Could tobacco hold the key to beating cancer?

  • Researchers say plant’s defence mechanism could work in humans to ‘explode’ invading cells
  • Plant’s natural defence mechanisms could kill cancer cells
  • Molecule kills off fungi and bacteria in plant
  • Pincer-like structure grips onto membrane of cancer cells and rips them open
The flower of the Nicotiana planet, in which researchers have identified a molecule that usually fights off fungi and bacteria also has the ability to identify and destroy cancer

The flower of the Nicotiana planet, in which researchers have identified a molecule that usually fights off fungi and bacteria also has the ability to identify and destroy cancer

The tobacco plant’s natural defence mechanisms could be harnessed to kill cancer cells in the human body.

Scientists have identified a molecule in the flower of the plant that usually fights off fungi and bacteria – and were stunned to find it also has the ability to identify and destroy cancer.

Called NaD1, it works by forming a pincer-like structure that grips onto lipids present in the membrane of cancer cells and rips themopen, causing the cell to expel its contents and explode.

how-it-works‘There is some irony in the fact that a powerful defence mechanism against cancer is found in the flower of a species of ornamental tobacco plant, but this is a welcome discovery, whatever the origin,’ Dr Mark Hulett of the La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science in Melbourne said.

‘The next step is to undertake pre-clinical studies to determine what role NaD1 might be able to play in treating cancer.’

The preclinical work is being conducted by the Melbourne biotechnology company Hexima.

‘So far the preliminary trials have looked promising,’ said Dr Hulett.

‘We are confident there is potential for this discovery to translate to therapeutic use in humans.

The results are published in the journal eLife today.

Nicotiana sylvestris (Flowering Tobacco): The Australian team say the next step is to undertake pre-clinical studies to determine what role NaD1 might be able to play in treating cancer.

Nicotiana sylvestris (Flowering Tobacco): The Australian team say the next step is to undertake pre-clinical studies to determine what role NaD1 might be able to play in treating cancer.

‘One of the biggest issues with current cancer therapies is that the effect of the treatment is indiscriminate,’ Dr Hulett said.

‘In contrast, we’ve found NaD1 can target cancerous cells and has little or no effect on those that are healthy.’

Dr Hulett said scientists have known for some time about the molecules that form the first line of defence against microbial invasion in all plant and animal species.

Until now nobody has known how the molecules actually did their job.

‘We’ve discovered the workings of this universal defence process, which could also potentially be harnessed for the development of other therapeutic applications, including antibiotic treatment for microbial infections,’ he said.

Written by Mark Prigg for the Daily Mail, April 5, 2014.

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