Glyphosate Contamination Found In Tampons

More Bad News For Women

Herbicide-Tampon-PadA team of Argentine researchers have discovered glyphosate (Roundup by Monsanto) present in 85% of cotton containing personal care and feminine hygiene products. Even if you strive to avoid glyphosate – an herbicide deemed by the World Heath Organization as a probable carcinogen – by eating exclusively organic foods you may still be exposed to it unknowingly.

Researchers Dr. Damien Marino of the University of La Plata wrote in their paper “85 percent of all samples tested positive for glyphosate and AMPA 62 percent, which is the environmental metabolite, but in the case of cotton and gauze the figure was one hundred percent”

This is horrible news to say the least. Many of the items tested were labeled as sterilized and suitable for application on wounds which would give the glyphosate direct entry to the blood stream. In the case of tampons, the exposure would be even greater.

Compounded by the direct entry to the blood stream you have regular chronic use to increase absorption into very delicate areas such as the cervix, uterus and ovaries.

All of the samples were purchased over the counter at various Pharmacies and grocery stores around La Plata. Dr. Marino’s group have now begun the process to see what other herbicides might be found in these items.

While the focus has been glyphosate in our food this study is alarming because many people are being exposed to glyphosate in hospitals and at home due to the contamination of cotton products that are used for hygiene and toiletries such as the cotton pads women use daily to remove makeup.

This discover will now lead to the need for stronger sourcing regulation of fiber producing crops like cotton that will be used in tampons, gauze bandages and other dressings used in wound care and hygiene applications for sure.

Look forward for the “Organic” label to appear on Q’Tips very soon!

Written by Dr. Leonard Coldwell for Dr. Leonard Coldwell, December 1, 2015.

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