Wireless Technology: Understanding Its Effects

Wireless technology literally has overtaken our world! There are more cell phones than there are humans on Planet Earth! Humans are bombarded with quintillion more frequencies today than we were only ten years ago!

Humans are electromagnetic beings, a fact confirmed by many of modern medicine’s diagnostic tests. As such, more considerations must be given toward how electromagnetic frequencies, radiofrequencies and extremely low frequencies negatively interact with the human body, something microwave technology associations have no time for, especially the fact microwaves emit two types of bodily harm: heat (thermal) and non-thermal radiation waves.

Many people around the globe, who are informed about EMFs/RFs/ELFs, often experience adverse health effects attributed to AMI Smart Meters, Wi-Fi and other microwave-emitting appliances such as cell phones, iPhones, etc.

Then there are others who are taking on state public utility commissions in trying to persuade them to be open to non-microwave-industry, independent science, research and peer review reports indicating the harms being done to the human organism. The environment, too, is adversely affected as are wildlife, pollinating insects and plant life.

For those who want a “library” of factual wireless tech information, here is a pdf file “Wireless Technology The Worst Threat to our Health Personal Privacy Democracy and National Security in Canada’s Entire History” containing 283 PowerPoint frames with information you will have to look for far and wide to get.

Please feel free to share it with your state legislators, public utility commissions, utility companies, members of federal and state regulatory agencies, the Federal Communication Commission, members of Congress, and the press/media.

Written by Catherine Frompovich and published at Activist Post ~ March 24, 2018.

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