Kelley’s Kitchen: May 1, 2017

Had a heavy night drinking?
After a heavy night of drinking, your immune system is bound to be weaker. This is because your body is under oxidative stress – a process that can also happen after smoking, breathing in pollution and even sunbathing. Eat KALE: Scientists reveal how Vitamin E rescues the body’s immune cells… (Continue reading)

6 Inflammation-Fighting Foods
Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s immune response, but too much of it, and for too long, can lead to pain and disease. The good news is that there are certain foods that may help fight this immune response when it spins out of control. Here are six that you can easily add to your diet… (Continue reading)

Reishi, the Mushroom of Immortality
Miraculous health benefits! heal cancer, slow aging, regrow hair, control diabetes, strengthen immunity… (Continue reading)

Is this woman proof that superfoods work?
Lady who’s been eating chia seeds and spirulina for 20 YEARS has boundless energy, glowing skin… and doesn’t even have a doctor… (Continue reading)

Revealed: The foods that keep you slim as you age
We all know that with age comes not only grey hair, but the curse of middle-aged spread. Now, however, a study has revealed the best foods to eat to avoid a bulging waistline. Men and women who ate lots of yogurt, seafood, skinless chicken and nuts were more likely to lose weight over the years… (Continue reading)

Porridge for breakfast cuts the risk of diabetes
High fibre intake found to lower chance of Type 2 by nearly a fifth . Those with fibre intake more than 26g per day had 18 per cent lower risk… (Continue reading)

Half a handful of NUTS a day can prevent early death
Peanuts ‘slash risk of cancer, dementia, heart attacks and diabetes.’ Snacking on just half a handful of nuts a day can cut the risk of dying from a string of major diseases, a new study reveals. Researchers found that eating at least 10g of nuts or peanuts per day led to a lower risk of dying from respiratory disease, such as asthma and emphysema, and neurodegenerative diseases, which includes dementia … (Continue reading)

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