From Abortions to Vaccines to Chemotherapy

How modern medicine is steeped in a culture of death and denial

prescription-drugsThe standard medical approach in the West is to bombard the body with drugs and poison whenever there’s an ailment, rather than try to prevent illness by fortifying the body through nutrition and healthy living. This reactionary approach, or what many recognize as the allopathic model of healthcare, has led to the advent of all sorts of deadly interventions such as abortion, vaccination and chemotherapy, all of which involve death and destruction rather than life and healing.

How did things become this way? The “do no harm” oath of the medical profession seems to have evolved into “always do harm,” as quack doctors routinely pump their patients up with pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, radiation, antibiotics and other poisons that inhibit the human body from healing itself naturally. Modern medicine has degenerated into a culture of death cloaked in denial, and millions of people are needlessly suffering as a result.

Part of the problem is greed — convincing governments to purchase vaccines in bulk, for instance, or signing people up for cancer “treatments” that cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars a month means billions of dollars in profits for drug and vaccine manufacturers. But another problem is the flawed mindset that leads many people to believe that poisoning their bodies with conventional drugs and surgery is somehow better than rejuvenating their bodies with actual healing nutrients.

Chemotherapy and radiation promote more cancer, science shows
For abortion, simply claiming that murdering a baby in the womb promotes “women’s health” is enough for many to accept this procedure of death as somehow promoting life. The same is true for vaccines, which are admittedly loaded with synthetic compounds and neurotoxins that harm and kill children, but that are widely hailed as the greatest public health measure to ever reach humanity (next to artificial water fluoridation, of course, which is also a poison).

Then there’s chemotherapy, one of the few establishment-accepted medical “treatments” for cancer. Millions of people have been duped into believing that injecting mustard gas derivatives like mechlorethamine and cyclophosphamide into their bodies will help cure their cancers, when in reality these poisons damage healthy cells and have been shown to cause more cancer.

“The DNA-damaging, or genotoxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation, according to the prevailing wisdom, are the #1 cause of cancer initiation and promotion,” writes Sayer Ji for GreenMedInfo.

“[C]ancer may not be a strict random mutation process, but an ancient survival program unmasked; that is, the cancer cell may be drawing from a far more ancient evolutionary and genetic ‘tool kit’ which enables it to survive far harsher cellular environments, e.g. chemical exposure, low oxygen, higher availability of glucose/fructose, acidic pH, etc. and therefore the addition of highly toxic chemotherapy-type chemicals will selectively kill the weaker, and technically healthier (more benign) cells within a breast tumor, while creating the very conditions within which the malignant and more chemoresistant cancer cells may thrive.”

Major reform needed to stop medical system from pushing death interventions as ‘cures’

Meanwhile, natural anti-cancer substances and whole plant extracts selectively target malignant cells while protecting healthy ones, a process known as “selective cytotoxicity” that’s completely nonexistent in the realm of synthetic anti-cancer medicine. The same is true with vaccines, which provide temporary, artificial immunity (if they even work at all) while depriving the body of its natural ability to develop full-spectrum immunity through natural germ exposure.

“Medicine is not taking into consideration the following critically important aspects of a healthy human organism: (a) stress and how it adversely affects the immune system and life processes; (b) insufficient exercise; (c) excessive caloric intake; (d) highly processed and denatured foods grown in denatured and chemically damaged soil; and (e) exposure to tens of thousands of environmental toxins,” reads a comprehensive report on the state of American healthcare entitled Death By Medicine.

“Instead of minimizing these disease-causing factors, we cause more illness through medical technology, diagnostic testing, overuse of medical and surgical procedures, and overuse of pharmaceutical drugs. The huge disservice of this therapeutic strategy is the result of little effort or money being spent on preventing disease.”

Written by Jonathan Benson, staff writer for Natural News, August 31, 2015

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