NOTE: What you are about to read was posted as a comment in October of 2015 on a blog discussing the issues of curing cancer. There are times when one must reach out to those who have been afflicted and HEAR what they have to say. The alternative is cut, paste and burn… and I will pass on that one. ~ Ed.

This 1965 U.S. postal stamp shows how long we’ve been in the fight
I have read everything that everyone has said. I have to add that it is a pity that people love money so much to watch their fellow human perish every day in diseases that can be easily cured with safe natural medicines. I started researching natural medicine when my 94 years old mother was told to go on dialysis 4 years ago when she was 90 years. I was on dialysis myself and had a kidney transplant once before. I believed so much in the doctors and the hospitals, I did not know that much about natural medicines. I started researching natural medicine because I thought that my mom will not survive dialysis because of her age. I found that there were several options of natural medicine that are not toxic and have no side effect. I decided to try one for her. Six months later we went to the hospital for testing. The doctor said that my mom was healthy and her kidney function was normal. She has been on that natural medicine she drinks with juices every morning for over 4 years.
Recently, she had abdominal pain and was bleeding. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I was told that it is risky for her to have surgery because of her age. Because of my extensive research, I know that chemo and radiation kill most of the cancer patients and not the cancer, so, I told the doctors that there will be no radiation or chemo for my mom. They advice me that if she has any problem I should not bring her back to the hospital. I disagreed with that.
I started my mom on several natural medicine. I am not sure if I can mention them here. I got something to help gain body weight and muscles, another to detox the liver pathway and get the liver ready to get out the dead cancer cells, something to help direct oxygen into the cells and then started her on pure vegetable diet, no animal protein, no carbohydrate. Just two weeks the bleeding was gone completely and the pain was gone. She does not even take Tylenol. Just this simple change of diet I read has cured stage one cancer for many. I just added natural medicine to help reduce tumor, another to help remove the protein from cancer cell so that it can be identified and destroyed by the natural killer, she is taking another that will help lock up the toxic that cancer cell produce when it ferments carbohydrate and sugar for energy. The toxic will be lock up inside the cancer cell and it will prevent those toxins from affecting normal cells and turning them to cancer cell and those toxic build up will also kill the cancer cells when it gets too much. She takes another one to help strengthen the immune system and keep the body strong. She takes high dosage of vitamin D and another natural medicine to help with the heart rate. For months now the pain and bleeding has been gone.
Natural medicine works. Hospitals should try and incorporate them with their treatment instead of trying to stop it. Everyday, people are getting the awareness that these natural medicines are safe and they heal. A time will come that people that have cancer will stay away from hospitals. In the future, maybe about 40 years or less, Chemo and radiation will be a thing of the past that it supposed to already be.
There are wonderful safe natural medicines for various diseases. Thank God for internet, you cannot keep them away from us anymore.
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