The Mistake That’s Costing You a Good Night’s Sleep

sleepThe sun has set, your eyes are heavy and all signs point towards you falling asleep. You get into bed for what you hope will be a restful evening so you can be energized in the morning, but instead you’re left tossing and turning all night. Not only do you wake up the next day groggy, but this vicious cycle continues night after night.

Lack of sleep impairs your energy levels, but it can also have serious health consequences; therefore, it’s important that you get to the bottom of your sleep predicament.

There are many reasons why people have trouble sleeping, from sleep apnea to insomnia; sleep conditions can have you awake throughout the night. But one reason why you may not be getting proper sleep has a very easy solution that you can try tonight…

Proper room temperature improves sleep
Men and women have many differences including body temperature. Generally, women are more sensitive to changes in temperature and can become colder more quickly than men. What is comfortable for a man may be frigid for a woman, or what is comfortable for a women may be too warm for a man. This is in large part because women produce less body heat compared to men thus making them feel colder.

Temperature can play a large role in your sleep quality, and research from the National Sleep Foundation suggests that the perfect temperature to sleep at is 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius). Although this number may appear low, it’s important to note that our body temperature naturally lowers while we sleep. To wake up our bodies increase in temperature, but if the bedroom is too hot and our body is warming up, the heat can interfere with our body’s natural temperature adjustment. When this occurs we are left restless, which contributes to insomnia.

If you think 65 degrees Fahrenheit is too cold, don’t stress – this is simply a ballpark number to achieve. Researchers suggest you can play with temperatures between 65 to 69 degrees for a more comfortable sleep. And heck, if it’s too cold for you, it’s a good excuse for you to cuddle more with your partner!

How to improve your sleep
As mentioned, poor sleep can leave you with poor health, so it’s vital you are well rested for at least seven hours a night. Aside from making some temperature changes, here are some other tips to improve your sleep.

  • Avoid stimulants like caffeine or nicotine prior to sleep.
  • Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet and cool.
  • Create a pre-sleep routine.
  • Avoid using electronics prior to or in bed.
  • Sleep when you’re tired.
  • Don’t stare at a clock when attempting to sleep.
  • Ensure there is natural light in the room to wake you up naturally.
  • Try to stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Avoid napping close to bed or don’t nap at all.
  • Don’t consume a large or heavy meal close to sleep.
  • Don’t consume fluid too close to sleep as it will wake you up to urinate.
  • Exercise earlier in the day.

In order to feel your best you need good quality sleep. If you’ve tried these tips and still have trouble getting a good night’s rest, you may have another condition which is preventing you from getting the sleep you deserve. Pick up on symptoms like a sore jaw, headache or daytime fatigue and speak to your doctor. They may suggest a sleep test to get to the root of your sleep troubles.

Copyright © 2015 Bel Marra Health

Written for Bel Marra Health, September 16, 2015.

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