Kelley’s Kitchen: July 17, 2017

The shocking amount of sugar ‘hiding’ in your soft drink
A curious Brooklyn-based food photographer has set out to show the world what the 39 grams of sugar found in a can of Coca-Cola really looks like by turning the popular soft drink into a massive lollipop… (Continue to full article)

Pomegranates can protect the heart from a high cholesterol diet by ‘strengthening the arteries’
It is heartening news for those who can’t resist pigging out. Pomegranates could reverse some of the damage done by junk food, research suggests… (Continue to full article)

Asparagus and Ham Fritatta
Oh yeah baby – a phenomenal recipe including one of my favorite veggies. Dig in – and enjoy… (Continue to full article)

The Many Benefits of Asparagus
…and speaking of Asparagus – asparagus balances insulin levels, which means that it powerfully prevents diabetes. Oh the many benefits besides… (Continue to full article)

15 Terrible Things That Happen If You Eat Too Much Sugar
A teaspoon of sugar in your coffee or a half cup of ice cream won’t kill you — all things in moderation — but the average sugar intake in the U.S. is 22 teaspoons per person per day. That’s almost four times as much as the guidelines suggest is healthy… (Continue to full article)

Here’s Why Dark Chocolate Is So Good For You
Dark chocolate has been linked to health benefits ranging from reduced blood pressure to improvements in mood. You wouldn’t think that America’s favorite treat would be good for you, but a recent study now shows that many of the merits may be traced to the influence of cocoa on the good bacteria in our body… (Continue to full article)

Diet soda linked to heart disease
Diet soda’s sweet, nonexistent calories may be better for your waistline than your lifespan, a new study finds. Older women who consume two or more diet sodas per day are 30% more likely to suffer a cardiovascular event and 50% more likely to die from related disease than women who rarely consume the drinks… (Continue to full article)

What those irritating ‘strings’ on bananas are REALLY for (and they actually have a VERY important use)
Bananas are a wonderful source of potassium and are the perfect on-the-go snack. The only downside to the fruit are those irritating leathery strands – which are actually called ‘phloem bundles’ – that you get when you peel back a banana skin. But while those stringy bits may not be the most palatable, they are in fact very important… (Continue to full article)

10 Banned Foods Americans Should Stop Eating
There is little doubt that in terms of quality, much of the food sold in the United States lags behind those sold in other nations. In fact, what you are eating now may ALREADY be banned in other countries because of harmful additives, growth promoters, genetically engineered ingredients, or other dangerous practices… (Continue to full article)

Life, Liberty & Your Good Health is heard at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) for TWO-HOURS, each Wednesday on The Micro Effect.

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