Active TB Diagnosed at High School in Washington State Where 15 Percent of Students are ‘English Language Learners’

~ Forewords ~
I wonder how many others have thought about the increase in DISEASES here in America – DISEASES that were pretty much eliminated over the years. Then all of the sudden the RETURN of those childhood and other diseases have made a big comeback.. In spite of all the massive promotions to force our children to be injected with chemical poisons called *VACCINATIONS*. Here in Western Washington we have had large numbers on children come down with MUMPS – a good many of those who developed MUMPS had been vaccinated with that MMR vaccines but they still got those DISEASES they were supposed to be vaccinated against getting. So much for those Poison Injections protecting those who got them.

Although I do not have STATISTICS to prove my point I do believe that the comeback of all these diseases and now T.B. are directly connected to the huge influx of ILLEGALS from other nations who have brought their diseases in with them and since these ILLEGALS violated how to enter America they did NOT go thru any kind of HEALTH checks before settling in among our communities, touching many of us – handling our food and who knows what else.

As a kid I was the recipient of Scabies – caught by babysitting a Hispanic baby. My mom was furious as she had to boil all the bedding my sister and I slept in. Not an easy chore in the late 40’s.

The same government and PRO-ILLEGALS mandate that Americans all be injected with chemicals poisons and totally ignore the FACT they are welcoming in those who carry these diseases with no mandate to vaccinate them as they cross our borders, ILLEGALLY.

Another fact is that those who mandate the vaccines refuse to spend the same amount of time informing the citizens of how using the pH balance way of eating and drinking will PREVENT far more VIRAL and BACTERIAL diseases than all their poisoned, mercury filled, vaccines will ever do. Viruses and bacteria cannot live in an Alkaline system but they THRIVE in an acidic system. Each and every person who gets *sick* with either virus or bacterial illness – if tested – would be found to be acidic and that is the CAUSE of getting those illnesses. Why anyone ignores this simple method to PREVENT getting sick is beyond me and I have little to no sympathy for them. I have family who get the FLU or some other similar illness and I just shake my head at them – I ask them “WHAT IS YOUR pH reading? As I have said many times I know this is the ‘SECRET’ to preventing disease because since I began to live this way I have not had so much as a runny nose. If your kids get sick then it is on YOUR shoulders for that as it is what you are feeding them and what you are letting them drink.

We as individuals aren’t able to eliminate the inflow of the disease carrying ILLEGALS but we can protect ourselves by maintaining the proper pH level in our body and the bodies of our family. If you still are falling for those FLU SHOT mandates – SHAME ON YOU. You probably tell your family to wear a coat when it gets cold or rain boots when it is wet outside but you fail to protect them from the pop/soda’s, or the acidic foods they consume.

There IS a big CONNECTION between PREVENTION of sickness and the PREVENTION of ILLEGALS invading America with their diseases. There is also a BIG connection between home grown illness and the pH balance of your bodies. Not to forget the way all those years of anti-biotics have produced mutant germs that the
anti-biotics can’t touch… and you have paid lots of money for FAILURE and WORSE ILLNESSES.

Do a search for Alkaline and Acidic food lists and then buy some pH test strips at the drug store to find out what your system is. Simply by reducing the amount of ACIDIC food and drink and increasing the ALKALINE foods and drink you can fill your body with the PREVENTION – far less expensive and no doctors or OBOMBACARE but you will stay well as long as you maintain that pH balance. I know that is hard for most of you because that means you have to take personal RESPONSIBILITY for your health and most folks are too lazy to do that.

Jackie Juntti
WGEN idzrus@earthlink.netBrietbart
You can be young once but immature all your life!

Active TB Diagnosed at High School in Washington State Where 15% of Students are ‘English Language Learners’

“Health officials are recommending that 240 people at Renton’s Hazen High School get tested for tuberculosis (TB) after someone at the school was diagnosed with the infectious disease,” the Seattle Times reported on January 12.

Hazen High School is part of the Renton School District, located in a King County, Washington city about 18 miles south of Seattle.

“Health officials recommended the tests at Hazen High School as a precaution after someone at the school was diagnosed with the infectious disease,” the Times noted.

According to the Renton School District’s website:

Renton School District offers an English Language Learner (ELL) program to students who need to develop English proficiency. We offer research-based instruction from ELL teachers in collaboration with mainstream teachers to effectively teach ELL students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

• 15% of students in the Renton School District are enrolled in the ELL program.

• The number of ELL students served in the Renton School District has increased by 67% in the last 10 years.

• At least 85 home languages or dialects are spoken by Renton School District students.

As Breitbart News reported, 66 percent of all cases of active TB in the United States in 2015, or 6,350 out of 9,563, were diagnosed in foreign-born residents of the country.

At 76 percent, the foreign-born percentage of active TB cases was significantly higher in the state of Washington than in the rest of the United States in 2015.

Though the Hazen High School School Nurse’s webpage makes no mention of TB, it does mention pertussis, another disease associated with foreign-born residents of the United States:

King County received 100 reports of confirmed pertussis between 1/1/12-3/31/12, more than the 98 reports received in all of 2011. Vaccinating eligible children and adults is the best way to prevent this disease.

News of the diagnosis of active TB in a Washington State high school follows several reports of similar diagnoses in two high schools in Minnesota, one high school in Nebraska, and one middle school in South Carolina.

All four of these high schools had significant populations of students participating in English Language Learner programs.

“Calling it a precaution, health officials are offering testing Jan. 18 at the school to determine if anyone has symptoms of active TB. Blood tests will also be offered to check if people are infected but without the symptoms, a condition known as latent TB,” the Times reported:

They’ve estimated about 240 people from the school community are at risk based on the amount of time they were exposed to the person with TB in indoor spaces.

Officials are not saying whether the person with TB is a student or employee to protect the person’s privacy, said James Apa, spokesman for Public Health – Seattle & King County.

“The person at Hazen with active TB is receiving treatment and is not a risk for infecting others, Apa said,” the Times reported:

In 2015, 208 new cases were reported in Washington state, including 98 in King County.

Researched and written by Michael Patrick Leahy for Brietbart ~ February 12, 2017

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