Vaccines: Death by MURDER

JFB_2009_port-198x300DATELINE: December 1, 2015; On my evening program, Life, Liberty & All That Jazz I was privileged to present most of what you are about to read/view in this extended column. Nearing the end of the two hour program I knew that this is how I wanted to present this issue – in the very format presented below – something that we have never done since the inception of this website with Dr. Kelley in the year 2000. The advantage that you will benefit from in this format, include the embedded links, which will not only give you several product suggestions for detoxification – but legal links as well, which may provide you with another degree of protection from the all seeing, all knowing eye of the murderers in power.

At 9:23 p.m. (MST), I began to formulate all that which you are about to read. READ IT all – WATCH the entire embedded video interview with one of the bravest individuals you will ever be privileged to meet – then share this lengthy presentation far and wide.

You will never think of vaccines in the same way again. (J.B.)


California begins injecting children with mercury… flu shot ‘shortage’ cited as bizarre justification… state safety laws nullified to push vaccines

(Natural News) California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley has just cast aside a law intended to protect children from mercury in vaccines. In a letter dated October 9 (see full text below), Dooley is now urging all children in California to be injected with mercury — TWICE! — in the form of flu shots.

She then goes on to claim that she might extend the nullification of California law for as long as necessary to keep injecting children with influenza vaccines… whether they contain mercury or not!

Now, with the help of Dooley, California’s government is happily committing vaccine violence against children by pushing for mass injections of a toxic heavy metal known to damage brains and kidneys. (Read More)

Doctors admit flu vaccines are useless to people taking statin drugs – and both cause brain damage!

vaccine_girl_shot_735_350-2The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued an apology to hundreds of millions of people late 2014, admitting that the flu shot didn’t work. The strain of virus manufactured in the vaccine did not match the actual dominant flu virus strains going around. Flu viruses mutate now so unpredictably that no scientist can accurately predict what each individual is bound to face in their environment.

If the CDC and the general public continue to believe in the failing, fleeting science of vaccination against individual virus strains, then humanity will continue to struggle with mutating viruses. If public health policy started to focus on the utilization of nutritional components that activate immune system health, then mankind would adapt much faster against all viruses.

The drugs and vaccines that dominate the marketplace today exist because of a system of monopoly medicine that has taken over what was once a life-calling dedicated to healing. (Read More)

And the TRUTH Shall Set you FREE!

~ Supporting Data ~

Washington attorney obliterates Big Pharma’s vaccine propaganda while promoting real public health measures

cancer_vaccines_090512Someone with proper know-how on the subject is finally doing what should have been done years ago, as legal redress for the many crimes against humanity that continue to be inflicted against the American people by bought-off health officials and corrupt drug corporations.

Washington state attorney James Robert Deal, J.D., having thoroughly witnessed the incredible damage caused by FDA-approved vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs, is bravely taking the federal government to task for conspiring with drug and vaccine interests to push dangerous, unproven medical interventions on children, causing many of them to develop chronic illnesses or to die.

His clear-cut plan is extensively laid out, and draws from legal precedence that stands to indict the federal government for criminal activity for its “mandatory,” state-sponsored vaccination programs.

“The connection between the fluoride scam and the vaccine scam [and all the other scams he’s spoken out about] is that they are both run by mega corporations without ethical standards.” (Read More)

Mercury-Metal-Vaccine-Shot-SyringeEdwards: How To Detoxify From Vaccinations & Heavy Metals

vaccine2If you choose to vaccinate (or believe you have no choice), it’s time to detoxify. This is not an article intended to debate the efficacy of vaccinations, but merely to address the toxicity from vaccinations and advise on elimination of the toxins.

Regardless of what your position on vaccinations is, any rational person cannot deny that the ingredients in vaccines are toxic. In fact, almost every single ingredient in any immunization is toxic to the human body. Besides the vitamins and minerals, nobody in their right mind would drink a concoction with any one or combination of most of the vaccine ingredients (and those vitamins and minerals they add are toxic, too). Most vaccinations are directly injected into our bodies, allowing the ingredients to directly enter the bloodstream, which rationally, seems like an even more dangerous approach.

Vaccine ingredients (adjuvants and preservatives) and substances used in the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media that are present only in trace quantities, include: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, potassium phosphate, FD&C Yellow #6, aluminum lake dye, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, monosodium glutamate, aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, lactose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, bovine extract, formaldehyde, thimerosal, ammonium sulfate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine extract), calf serum, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxphosphate sulfate, and ethanol. Vaccinations also contain many inorganic minerals, vitamins, amino acids, salts, and sugars.

If anyone can tell me why in the heck they put artificial colors into vaccines, I would love to read about it in comments. Does anyone really care what color an immunization is?

Obviously this sort of cocktail going into the bloodstream can slow things down. You are introducing heavy metals, preservatives, and a host of other inorganic compounds, most of which are not even found in nature, directly into the blood stream. Much of the vaccine material will not leave the body without assistance, especially with a typical modern lifestyle and diet.

Eat Well
The goal in order to detoxify from vaccinations is to flush the body of toxins, including heavy metals. There are a few good supplements available for chelation, but it can also be done with the right foods. Along with a healthy diet, the best ingredients for a natural heavy metal chelation regimen are chlorella, cilantro, citrus peels, spirulina, and garlic.

Most vegetables have some chelation properties, and eating combinations of vegetables increases their ability to chelate exponentially (this is true for all the health benefits). Make salads with more than ten different vegetables with lots of cilantro, avocado, and garlic every day. Avoid sugar, and avoid any and all refined, processed, manufactured foods.

Fix the Immune System
Sugars are present in vaccines, and sugars suppress the immune system. Sugars also feed parasites, viruses (indirectly), fungus, bacteria, and any other little creature that wants to harm us. These refined sugars travel through the bloodstream to wherever infection can be fed. As mentioned, lots of garlic is recommended, as well as the following supplements: oil of oregano, Echinacea, goldenseal, and goldenthread. These supplements, especially when used in conjunction with each other, will help purify the blood, remove toxins, and keep any infectious agent at bay, all while helping to repair the immune system.

In addition to those supplements, a B vitamin complex is recommended for a few weeks after immunizing. Formaldehydes, and metals like mercury and aluminum make assimilating B vitamins more difficult. Until the heavy metals are removed, the solution is to take a high quality B complex supplement and to make sure the digestive system is as healthy as possible. (Read More)

~ YOUR Options ~
The following links contain products, which may help in the detoxification of your system. This website makes no claims as to the efficacy of any of these products, nor are we provided with any compensation for these links, however provide same for informational purposes and suggest that you do your own research on each of the products listed below.

~ Additional Research ~

~ Your Rights ~

NOTE: If you do (Google, Bing, etc) searches for any of the following, you will be blown away by the people who are waking up…

  • Vaccine exemptions
  • Vaccine groups

wineWe strongly urge you to NOT stop by your local pharmacy today – you know – the ones who have their seasonal signs out saying, “Flu shots Today”. You never know what else you might get.

Be blessed, but be informed, and with glass lifted on high I say, “To health with you!”


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