The nose knows…
We are constantly faced with never ending lies from the biotech industry that GMOs are safe to eat. These lies will never end because the purpose of the biotech industry is to make money, make their shareholders happy and not to care about anyone’s health.
We know what happened to our servicemen in Viet Nam as well as the Vietnamese that were subjected to the fumes of Agent Orange. Even today, those Viet Nam servicemen are still being treated for their exposure to Agent Orange and the children of the Vietnamese exposed to Agent Orange are still dealing with their birth defects.
Today, in 2014, the cornfields in the contiguous United States are being sprayed with 2-4-D, the active ingredient in Agent Orange. Yet, despite what happened in Viet Nam, just from the fumes, Monsanto vehemently says that there is no danger in eating this. They are so full of shit their back teeth are brown.
So, in an effort to once and for all give people a heads up, the following is a comprehensive guide to readily discern what a GMO is. But, before getting into that, let me spell it out very simply. GMO means Genetically Modified Organism.
This means that the seed was not made by God but some f***ed up scientist in a lab, who’s chief inner desire is to continue to receive his high salary and keep his job. And these guys are no different that the Nazi scientists that spent only 5 to 7 years in prison for treating 6 million people like today’s lab rats and then getting hired by the U.S. and European pharmaceutical industries to create drugs to treat diseases, largely enhanced by crap foods bearing no nutrients.
These GMO crops are designed to resist insects, kill weeds, and leave a toxic residue in the plant, which then gets passed on to us, the “tricks”.
When Gilles-Eric Seralini from France completed his independent report in 2012, it showed severe toxic effects including liver congestion, increased cancer tumor rates, and higher mortality rates in the rates that were tested in consuming Monsanto’s RoundUp Ready herbicide.
Seralini’s report was published in the same year in the Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal (FCT). But, lo and behold, in 2013 Seralini’s report was rejected by the FCT.
Interesting enough, Richard E. Goodman, a former Monsanto employee was hired by the FCT in a newly created position. That of reviewing biotechnology reports. Guess which report was the first to go under the pretense of not enough rats being used?
What’s really trippy is that Monsanto, prior to the Seralini report, did their own “independent” report with even fewer rats, which got published in the FCT and never rejected. In God we trust. All others pay cash.
Your only means of protection for you and yours against the horrendous effects of GMOs is you, and only if you take the time to read labels.
The big 5 GMO plants are: soy, sugar beets, corn, canola, and cottonseed.
* Soy: soybean oil; soy flour; lecithin; protein powders; vegetable protein added to packaged foods.
* Sugar Beets: refined into sugar.
* Corn: corn syrup; high fructose corn syrup; corn oil; animal feed.
* Canola: comes from the rapeseed plant; used in salad dressings, mayonnaise, and snack foods. There is no such thing as “organic” Canola Oil.
* Cottonseed: used to fry potato chips and processed foods; commonly used in baked goods and margarine.
So, the best avoidance policies are: make sure what you buy is certified organic; if not certified organic, make sure it has the non-GMO seal on it; eliminate commercially produced dairy products and beef to avoid ingesting rBGH or rBST, the genetically modified growth hormones; avoid the GMO euphemisms, such as:
amino acids, artificial flavor, ascorbic acid, aspartame, baking powder, citric acid, corn flour, corn meal, corn starch, dextrin, dextrose, flavor (natural or artificial), fructose, glucose, gluten, anything hydrolyzed, modified, or texturized, lactic acid, maltodextrin, molasses, monosodium glutamate (MSG), natural flavor, rapeseed oil, shortening, sodium ascorbate, sodium citrate, soy isolate, soy protein, starch, vegetable oil, vegetable protein, vegetable shortening, vitamin C, whey, xanthan gum, yeast, yeast extract, zucchini.
Many of the above are ok as long as they say organic or non-GMO. If not, you’re screwed. Remember, virtually all of the above comes from soy, corn, sugar beets, or milk products. For example, maltodextrin, cornstarch, corn flour, MSG, or yeast extract comes from corn; MSG and yeast extract can also come from sugar beets. Any dairy product can contain bovine growth hormones.

“snort, snort! Did I do that???”
For you meatheads out there, watch out. The following labels do not legally prohibit GMOs: Free-Range or Cage-Free; Naturally Raised; No Antibiotics; natural; No Hormones; Pastured.
You also must be careful regarding non-dairy milks unless all organic because of the hidden GMOs. Despite almond and coconut milk not being GMO, you must look for emulsifiers and added flavorings that are GMOs.
If you use non-dairy creamers only use organic ones. Otherwise the soy, corn, cotton and sugar will get you.
Earlier I mentioned whey. Let me explain it a bit more. Whey is used as a binder to improve texture and you can count on it being in dairy products, spreads, meats, chili, sausages, soups, gravies, stews, salad dressings, snack foods, candy, beverages, bakery products, mixes, and frozen desserts.
Some people I know have become obsessed with protein powders and protein shakes to maintain a healthy weight level. Usually, the staple ingredient in these is GMO whey or soy. In addition to non-GMO and organic versions, there are products made with proteins from rice, peas or non getting stoned hemp.
Anything in a box, can, bottle, carton, or some king of wrapper, is likely GMO. So, if you can’t but organic or non-GMO, you must avoid cereals containing soy, corn, or sugar. Switching to oatmeal is a good idea and look for sweeteners like cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, or stevia.
On the safe side, if all the ingredients in nutrition bars, snacks, canned soups, snacks, candy, chocolate, crackers, cooking oil, condiments, cookies, cakes, pies, or canned soups do not list all their ingredients as organic, rest assured that GMOs are there.
Before I forget, when buying produce and you look at the label, if it begins with a 9 it is organic, with a 4 it is commercial, and with an 8 it is GMO. Don’t worry though, you will hardly ever see an 8.
Bear in mind that eating in conventional restaurants subjects you to the worst of the worst because it’s all about ingredients’ cost. GMOs are cheap and organics are more expensive.
So, ask about ingredients and you will soon find that only eating vegetables with brown rice (without the arsenic if you can find it) or quinoa is the safest. To take a walk on the wild side, bring your own spices and seasonings. In time, the adversities will take their toll.
In closing, do not eat foods linked to death and cancer. And remember, because of the biotech former employees now working for the Fraud and Drug Administration, the Centers for Deceit Control and Procrastination, the Federal Treachery Commission, and the U.S. Department of A**holes, 75% of foods are not required to be labeled.
But, I guess the biggest lie we have yet to overcome is Obama’s, if you’ll pardon the expression, promise to label GMO if he got elected first time around.
Oh yeah, at the annual Monsanto shareholder meeting, almost 96 percent voted against GMO labeling.
Written by Hesh Goldstein for Natural News ~ February 2, 2018.

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