Research Shows Bananas Effective Way To Naturally Improve Eye Health

chiquita bananaMost people think of carrots when it comes to foods that help improve vision, but studies show that bananas are also very effective when it comes to eye health.

Research shows that fruits like bananas help vision

An 18-year study of more than 100,000 men and women found that increased fruit intake like that of bananas trumped vegetables when it came to certain vision improvements. Specifically, the study noted that fruits helped combat an eye disease even more severe than age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) that leads to blindness, neovascular ARMD. Neovascular means that new blood vessels are growing in parts of the eye where they should not be, which leads to blood and fluid leaking underneath the retina, which typically progresses to blind spots in central vision and can even turn into blindness.

The information was published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, which suggested that three or more servings of fruits daily could help keep such eye diseases at bay. Recommendations include slicing bananas on oatmeal, including them in smoothies or enjoying a frozen banana.

Another finding also makes the case for eating bananas to improve eyesight: In Nigeria, practitioners have been known to combine banana and an African herb called “Orinol” to treat cataracts and macular degeneration. The results have been successful.

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It makes sense. After all, bananas contain vitamin A, which plays a role in protecting eye membranes and providing light to the cornea.

However, be aware of the banana’s ripeness, as it changes its glycemic level. An overripe banana may have a high glycemic level around 70, while one that’s underripe falls on the low spectrum at around 30. This is important because high-glycemic foods have been linked to a heightened risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

According to a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it’s estimated that 17.8 million people will have ARMD by 2050.

In addition to eating more fruits like bananas, it’s advised to quit smoking, lose weight and reduce blood pressure, as they are common culprits that affect vision and lead to impaired vision.

Written by Raw Michelle and published by Natural News, May 3, 2014.

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