How your bad breath, low sex drive and headaches could be a sign of a vitamin deficiency (and what to eat to combat them)

Many of us suffer from bad breath, cracked lips and agonising headaches. But they could all be a sign of something much more sinister.

These are just three of the common signs of vitamin or mineral deficiencies, experts have warned on the back of a new poll of 2,000 adults.

Other issues which could point to an insufficient diet include thinning hair, a lower libido, white spots on your nails, dandruff, stress and even dry skin. The findings, commissioned by Healthspan, showed six in ten adults are clueless about signs that could show they are suffering from a deficiency.

But according to Rob Hobson, a London-based nutritionist, adding more spring greens, red meat and nuts to your diet could help combat any distressing symptoms.

Below we reveal the common signs of any potential deficiencies, and the foods you could eat to help you overcome them.

What it could be a sign of: Iron or vitamin C deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Red meat, red peppers, kale and tofu

What it could be a sign of: Biotin, vitamin B7 or essential fatty acids deficiencies

Foods that may help overcome it: Fresh salmon, almonds, peanut butter and sunflower seeds

What it could be a sign of: Iron and vitamin C deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Lemons, kiwi fruit, strawberries and red kidney beans

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin D, vitamin B, zinc or essential fatty acid deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Eggs, prawns, fresh tuna, mushrooms

What it could be a sign of: Omega-6 essential fatty acid deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Sunflower seeds, pine nuts, sesame seeds and turkey mince

What it could be a sign of: Zinc deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Crab, spinach, cashew nuts and cocoa powder

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin B2 or zinc deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Feta cheese, almonds, mackerel and asparagus

What it could be a sign of: Zinc or iron deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Lean pork, mushrooms, chickpeas and dried apricots

What it could be a sign of: Iron deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Flaxseed, chicken liver, pistachio nuts, lentils

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin B12, B3, iron or folic acid deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Black beans, pak choi, avocado and trout

What it could be a sign of: Iron deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Raisins, peas, fortified breakfast cereals, adzuki beans

According to Rob Hobson, a London-based nutritionist, adding more spring greens, red meat and nuts to your diet could help combat any distressing symptoms

What it could be a sign of: Magnesium, vitamin B12 or B6 deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Pumpkin seeds, prunes, banana, fortified soy milk

What it could be a sign of: Zinc deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Eggs, red meat, yoghurt and red kidney beans

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin B, D or magnesium deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Cashew nuts, kale, mushrooms and barley

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin B, D, magnesium or calcium deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Tofu, milk, bananas and dates

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin B, D or magnesium deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Quinoa, salmon, avocado and french beans

What it could be a sign of: Magnesium, zinc or essential fatty acids deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Fresh tuna, cocoa powder, prawns and sunflower seeds

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin B, iron or magnesium deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Dried apricots, prunes, liver, walnuts

What it could be a sign of: Magnesium deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Spring greens, Brazil nuts, soya beans and chickpeas

What it could be a sign of: Magnesium, iron or folate deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Avocado, dried oregano, bulger wheat and dark chocolate

What it could be a sign of: Vitamin D deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Mushrooms, fortified breakfast cereals, mackerel and eggs

What it could be a sign of: Magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, vitamin B1 or D deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Trout, pork, chia seeds and macadamia nuts

What it could be a sign of: Magnesium deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, mackerel and wild rice

What it could be a sign of: Iron deficiency

Foods that may help overcome it: Red meat, kale, tofu and cumin

Written by Stephen Matthews for and published by The Daily Mail ~ April 20, 2017.

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