Study warns about birth control-cancer link

A study from Denmark about the birth control pill confirms what is already known about its side effects and dangers.

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, links estrogen stimulation from the birth control pill and breast cancer.

Usage of the birth control pill causes growth in a woman’s breasts that is susceptible to cancer, warns Dr. Donna Harrison of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

“It causes growth of a kind of tissue in the breast that is very susceptible to cancer,” Harrison advises. “That’s called Type 1 and Type 2 tissue, and it turns out that pregnancy does the same thing.”

The authors of the study tracked approximately 1.8 million women for an average of 10 years, finding 11,517 cases of breast cancer and concluding there is an increased risk even if women stop contraception.

“After discontinuation of hormonal contraception,” the study found, “the risk of breast cancer was still higher among the women who had used hormonal contraceptives for 5 years or more than among women who had not used hormonal contraceptives.”

The problem during the last weeks of pregnancy, says Harrison, is that the breast tissue starts to mature into cancer-resistant tissue that is ready to produce milk.

“So what happens with ending a pregnancy through elective abortion, or taking the birth control pill for a long time,” she further explains, “the breast tissue is stimulated to grow but it never matures to make milk.”

And that is the type of tissue that can turn into cancer.

Harrison says there is a push to convince the federal government to okay access to birth control over the counter, including to teenagers, while the Danish study once again proves strong hormonal contraceptives are dangerous.

Written by Charlie Butts and published by ONE News NOW ~ December 21, 2017.

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