Texas School ‘Cures’ ADHD Doing One Change

ADD and ADHD are both constantly touted by parents and teachers as the reasoning behind why children are unable to focus. And often times, the “cure” seems to be a slew of pharmaceutical medications that numb the children to their surroundings.

Rarely is the cure ever to cut down on sugar or to consider that a child’s brain and focus simply isn’t fully developed. And never has the cure been enacting a program that extends the amount of time kids have recess.

Could the answer to better test scores, behavior, and attention be as simple as play?

The Eagle Mountain Elementary school in Fort Worth, Texas has been giving their children two 15-minute recess breaks every morning and two breaks every afternoon. These breaks cut into classroom time and kids are encouraged to play. And guess what? It is working.

Kids are now able to focus better and there is less fidgeting.

Could the answer to better test scores, behavior, and attention be as simple as play?

So then are we mishandling ADD and ADHD diagnoses? It would seem pharma’s found a wonderful revenue stream with an “ailment” that can often be cured with proper diet and more activity time.

~ Additional Research for Your Consideration ~
The Benefits of Delayed Schooling

Written by Paul Webber and published at New American News ~ December 2, 2017.

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