How to outsmart cancer without chemotherapy and radiation

More and more, people are realizing that the cancer industry is more concerned about their wallet than their well-being. As a result, there are a growing number of patients looking for alternative treatment options to conventional medicine, but don’t know where to begin.

Tanya Harter Pierce’s book, Outsmart Your Cancer, is an excellent starting point for any cancer patient or curious individual interested in how to treat and prevent cancer without a cocktail of artificial chemicals. The following is a snippet from the book, which highlights the dangers of chemotherapy and the benefits of a non-toxic approach to tackling cancer.

Chemotherapy and radiation inhibit long-term recovery
Chemotherapy and radiation have even worse long-term recovery rates than surgery. This is largely because they resort to toxic methods of “bludgeoning” a person’s cancer to death. These toxic treatments harm healthy parts of a person’s body along with the cancer, thereby making long-term recovery difficult.

The good news is that, even if you have been diagnosed with cancer that has metastasized, there are alternatives to conventional treatments. And they often have better track records, in general, than what mainstream medicine is offering. I know many people who were told by their conventional doctors that their late-stage or metastasized cancer was incurable, only to completely recover later by using a non-toxic, alternative approach! In fact, you may find after reading this book that your biggest difficult)’ is not in finding a good alternative treatment approach to cancer, but in deciding which one to use.

There are very important reasons why alternative treatments for cancer often have better track records than conventional ones. Most importantly, alternative, non-toxic approaches work in ways that do not harm normal, healthy cells of the body. They do this by focusing on those aspects of cancer cells that are significantly different from healthy cells. These approaches also treat cancer as a “whole-body” disease, which means they work with a person’s immune system to attack the cancer cells everywhere, even the “free-floating” individual cells. This is different from mainstream practices, which focus primarily on just treating tumors (which represent most of the cancer cells in a person’s body, but not all). In the world of alternative treatments for cancer, tumors are generally considered “symptoms” of the cancer, and treatment is focused on both the “cause” as well as the “symptoms.”

In other words, conventional medicine tries to bludgeon your cancer to death with treatments that can be extremely harmful to your body, while alternative methods use non-toxic approaches to Outsmart Your Cancer!

Benefits of non-toxic approaches
The most obvious benefit of using a non-toxic approach to cancer is that, by doing so, a person does not damage healthy parts of his or her body while trying to recover from illness. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation can damage virtually any cells they come in contact with and may have extremely serious long-term side effects on the body such as liver, kidney, nerve, and heart damage. These side effects can often be life-threatening in and of themselves.

Besides general bodily damage that can be caused, many cancer patients are not even told by their doctors that some common conventional treatments for cancer are themselves carcinogenic. The fact is that some chemotherapy agents are known carcinogens, and the chemotherapy treatment given to many patients to put their cancer into remission may directly cause a secondary cancer in that person a few years later. Radiation can also cause cancer, which has been well-known since radiation techniques were first developed. Though surgery is not considered carcinogenic, it may cause the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

Moreover, at some point, the use of a toxic treatment for cancer may enable the cancer to spread even faster in a person’s body. This is because that person’s immune system and other natural defense mechanisms have been so weakened by the treatment itself, the body can no longer fight off the cancer. So it only makes sense that using a toxic treatment for cancer can work against long-term recovery by giving the body more damage to recover from.

Written by Greg White for Cancer News ~ January 19, 2016

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