Coffee and egg lovers will be happy with a massive new report on what’s actually healthy
Stay away from the sugar, America. And please start eating some vegetables! if you’d like to eat a couple of eggs every day, don’t worry about the fact that each comes with about 300 milligrams of cholesterol, which was the recommended daily limit in 2010. (They used to tell people not to have more than two eggs a week!)… (Continue to full article)
Garlic oil compound found to offer heart protection
Researchers from the Emory University (EU) School of Medicine in Atlanta, Ga., have discovered a natural compound derived from garlic oil, known as diallyl trisulfide, that protects against heart damage. When taken after a heart attack, during cardiac surgery, or as a treatment for heart failure, this powerful compound was found to reduce tissue damage by 61 percent… (Continue to full article)
Can Replacing One Meal A Day With Mushrooms Help You Lose Weight?
A new diet fad claims that replacing one meal a day with mushrooms will help women shed fat, but only in certain parts of the body — the waist, hips and thighs — but not the bust… (Continue to full article)
Does bread REALLY make you fat?
The answer may surprise you! Once seen as a relatively healthy part of our diets, bread these days is getting a bad wrap, touted as the reason why we gain weight, blamed for putting on the bloat, while the gluten used in bread is being seen as the all round bad guy… (Continue to full article)
An apple a day could keep obesity away
Granny Smiths promote friendly bacteria helping us feel fuller for longer. The bright green, crisp variety helps people feel full, inhibiting the urge to eat. They were found to promote friendly bacteria, which invokes the feeling of being full ~ and frankly – they jsut taste good!!! (Continue to full article)
A daily wine or beer is good for your memory
A daily pint of beer or glass of wine can ward off dementia, according to a new study. Researchers found pensioners who enjoy a daily drop of their favourite alcoholic beverage have better memories than teetotallers. The study showed those over 60 who drank sensibly were better at recalling events, and had more grey matter in the hippocampus, the area of the brain which controls memory… (Continue to full article)
From arthritis to thyroid problems, even weight gain…why superfoods could be BAD for you
From goji berries to acai, chia seeds to quinoa, every day there seems to be a new ‘superfood’ hitting the supermarket shelves. Each has huge health claims — promising to protect against everything from cancer to weight gain — and often a price tag to match. Not to mention a celebrity following, but… (Continue to full article)
Life, Liberty & Your Good Health is heard at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) for TWO-HOURS, each Wednesday on The Micro Effect.
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