
cancer_02There are a whole lot of folks around our age that have or know of others that have cancer. The system’s cancer industry has continually been a failure to extend the life of those with cancer. Yet, 90% plus will get in line with the conventional wisdom of radiation, chemo, medication, and surgery to deal with their cancer. The cancer results of conventional medicine continue to be horrific with little or no true longevity gains.

After decades of research and spending 100’s of billions, the only major accomplishments that the cancer industry can claim is earlier detection and one partially effective medication for one rare form of blood cancer. So now the system loudly claims that their cancer patients live longer from the time of detection to actual death. This is true. But the actual life span of cancer patients has not been extended overall.

To effectively address any illness the doctors must know the root cause. The cancer industry, which also includes the medical doctors, claims that genetics going wrong is the cause of cancer. Or they claim they do not know what causes cancer. Genetics-going-wrong does not explain the significant increase in cancer rates during the last decades. Genetics just does not change that fast to the down side. If it did, then our species would have ceased to exist long ago.

I am going to present a cause and purpose for cancer growths that is consistent with the experience of every cancer patient that has ever existed. Yet, the system will NEVER admit to it simply because of the tremendous loss of profit and loss of control. Also, such a clearly pronounced cause for cancer would mean that the past and current therapy practices of the cancer industry are what they really are. A BIG FAILURE that costs a whole lot of money. A good word definition of anything that falls in this category is “SCAM”.

So much for the current sorry state the system provides cancer patients. Let’s get to the real heart of the cancer problem:

The cause of all cancer growths is over toxicity in the tissues where the cancer cells are growing. Every tissue within the body has cancer triggers. When the toxicity of a particular tissue increases to a certain point, these triggers are activated resulting in cancer cells being produced and multiplying. This is God’s design. Not some random rouge event caused by genetics-going-wrong.

The purpose of cancer cell creation and cancer cell growth is to engulf or absorb excess and dangerous toxins before they can do direct damage to healthy tissues. Without cancer growth to deal with excess deadly toxins one would die much sooner. When cancer growth alone can no longer absorb excess toxins, these toxins spill out into healthy tissue causing much damage and death. Cancer is not a curse! It is the natural response to protect the body from something else going wrong. That is overtoxicity within the tissues where it is found growing.

These 2 vital truths of the cause and purpose of cancer will never be proclaimed by the system. Those that trust the system when it comes to cancer despite its dismal failure are doomed to go down the same path of failure that 10’s of millions have already gone down. That path is full of cost, pain, anxiety, danger, and often premature death.

The cure of all cancers is to detoxify the tissues where the cancer is growing. Detoxification can most easily be accomplished with diet modification and exercise. If one can not do much exercise, that is not much of a problem because most over toxicity of tissues is related to diet.

The most effective diet modification to help reduce toxicity is to extend daily fasting to at least 12 hours a day and preferably 16 hours a day. Increased daily fasting time allows one’s liver more opportunity to process more toxins each day which in turn reduces body toxicity. Second in importance is to significantly reduce sugar input. High sugar diets feed auxiliary micro organisms like candida tremendously increasing their numbers. These organisms in turn release their toxins to the human body making it more toxic. Other effective means of bringing about overall detoxification is to reduce the inflow of toxins and eating raw fruit when one’s stomach is empty. This short paragraph of only 129 words certainly does not even begin to address effective detoxification. It is only a start.

There is no significant money for the system to encourage detoxification to address cancer. So don’t look to the system and it’s failures if you really want effective cancer resolution. About 30% of the population is open to what I have written here. If you are part of the 70%, you really need to honestly and openly look at the current and past failures of the cancer industry and ask God and His universe “what is really going on?”. I answered this question in this short article on cancer. But it is best that you to find out for yourself.

Yes, you are welcome to forward what I have written here. It could be the beginning of a loved one or friend finding resolution for their over toxic body and resultant cancer growths.

Clint Young

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