Dr. V.: The Healing Power of Bees for Breast Cancer

They swarm around your just-sprouting flowerbeds and their presence is a sure-fire sign that spring has sprung. I’m talking about bees, of course. These gentle buzzing creatures are about a lot more than pollinating flowers, however. Science is confirming that bees are also beneficial for human health as well.

Apitherapy is the art and science of using bee products and venom for healing. Here’s how it may be able to help you.

Three Ways to Utilize Apitherapy on Your Healing Journey

Bee Venom Injections
Perhaps the most beneficial application of apitherapy for breast cancer is venom injections. Cultures all over the world have utilized animal venoms for centuries. In fact, doctors in Cuba have even used scorpion venom to reduce brain tumors!

Why does bee venom work so well for cancer? Studies such as a 2017 investigation at the University of Wisconsin- Madison have found that bee venom contains melittin, a peptide which activates apoptosis, i.e. cancer cell death. Research with bee venom has successful stopped liver, lung, prostate, renal, bladder, leukemia and breast cancer cells.

What’s more, researchers at the Siteman Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence at Washington University in St. Louis have combined bee venom with nanotechnology to create “nanobees.” The venom “catches a ride” on nano-sized particles to go directly to cancer cells, bypassing healthy cells along the way. This prevents non-specific cytotoxicity, which is sometimes a concern for those who use bee venom for cancer.

Bee Propolis
As it turns out, bee propolis, also known as bee putty or bee glue, is also a cancer killer. Research conducted in Japan in 2014 discovered the propolin Artepillin C (as well as other substances) induced “cytotoxicity, abortive mitosis, mass necrosis and apoptosis” in melanomas as well as in invasive breast cancer cells. The report, published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, speculated that propolis’ tumor suppression capabilities may be because of the cancer-killing substances it contains but also because of the big boost propolis gives to the immune system in general.

Royal Jelly
Did you know that queen bees live 40 times longer than worker bees and lays an estimated 2,000 eggs a day? Royal jelly may be the key to her longevity as well as her stamina. According to Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center, royal jelly has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol levels.

Royal jelly may also be a support for those with breast cancer. Studies have found that it has anti-tumor activity as well, in particular because it can influence certain substances involved in protein modification.

Royal jelly is made of proteins, flower nectars, glucose, fats, vitamins, vitamins, and amino acids and the biggest boon to the body is what it can do for the immune system. A 2009 Japanese study found royal jelly to be a significant immune-modulator for mice prone to the autoimmune condition lupus. The researchers found that royal jelly delayed the onset of the condition. When some mice did get it, those who were given royal jelly supplementation lived longer than those who did not.

What About Honey?
Periodic use of raw, organically-raised, regionally-based honey (i.e. harvested within a 100-mile radius of your home) can be a great adjunct to a healthy lifestyle.

Why do I say this? First, raw, organic honey contains a wealth of antioxidants and phytonutrients and is also a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It has also been known to ease digestive upset. And when you consume a little bit of local raw honey every day, you are also consuming a trace amount of regional pollens, which many people claim helps to build immunity to them.

In addition, a February 2018 study published in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity posits that raw honey may be used as a novel antidiabetic agent because of its unique blend of “selective mineral ions” such as selenium, zinc and copper as well as phenolic acids and flavonoids (in conjunction with fructose). All of these substances combined may help to balance blood sugar, as well as provide other beneficial effects.

Keep in mind, however, that this research is still very new. If you have diabetes, please consult with your doctor before consuming honey. Even if you are healthy, it is still wise to keep all sources of fructose and glucose, including high-sugar fruits and honey, to a minimum in your diet.

Apitherapy Has Been Used for Centuries
Beekeeping has been practiced for millennia and for good reason. Bees and all their products can be a boost to your immune system and may even weaken cancer cells. And think about this—we are also dependent upon them and other pollinators for the healthy vegetables and fruits we eat. Without them, growing them wouldn’t “bee” possible!

March 12, 2018

© 2018 Dr. Veronique Desaulniers – All Rights Reserved

Submitted to for publication to Kettle Moraine Publications by the author, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit http://breastcancerconqueror.com/.