11 Herbs & Spices That Help Fight Cancer

Can consuming specific herbs and spices help your body fight cancer or prevent its onset? Thanks to some potent properties within nature, herbs and spices can really help you to combat various disease and illness, including cancer.

11-herbs-and-spices-that-help-fight-cancerListed are 11 herbs and spices that can tackle cancer cells and keep your body healthy and strong.

Ground Allspice
Formed from the dried and unripe berries of the Pimenta dioica tree, ground allspice is worthy, yet often neglected, when it comes to the fight against cancer.

allspicePacked with antioxidants, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties, anticancer agents, and antitumorigenic properties, ground allspice is one of the lesser-known spices when it comes to combating the onset and existence of cancer within the body.

basilHaving been used in the health food community for many generations, sweet basil is often used to make exotic dishes and treat various types of illness and disease. Containing cineole, linalool, eugenol, and estragole, these ingredients serve to make basil a potent anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory agent.

Additionally comprised on antiviral herb and antibacterial properties, basil has long since been regarded as a powerful combatant against cancer.

Cayenne Pepper
Adding a little spice to your meals, cayenne pepper has the potential to do far more than just add a few flames to your mouth. Capable of boosting body temperature, cayenne pepper can also aid in weight loss as well as curb your appetite.

cayenne_pepperIn terms of cancer prevention, cayenne pepper comes complete with capsaicin which has been known to prevent prostate cancer; in addition to terminating other existing cancer cells within the body. Add cayenne pepper to your favorite meal and receive more than just the heat of deliciousness.

cinnamonOne of the most well-known spices in the world when it comes to medicinal purposes, cinnamon comes from the bark of the evergreen tree. Quite popular in numerous main course and dessert recipes, cinnamon contains several cancer fighting ingredients such as cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, terpinene, and carvacrol just to name a few.

If you are already a regular consumer of cinnamon simply because of its taste, your favorite spice most likely just became your favorite natural shield against a formidable disease.

clovesServing to detoxify and modify cellular detoxification processes, cloves can potentially combat cancer and well as its existing presence. An evergreen tree, buds from clove trees are quite popular as flavoring agents for hot beverages.

Additionally, cloves can also be turned into a topical oil that is applied to the body in order to treat a host of physical ailments. The practice of using cloves for medicinal purposes dates back hundreds of years.

cilantroCilantro, also known as Chinese parsley, has become a rather popular cooking ingredient all over the world in recent decades. Cooked, or simply prepared as a garnish, cilantro contains linalool which is a potent combatant against cancer. Linalool can serve to promote the hepatic antioxidant system which can serve in protecting and shielding your body from free radicals.

If you have never given cilantro a try, your incentive has now increased in a very positive and appealing fashion.

dillGrowing in the early spring and autumn months, dill is a perennial herb that is known for its potent detoxifying properties. With both seeds and green leaves being quite useful, dill can help protect your cells against free radicals as well as helping to maintain cellular oxidation-reduction balance.

Quite popular in various main course dishes, recipes that include dill are now potentially more valuable to your health than ever before. Similar to cilantro in many respects, give dill a try if you have never made it a regular or even marginal part of your diet.

fennelBelonging to the Apiaceae family, fennel is a perennial herb that is quite popular globally. Packed with both antioxidants and phytonutrients, fennel can combat cancer cells.

In terms of consumption, the base, leaves, and stalk of fennel can be cooked. Presented as a delicious side dish or food topping for your favorite salad or sandwich, fresh fennel is best served as soon as possible after purchase to avoid aging.

Garlic-sproutsLikely the most well-known herb or spice on this list, garlic has been a favorite of countless people for years. Quite popular in an assortment of recipes, garlic, similar to bacon, has received iconic status in many countries across the globe — most notably the United States.

Garlic has also become popular with naturopathic practitioners due to its potent ability to fight cancer as well as a myriad of other health issues. Known for combating high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and promoting weight loss, garlic is quite potent in the most positive aspects.

turmericRecognized as a potent herbal medicine for several years in various parts of the world, turmeric is a strong antibacterial and antifungal plant (spice) that contains the mother lode of polyphenols known as Curcumin.

Regarded as a key ingredient in many Asian dishes, turmeric can be consumed as an additive to a delicious main course, baked good, dairy product, special sauce, etc. If you are fond of South Asian cuisine you are likely familiar with turmeric and what this particular spice can bring to various meals and beverages in terms of not only taste but color as well.

gingerOften found in various desserts, meals, and even select beverages, ginger can help your body to naturally lead the fight against cancer. Serving to eliminate stomach irritation, ginger has antitumorigenic properties and anti-inflammatory properties that actually have the potential to shrink tumors and potentially prevent the onset of cancer cell growth.

In certain circles, especially in the natural medicine community, ginger is known as the cousin spice to the aforementioned turmeric. Try chewing a small piece of ginger during your next large meal. Not only will it help you to digest your food in a more efficient manner it will also fill your body with life-enhancing antioxidants.

Written by Alice Morales for Vitality News, April 15, 2016.

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