Around 1945 local water treatment facilities began to add sodium fluoride to our water supply.
The first thing you should know is that the fluoride they put in our drinking water is not a pharmaceutical grade additive.
It is an industrial waste byproduct.
As aluminum production increased in the first half of the twentieth century, it became necessary to find somewhere to put the fluoride. Manufacturers could no longer get away with dumping it into rivers or landfills, because it was poisoning crops and making livestock sick. Francis Frary, chief scientist for ALCOA, had an idea. He commissioned Gerald Cox at the Mellon Institute, to conduct research regarding the benefits of adding fluoride to the water supply. The Mellon Institute was frequently hired by big business to produce research that supported their industries, and for several decades they produced research showing that asbestos was safe and did not cause cancer. Hmmm.
They also produced reports assuring everyone that fluoride was not toxic and would be beneficial to add to our drinking water for healthy teeth.
Another proponent of the safety of fluoride at that time was scientist Harold Hodge, who was later revealed to to have been part of the the Human Radiation Experiment; injecting test subjects with plutonium and uranium in 1945-46. This was documented by pulitzer prize winning reporter Eileen Welsonne in The Plutonium Files.
Hodge was also chief toxicologist of The Manhattan Project and fluoride was a key component in the production of the atom bomb. His studies were conducted with a bias toward proving fluoride safe, which would protect the government and industry from lawsuits.
The “research science” done to support water fluoridation was underwritten by these massive companies:
Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA)
Aluminum Company of Canada
American Petroleum Institute
Kaiser Aluminum
Reynolds Steel
US Steel
National Institute of Dental Research
Convincing the general public that we need to add fluoride to our water supply was one of the most sophisticated cons of all time. It created a multi-billion dollar industry and enabled manufacturers to sell this worthless toxic byproduct of aluminum to local municipalities for a profit.
PR master Edward Bernays also known as “The Father of Spin” created the PR campaign to sell fluoride to the nation as an additive “recommended by your doctor and dentist for healthy teeth”. He was a pioneer of modern propaganda and used the theories of mass psychology and persuasion to suit the needs of corporate and political organizations.
Bernays even created marketing campaigns for tobacco companies using the doctor and dentist endorsement, like the one on the right.
He even wrote a book called Propaganda and another one called Public Relations. For you trivia buffs, he was also Sigmund Freud’s nephew.
In 1950 the public health service endorsed water fluoridation and almost immediately there was a national movement against it led by Dr. George Walbott, who was also the first physician to warn against fatal allergic reactions to penicillin, and that smoking causes emphysema.
Walbott discovered that low dose fluoride was causing allergic reactions in some of his patients who displayed a variety of symptoms such as headaches, back pain, gastric problems, muscle fatigue, etc.
He conducted a series of double blind tests further proving his fluoride allergy theory, and published several papers about it.
Walbott was criticized and marginalized for his research and for speaking out against fluoride, tobacco, and penicillin, which is why you’ve never heard of him.
The main fluoride chemical added to water today is hydrofluorosilicic acid an industrial by-product from the phosphate fertilizer industry.
Fluoride given to rats has been proven to cause bone cancer, liver cancer, and a host of other physical ailments.
Dr. William Marcus, Senior Science Advisor to the EPA Office of Water, was fired because of his outspoken opposition to water fluoridation in the early 1990’s. He even claimed that they rigged their test results to show that fluoride did not cause cancer when in fact it did.
Researcher Dr. Phyllis Mullenix was asked to study fluoride and was surprised to find and prove that fluoride is a neurotoxin and causes effects like hyper activity, memory problems, and IQ problems similar to ADD/ADHD in laboratory rats. After submitting her findings, she was promptly fired from the Forsyth Dental Research Center. She went from being a leading neurotoxicologist at a Harvard affiliated research institute to an industry pariah. This assignment and her findings ruined her career as a grant-funded research scientist.
Not only does fluoride in water not help your teeth, too much of it causes permanent damage in young children’s teeth between 3 months and 8 years old. This is called dental fluorosis. Fluoride also accumulates in the bones eventually causing a bone disease called skeletal fluorosis in adults.
Welcome to Opposite Land where right is wrong, and up is down:
It is illegal to dump fluoride into our lakes and rivers, but it is perfectly fine to put in our drinking water and toothpaste.
Cities with fluoridated water have higher cavity rates and higher cancer death rates when compared to cities with unfluoridated water. As of 2010, 66% of US water supplies are currently fluoridated, but the good new is that since 1999 over 60 U.S. communities have rejected fluoridation.
Hidden sources of fluoride: Most commercial crops are watered with fluoridated water. These crops absorb the fluoride. Fruit juices from concentrate are reconstituted with fluoridated water, and bottled water, even if it’s filtered, usually has fluoride in it.
Fluoride is still defended today for two reasons: The massive profit produced by selling it to local municipalities, and the massive liability and lawsuits that would follow an admission that it is in fact toxic and harmful.
The Fluoride Deception is a book based on ten years of research by BBC reporter Christopher Bryson on the history and dangers of water fluoridation, and is some of the source material for this post. His research is so in-depth and well documented, it is virtually irrefutable.
There is also a ton of information and independent research from all over the world at
Fluoride Film Fest!
Watch An Inconvenient Tooth (best name ever) and Fluoridegate.
Despite all the evidence, proponents of water fluoridation are still calling scientific research that shows fluoride to be toxic “conspiracy theories”, but the world is waking up.
Proof #1 98% of Western Europe has now rejected Water Fluoridation… and their children’s teeth are just as healthy as children’s teeth in the US. Proof #2 Since 1997 the FDA requires all fluoride toothpaste sold in the U.S. carry this poison warning:
WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or call a poison control center immediately.
This is because a tube of toothpaste contains enough fluoride to kill a small child, and most young children swallow some toothpaste while brushing. But even if you don’t swallow your toothpaste, unhealthy levels of fluoride are still absorbed sublingually through the capillaries under your tongue and go directly into your bloodstream.
Another interesting tidbit: Bottled water companies are not required to disclose what type of filtration they use, if any. Don’t believe the “Natural Mountain Spring” hype, many of them are simply selling you tap water with fluoride in it.
Cooking with tap water
The main reason not to cook in tap water is that it concentrates the fluoride which then binds to the vegetables you’re about to eat.
Here’s some simple stuff we did to reduce our exposure to fluoride:

