DEATH by Medicine: An Aspirin a day…

It is no secret that I am NOT a follower of what is called Western medicine. Due to my recent episodes dealing with my crumbling vertebrae I have had more encounters with the AMA type folks in the past less than a year than I had in the previous ten years. I see it all as a spiritual attack. However, I have been blessed in each of my encounters with the doctors, nurses, and medical staffers to tell them of my personal experience on Colloidal silver as my ONLY antibiotic and it has no side effects like Big Pharma’s chemical pills. I also tell them about the healing preventive power of the pH Balance – maintaining an alkaline balance in my system and how I have not had so much as a sniffle since making it part of my daily life. This is important because these medical folks see my medical history and how I spent so many years with one illness or surgery after another until I made alternative methods my way of life and how my health improved – and how most in my family didn’t live much past their 60’s and I am shortly going to turn 78. If I hadn’t gone thru all that I have in life, health wise, then my promotion of learning the NATURAL ways to regain and maintain good health then I would just be pushing a false story – but, what I preach is from personal actual experience. I refuse to let them put those needles filled with chemical poisons (flu, vaccines, and the other fear tactics) into my body and I try to share that information with everyone I can. It does require that each person make use of SELF DISCIPLINE but Americans have been fed so much poisoned and polluted foods that they are addicted to that garbage and they, like a heroin or opioid addict, refuse to give up the garbage stuff they call food and drink. They would rather suffer the ill effects than to discipline themselves and be healthy – and – at a lot less cost. ~ Jackie Juntti

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