Kelley’s Kitchen: 05.31.2017

Eat blueberries to live a longer life
Sometimes foods that are healthy don’t always appeal to a large number of people. Blueberries are an exception, however – they are both delicious and nutritious. Blueberries are truly one of the great superfoods for so many reasons… (Continue to full article)

Baby plum instead of beef tomatoes, and blood oranges instead of lemons
The MOST nutritious fruit and veg varieties revealed (and the types you should be avoiding). research reveals that baby plum tomatoes contain 30 per cent more health-boosting lycopene than cherry tomatoes, and much more phytonutrients than large beefsteak tomatoes… (Continue to full article)

Why milk and honey isn’t just an old wives tale: Revealed, the 7 food pairings that could boost your health
You may know what nutrients are present in the foods you are buying but do you know how well they are being absorbed by the body? Understanding how to pair certain foods with others can help to increase the absorption of nutrients – preventing a host of diseases… (Continue to full article)

Eating plenty of fruit and veg DOES help us live longer – by keeping our immune system young and more able to fight infections
Eating fruit and vegetables has a vital role in keeping a key part of the immune system young, scientists have found. The thymus gland is located in front of the heart and creates T-cells which help the body fight infections. It is quite large in children and adolescents, but as we grow older it shrinks faster than any other tissue in the body… (Continue to full article)

High-fat diets ARE the best: Mediterranean diet ‘significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer, diabetes and heart disease’
Eating high-fat food can reduce the risk of breast cancer, diabetes and heart disease – as long as it is part of a healthy Mediterranean diet, experts claim.
A review of 50 years of evidence concluded that eating unrestricted amounts of fat was healthier than any other type of diet, when it is done in the right way… (Continue to full article)

A Day’s Worth of Sugar in a Single Food
The Food and Drug Administration recommended that people eat no more than 12.5 teaspoons of sugar each day, or about 50 grams. The idea is to limit sugar consumption to 10 percent of a person’s daily total calories. Currently, Americans get about 16 percent of their calories from added sugars on average… (Continue to full article)

Vegetarian diet reduces cancer risk by up to 43% in study
Good news for vegetable lovers and those who enjoy a dietary lifestyle primarily consisting of such foods: A recent study has found that a vegetarian diet can reduce a person’s risk of developing colorectal cancers when compared to their meat-eating counterparts. Researchers from Loma Linda University in California discovered that, compared to people who eat meat, vegetarians had a 19 percent lower risk for colon cancer and a 29 percent lower risk for rectal cancer… (Continue to full article)

Eating Flaxseed May Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality By Up To 70%
Mainstream medicine continues to push women to get yearly mammograms as a way to defend themselves against the epidemic of deadly breast cancer. However, mammograms do nothing to prevent the disease or improve survival rates. But the amazing little flaxseed does. Scores of studies reveal the anticancer effects of flaxseed. Researchers from the University of Toronto recently reviewed the literature to answer questions about the compounds found in flaxseed and how effective they are in reducing breast cancer risk and tumor growth, and whether flaxseeds interact beneficially with breast cancer drugs… (Continue to full article)

Foods We Won’t Have If We Keep Letting Bees Die
About one-third of the world’s crops depend on the honeybees for pollination. The past decades honeybees have been dying at an alarming rate. Fewer bees will eventually lead to less availability of our favorite whole foods and it will also drive up the prices of many of the fruits and veggies we eat on a daily basis. While some actions have been taken in the past, our bees are still dying and something needs to be done to make sure our most favorite foods don’t go into extinction… (Continue to full article)

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