Chemotherapy will kill you before cancer even could

no_chemoLet me tell you an interesting (and disturbing) statistic: When worse comes to worst, three in four physicians would readily refuse chemotherapy for themselves.

Why? Because chemotherapy will kill you before cancer even could. It wipes out your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to ordinary viruses and bacteria that normally would not even cause an infection. A common cold could lead to pneumonia and death, thanks to the poisonous effects of chemo on your white blood cells.

Statistics on chemo deaths are hard to come by because hospitals and oncologists always chalk the cause of death up to “cancer.” Even if the actual cause of death is infection aggravated by a severely weakened immune system, the medical culprit would still officially be the “cancer spread.” The immune system becomes so weak after doses of toxic chemotherapy that the very sheets of your bed could contain the pathogens that would ultimately cause your demise.

Chemo will kill – but there are other ways

Cancer treatments Western medicine pushes onto us also reveal another disturbing fact – many people who are fighting cancer don’t really have cancer in the first place. But, doctors, oncologists and x-ray technicians continue to misread lab results to force people into getting harmful chemotherapy, radiation or surgery – all the while enriching the billion-dollar cancer machine.

Thankfully, there are ways to reverse cancer that do not involve shooting yourself up with synthetic toxins. Hemp seed oil, organic raw coconut oil, reishi mushrooms, chaga mushrooms, cannabis sativa, aloe and fluoride-free spring water can all help. Doctors just do not have the intention of telling you about all these natural treatments since disclosing it obviously won’t bring them the cash.

Unfortunately, cancer is America’s leading cause of death for people under 85. Approximately 40% of both men and women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer within their lifetime. Thirteen million Americans are currently diagnosed with cancer, and 66% of those diagnosed survive after five years, which would already make them a “cancer survivor” even if they drop dead the very next day.

Chemo overdose is a real thing, and it kills people. Think about your choices, and think about them well. Just because natural treatments are suppressed by Big Pharma, does not mean they do not heal.

Your health will always be your choice.

Written by Tara Paras for News Target, March 28, 2016.

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