Big Government & Big Pharma: A Marriage Forged In Hell

A Discussion with Dr. Wakefield & Dr. Lewis

PharmaceuticalWe who have done our homework, constantly struggle to convince those who have not, that the very people they trust via elections or government appointment, are in fact complicit with Big Pharma in heinous crimes of willful negligence being perpetrated against an unsuspecting (majority of) humanity, for reasons of greed, self promotion or something even more sinister.

Big Pharma even goes as far as to suppress “profitable” diseases from being cured. This includes cancer, HIV, diabetes, Alzheimer, and many others. Honest doctors and researchers who claim to have cured a disease or developed an extremely effective but unprofitable treatment have had their medical licenses immediately revoked (by a complicit government agency), been bribed, driven out of their country, threatened with physical violence and even death. Their research is promptly destroyed or hoarded away from public access. Entire laboratories have been mysteriously burned down.

The bought and paid for Mainstream Media (look at the massive pharmaceutical advertisement campaigns on TV) put out disinformation to ensure that no information regarding such matters is released to the general public.

If the medical establishment or our trusted government representatives and health agencies were at all concerned about curing disease and helping humanity as they so strongly promote, and not just profit, a vast majority of all of the diseases known to mankind would have been eradicated from this planet by now.

So lets talk Vaccine Corruption and the CDC …

What follows is a discussion TLB had with Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. David Lewis concerning Government corruption and complicity with Big Pharma in respect to vaccines immediately following the CDC whistle-blower incident with Dr. Thompson …

Profit Over People: When Those We Trust To Protect Our Health … Can No Longer Be Trusted

TLB has presented to you over time with a multitude of documentation proving governments across this planet have been aware of the dangers of, or the lack of any proven efficacy, concerning vaccines from as far back as the very early 1900’s .

  • The link between vaccines and food allergies has been know for over four generations.
  • The fact that vaccines wreak havoc on the immune system has been known for at least three generations.
  • The Autism blight and its Thimerosal catalyst has been known for almost two generations.
  • The MMR vaccine has been taking hits from independent researchers for at least two generations.
  • HPV vaccine ties to sterility and a whole boatload of other health issues has been known for about a decade.
  • And due to a recent global scare, there was talk of an Ebola vaccine trial on the public … and this may very well be mandatory depending on where you live!

This is by no means all that can be said, as a matter of fact it is just a drop in the proverbial bucket but … where does this all end?

Yet all these mechanisms of harm are not only continually propagated to a vast number of us … but are recommended, sponsored, purchased for dissemination and in some cases forced upon us by those who are tasked with our protection and well being.

I dare anyone to explain this away as our benefactors simply lacking the knowledge to make informed decisions on our behalf, because if I know this and you know this as laymen … explain to me how those professionals charged with the facilitation of our health and safety DO NOT! So we must logically assume … they DO.


Written by Roger Landry and published by The Liberty Beacon, August 21, 2015.

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