Dr. V: Can Coenzyme Q10 Help Stop Breast Cancer?

You probably know of Coenzyme Q10, or Ubiquinone, as a supplement you can purchase at your local health food store. In reality, however, it is a compound that is produced by your body. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that is known to help for a number of conditions, including heart conditions, migraines and even Parkinson’s. Recent research has also shown that it may also help to halt cancer tumor growth.

CoQ10 101
Coenzyme (Q10) is a fat-soluble compound, i.e. it is dissolved in and also stored in fat cells. The most important thing to know about CoQ10 is that it is a super-antioxidant which can help your health overall.

It is found in some foods, like meat, fish and whole grains, but mainly it is produced inside the body. Ubiquinol production also tends to decrease with age. This is unfortunate since Coenzyme Q10 helps in the process of converting food to energy. Because it is such a high-powered antioxidant, CoQ10 plays a key role in mitochondrial integrity. Of course, it also protects against free radical damage, which can mutate DNA. For these reasons and more, CoQ10 is considered a “substance of interest” for those healing from cancer.

Coenzyme Q10 and Cancer
Although to date there has been no large clinical trial to test Ubiquinone ‘s effectiveness on cancer, several dozen smaller trials as well as laboratory studies show promise.

Many studies have connected CoQ10 with significant anti-inflammatory action, slower cancer tumor growth, tumor shrinkage and effects on VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) growth.

Here are just a few:

– A 2017 Brazilian study found that nano-encapsulated CoQ10 (together with vitamin E) helped to reduce radiation-induced inflammation by 83%.

– A 2008 German study was one of the first to discover the link between CoQ10 and downregulations of genes which increase inflammation, including C-Reactive proteins. Several other studies followed.

– A report based on a small long-term clinical trial and published in the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications found that CoQ10 may extend the life expectancy of cancer patients from 5 to 15 years.

– Another 2007 study with close to 100 Breast Cancer patients (who were also on Tamoxifen) found that serum cytokine (inflammation) levels reduced significantly after approximately 3 months of CoQ10 at midrange doses. The researchers state that “such a decrease in serum cytokine levels after CoQ10 supplementation (along with niacin and riboflavin) in breast cancer patients may suggest good prognosis and efficacy of the treatment, and might even offer protection from metastases and recurrence of cancer.”

When to Use a CoQ10 Supplement
Testing for CoQ10 deficiency is not common. There are some telltale signs that you need more of it for health, however. They are:

– muscle weakness


Bio CoQ10 is 8 times more bioavailable than normal crystalline CoQ10 supplements.

– fatigue

– high blood pressure

– complications related to heart disease as well as diabetes

If you are healing from Breast Cancer, CoQ10 may be a safe and very effective addition to your protocol. And for Breast Cancer prevention, most experts recommend it as well.

Bio CoQ10 is my signature 7 Essentials System® 100 % organic soft gel product that offers a very bioavailable ubiquinone coenzyme (CoQ10). An in-house clinical trial showed it to be up to eight times more bioavailable than crystalline CoQ10 powder.

CoQ10 is a necessary nutrient for the body. If you are over the age of 45, I recommend you add CoQ10 to the top of your list for your Healthy Breast journey!

May 14, 2018

© 2018 Dr. Veronique Desaulniers – All Rights Reserved

Submitted to for publication to Kettle Moraine Publications by the author, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit http://breastcancerconqueror.com/.