Watch: New documentary film exposes water fluoridation as ‘Poison on Tap’

faucet-runningA new documentary exposing the ugly truth behind the phosphate fertilizer industry will soon be available on DVD. The film, titled Fluoride: Poison on Tap, features testimony from dozens of professionals who are extremely knowledgeable about the harmful effects of fluoride, including Natural News Editor Mike Adams, health and wellness expert Dr. Edward Group and preventive dentist David Kennedy.

The film dives into the filthy processes of the phosphate fertilizer industry, which provides municipalities across the U.S. with fluoride, or hydrofluorosilicic acid rather, a hazardous waste byproduct of the commercial fertilizer industry.

As the film’s official trailer describes, fluoride is not naturally occurring as its proponents will have you believe, but rather a cocktail of hundreds of radioactive and cancer-causing chemicals that are laced with heavy metals and other harmful toxins.

Documentary unearths the toxicity of fluoride
While in the finalization process, the film’s production is accepting donations in order to complete the project, which will expose the dangers behind water fluoridation.

The film is expected to serve as a major tool for educating the public about fluoride and could even be shown to city councils across the U.S. as an instrument to visibly portray the pollution and destruction caused by the phosphate fertilizer industry, waking people up to that fact that hydrofluorosilicic acid is a toxicant and does not belong in the water supply. You may help the cause by donating here.

Below, you can view the official trailer for Fluoride: Poison On Tap:

Fluoride proponents insist that ingesting the chemical protects teeth from tooth decay; however, no randomized clinical trials have ever been completed that proves ingesting fluoride has any positive health effects.

Instead, what continues to emerge is research highlighting a multitude of health problems associated with water fluoridation, including lower IQs in children, neurotoxicity, dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, arthritis, gastrointestinal distress and hypothyroidism, which induce symptoms of depression, fatigue and weight gain.

Humans are not only exposed to fluoride through tap water, but via cereals, soda, juice, beer and any other processed food that is doused with fluoridated water by manufacturers.

Fluoride pollution and the phosphate fertilizer industry
The industry utilizes “wet scrubbers” to capture fluoride gases produced by phosphate fertilizer plants, before being barreled up and sold, unrefined, to communities across the U.S., reports

Prior to the development of sophisticated air-pollution-control technology, fluoride gases would often escape into the air, torching anything unfortunate enough to be in its path, including plants, trees and crops and animals such as cattle.

The consequences of the phosphate fertilizer industry are deadly and are seen in the case of Dunnville, a small agricultural town in Southern Ontario.

A transcript of a 1967 CBC broadcast describes the destruction:

Farmers noticed it first…. Something mysterious burned the peppers, burned the fruit, dwarfed and shriveled the grains, damaged everything that grew. Something in the air destroyed the crops. Anyone could see it. … They noticed it first in 1961. Again in ’62. Worse each year. Plants that didn’t burn, were dwarfed. Grain yields cut in half. … Finally, a greater disaster revealed the source of the trouble. A plume from a silver stack, once the symbol of Dunnville’s progress, spreading for miles around poison – fluorine. It was identified by veterinarians. There was no doubt. What happened to the cattle was unmistakable, and it broke the farmer’s hearts. Fluorosis – swollen joints, falling teeth, pain until cattle lie down and die. Hundreds of them. The cause – fluorine poisoning from the air.

The health and environmental effects of fluoride are undeniable. The more they are exposed, the better chance we have of eliminating it from our water supply. If you’re unable to donate to the film, you can help the movement by spreading awareness about the dangers of this toxic pollutant.

Remember, information is power, and we can make a difference.

Written by Julie Wilson staff writer for Natural News, November 16, 2014.

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