he endorsed and recommended high-dose juicing of specific vegetable combinations, and he worked to rebuild the glandular function of the body with glandular supplements, until the body could provide its own glandular support.
Dr. Kelley saw a close correlation between diabetes and cancer and treated both in a similar fashion. Dr. Kelley believed you had to detox the body very aggressively. He believed you could not aggressively kill cancer cells in a body already full of toxins or you contributed to a state of cachexia.
So part of his program was an aggressive detox program, done in sequence, very carefully. He said you should wait six months before doing a gallbladder flush or you may put a patient into a healing crisis they cannot handle.
Important Warning
The Kelley Protocol is not just taking enzymes but is a complete program. It should be combined with a major cancer treatment.
Why would it be important to combine the enzymes with another cancer treatment protocol? It should be clearly understood that the touted success the Kelley Metabolic Protocol had was with cancer patients who were newly diagnosed. Typically, cancer patients who have had significant chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery have had fewer successes, according to Dr. Kelley.
‘One Man Alone’
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez covers many of the worst Stage IV cancer patients Dr. Kelley treated with his program. The five years of study of the Dr. Kelley program convinced Dr. Gonzalez to follow the lead of Dr. Kelley, who died on Jan. 30, 2005. His Metabolic Nutrition Group is still active, however.
Dr. Gonzalez received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983. During a post graduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered the father of immunology, he completed a research study evaluating an aggressive nutritional therapy in the treatment of advanced cancer.
In private practice in New York City from 1987, Dr. Gonzalez treated patients diagnosed with cancer and other serious degenerative illnesses. His Gonzalez protocol is based on the belief that pancreatic enzymes are the body’s main defense against cancer and can be used as a treatment.
Dr. Gonzalez’s nutritional research received substantial financial support from Proctor and Gamble and Nestlé. Results from a pilot study published in 1999 described promising results for treatment of late stage pancreatic cancer. He died July 21, 2015.
Summary Comments
Dr. Kelley, and the current Kelley-trained doctors are fond of saying, “If you have the will to live, the faith to survive, and the intelligence to think on your own, you have a good chance of survival with the Kelley program. Healing is not for the weak of heart or those with a lack of faith.”
Written by Webster Kehr for the Cancer Tutor ~ October 2, 2019
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