Dr. V.: Feminine Products Dangers and Alternatives

breast_testDid you know that Breast Cancer in women under 40 has risen over the last four decades? In fact, during the years 2002-2004, the number of women ages 25-39 who were diagnosed with Breast Cancer rose by close to 50%, according to a Swiss study. And while mortality rates for women over 50 diagnosed with cancer have gone down somewhat, these rates among women under 50 have stayed about the same.

Women of any age who wish to be proactive with prevention can benefit from eating a Healthy Breast diet, managing stress, detoxing regularly and following the other protocols outlined in the 7 Essentials System ™. If you are a woman who has not yet gone through menopause, however, there are other factors you may wish to consider. A big one that most people don’t even think about is the type of feminine protection you use during your monthly cycle.

Toxic Shock Syndrome from Tampons is Alive and Well
The dangers of commercially-produced tampons and pads have been known since the 1980’s. During that decade, a condition called Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) came out of the woodwork, spurred on by the publically-disclosed TSS deaths of close to 40 women in the late seventies and early eighties. TSS is caused by a fast-moving bacterial infection which is instigated by the highly-absorbent synthetic material in tampons. By the 1990’s, TSS was no longer headline news, but that doesn’t mean that it went away.

It is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that there are 1,300 cases of TSS annually, half of them related to commercial tampon use (5 % of these cases are fatal).

Of course, the current numbers represent only the reported cases of TSS. The actual statistics are probably much higher since tampons are still used by approximately 85% of menstruating women and reporting of TSS is voluntary. Most states don’t take the time (nor the money) to submit data on TSS to the CDC.

New Report Points to Cancer-Causing Toxins in Tampons and Pads
In November 2013, the organization Women’s Voices for the Earth commissioned a comprehensive report on the health and safety of commercially-produced feminine products, including tampons, absorbent pads, sprays and wipes. They analyzed Proctor and Gamble’s Always and Infinity tampon and pad brands. What they found was shocking. According to scientific analysis, both scented and unscented Always pads emitted chemicals that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have already identified as carcinogens which affect reproductive and developmental health.

Many of the toxins listed below have been linked to Breast Cancer and endocrine disruption in general:

  • Acetone (used in the manufacturing of tires, nail polish remover and Styrofoam);
  • Dioxin, used in the bleaching process for both pads and tampons. In addition to cancer and endocrine disruption, dioxin has been shown to lead to immune suppression in general.
  • A large amount of crude-oil plastic material (the equivalent of 4 plastic bags per pad!). Crude oil plastics are created using agents such as BPA and BPS, which have been linked not only to Breast Cancer but also to fetal development issues.

In addition to the above, for tampons, the report also found hazardous amounts of phthalates in the plastic applicators, a carcinogen which can lead to gene mutation, organ damage and cancer.

There are Alternatives to Dangerous Commercially-Produced Feminine Products
femail_stuffReusable and disposable pads and tampons that are made from 100% cotton have been shown in scientific studies to significantly reduce the risk of TSS since they do not absorb water particles as much as synthetic materials do. Synthetic materials leave behind concentrations of proteins on the surface of the pads that can then be used by bacterial agents such as staph to create fatal toxins. According to Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), the following companies offer safer cotton alternative that also do not contain the above carcinogens. According to WVE, they are also committed to disclosing the ingredients on their products to the public:

  • Lunette (for reusable menstrual cups)
  • LunaPads (for reusable cotton menstrual pads)

Get Informed about Feminine Hygiene Products
Legal loopholes in United States Food and Drug Administration classifications allow companies to not disclose the presence of dangerous toxins on their product labels. That doesn’t mean that women have to be in the dark when it comes to what they put next to their most womanly areas. Vaginal tissue is highly-absorbent and very susceptible to the uptake of toxins.

If you are a woman who is still menstruating, educate yourself about the issue now and make the necessary changes in order to reduce your toxic load. For both menstruating and non-menstruating women, being disciplined about maintaining your regular cancer-fighting detox routine and lessening your toxic load overall can do wonders to turn a potential dire situation around. The body is highly intelligent and has the ability to renew itself and heal. You can support this process every day by making wise choices in all aspects of your life, including what you put next to the most sensitive areas of your body.

© 2016 Dr. Veronique Desaulniers – All Rights Reserved

Dr.VSubmitted to for publication to Kettle Moraine Publications by the author, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit http://breastcancerconqueror.com/.