We bought a Waterwise Countertop Distiller in 2004. Distillers remove 99% of all contaminants including fluoride, chlorine, lead, bacteria and other toxins from your tap water; giving you pure, clean H2O. Pitcher and faucet mounted filters do not remove fluoride, neither do fridge water filters. It’s a simple process really. Water is boiled in the pitcher on the left, and the steam travels over and collects in the pitcher on the right. Voila!
Wanna see the some of the crud the Waterwise has removed from our drinking water? Here’s a picture I took of the inside of the stainless steel boiler in my distiller, after a few months of use.

Crazy pic right? Looks kinda like a planet.
We now use a Big Berkey Water Filter, which removes fluoride as well. Watch my video 5 Reasons Why I Love My Berkey Water Filter
Waterwise also makes a great shower filter called Showerwise that we use at our house. Your body can absorb more chlorine through your lungs and skin in a 10 minute shower than from drinking 2 liters of the same water! This is why we bought a shower filter. It also reduces iron, lead, mercury, hydrogen sulfide, and inhibits fungal, bacterial and mildew growth. The first time I used our filter I noticed that the shower steam actually smelled different. By “different” I mean the shower steam odor I was accustomed to, and thought was normal, was gone. Pretty cool.
It comes with a massaging shower head that can be swapped out if you have one you prefer. The replaceable filter cartridge lasts 12-18 months. Buy the Showerwise Shower Filter here
We stopped buying toothpaste that contains fluoride in 2004.

2015 Update: It’s been over 11 years of not drinking fluoridated water or brushing with fluoride toothpaste and our dental reports are always perfect. No cavities. Even our kids. That’s because healthy teeth come from a diet rich in whole unprocessed foods from the earth, not from fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water.
Tom’s of Maine is one of several companies that make fluoride free toothpaste. I use their flouride-free toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, and aluminum-free deodorant.
They even make fluoride-free kid flavors like “Silly Strawberry”.
Big stores like Target and Walmart carry Tom’s of Maine products, but usually don’t have the fluoride-free toothpaste.
You can find it at select health food, grocery, vitamin stores, and online here.
Written by Chris Wark for Chris Beat Cancer.
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