Lewis: The Dirty No Good SOB-ing Traitors

If one cannot search for and see the light of truth, one is either dumber than a box of rocks, ignorant and fearful of the truth, indoctrinated to the max unwilling to accept facts, or a willing participant in the destruction of America. Regardless of which it is, you, your family, and your future descendants will pay the highest price  – servitude to evil or death.

It is likely that most think I am talking about the US Government, Inc. After all, the people in it apply the so-called “laws” way out of its jurisdiction. What does this mean? Well, if one cares to check Article I, Sections 17 and 18 of the Constitution for the united States of America, one is sure to find that Congress has no authority within or between the many states of the united States of America. Nor does any other manufactured part of the government.

Ah, the heck with all the technical crap that hardly anyone believes anyway due to extreme and effective brainwashing by government, etc.

Just think for a moment, Folks. Why in the hell would the founders create a government that has the power over the people while trying to assure equality under the law, and establishing a sovereignty shared equally by the people? In other words, why would they make the government the sovereign removing all your rights protected by the Declaration and the government to never interfering with your rights?

While you think about that, answer this. What are the purposes of the US Government? Is it not to protect our rights, well-being, and protect our shores? Is it protecting our rights when it violates them with regulation after regulation that it has no authority to enforce on we free people? Do you have a sense of well-being when the IRS takes your money and applies other forms of unlawful taxation on the people?

How about when it makes and enforces alleged “laws” telling you what you may think and say? Or dummies down your children to near illiteracy? I could go on with hundreds of examples, such as creating fear, carrying out false flag operations, telling you what you may put in your own body, etc. But, unless one is willing to look at and accept the truth, that government has destroyed your freedom, it is pointless.

And, how about the enforcers of government’s regulations? Do they protect your rights and strive to assure your well-being or are they more concerned with protecting government and assuring you obey unlawful orders made by government? Do you not understand they are nothing but thugs wearing guns, torture tools, and more than willing to beat the crap out of you and have you fined and incarcerated for demanding your rights? Do you have a sense of well-being, for example, when you or a member of your family is dragged out of a car, thrown on the ground, and a 240 pound thug puts his knee in the back of your neck pushing your face into the ground, and then shackles you like a wild animal because you disagree with him? Does the government prevent this?

And, what of judges? How the hell can they possibly protect your rights when they do not allow you to demand your constitutionally protected rights, such as the right to travel freely, or to be armed at all times, or to exercise your freedom of speech, religion, etc.? Does the US Government stop this? Do they obey their Oaths of Office or do they instead act as traitors to America? Do we live in the real America or the de facto Ameri-Ka?

So, I could be talking about the government, its thugs that enforce unconstitutional regulations, and the judges that support them with fines and incarcerations. But, I’m not – not directly, anyway. However, in regard to officials, I leave you with Noah Webster’s thoughts, as they mirror exactly the current state our neglect of our duty caused.

“If the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded.” – Noah Webster – (1758-1843) American patriot and scholar, author of the 1806 edition of the dictionary that bears his name, the first dictionary of American English usage.

Of course, those in the know might think the title refers to “by prescription” manmade drug companies, while those that are rather ignorant of the damage done by synthetic “medicines” to the human body do not have a clue. Why do drug producers and their good friends in government block natural cures for diseases and chronic illnesses, especially since their drugs do not cure? At best, they do no more good than treat symptoms. And, not all even do this. Not only that, but the drugs abound with horrific side effects, while natural cures do not cause bad side effects. What gives?

Why does the government approve such drugs and then make laws against natural cures for cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, preventative herbs and the like, etc.? One must ask, “Are government and drug companies truly concerned about your health and well-being? Do they give a hoot about your right to treat yourself as you see fit? How about the right to learn the most effective cure or preventative?”

Related, of course, are regular doctors that prescribe the drugs. Far too many do not have any idea of the side effects or prescribe them anyway so they can keep their license. Come to think of it, what authority does government have to license people for any field, let alone health fields?

What about medical licenses? Does government force every doctor to tell the patients about every side effect of the drugs?

How about this? City officials practice medicine without a license (such as adding fluoride compounds to water supplies). Do your know that the fluoride sources used are deadly toxic chemicals? Here are two excellent sources on the fluoride deception: Shirley’s Wellness CAfe’ AND Dr. Kelley’s CANCER: Curing the Incurable

Then, there are the quite ignorant officials of State governments and school administrations. Damn them to hell. They force parents and their children to receive extremely dangerous vaccinations. Are officials required to hold medical licenses? How many studied the vaccines, dangers of, and the effectiveness verses the side effects? Do they visit with each child (with a parent present) and then have the authority to issue a medical prescription? Not “no” but “HELL NO”.

Shoot, why are doctors and nurses giving the vaccinations without a valid prescription? Consider that an alleged law by government is not a prescription. However, schools gave shots to 90 million kids with polio vaccines that contained the Simeon Virus along with a bunch of the usual crap. This happened during my time in grade and junior high school. So. I was one of them, as were my brothers. My three brothers and I did not have the medicine prescribed by a competent doctor. Schools may have required a statement of okay from parents but can parents prescribe medicine? Did the parents know the shots could cause cancer, amongst other conditions? Did the doctors and nurses know and go ahead anyway? Were they ignorant of the virus and giving something they did not know enough about?

Do all members of the federal government have medical licenses? Are they well aware of each child’s needs and the side effects of the many vaccinations? Of course not. They are as dumb as a box of rocks or willingly participate in creating mass illnesses and death. Either way, they are incompetent to hold any office. It does not matter whether the people elected them or bureaucrats hired them; you know, typical government lackeys. Incompetence is incompetence.

Anyway, the bottom line is that the officials help the federal government enforce draconian mala prohibita laws that are way, way against freedom, the well being of the people, and the constitutional limitations on government.

Did you know that cities now prevent people from growing their own herbs and organic gardens? What document gives them the authority? To begin with, city and county so-called “governments” are chartered corporations created by the state government.

Can McDonald’s managers and other bosses of tell you what to do on your own property? After all, McDonalds in a chartered corporation just as your local governments are.

Do you know “private” means “not under government control”? How can the people be the sovereignty otherwise? See the Declaration and the limitations the Constitution places on every official across our land. To make a long story short, unless one has a valid contract with the terds in state and local governments, neither has any authority whatsoever over you or anyone else.

Well, Folks, I could keep going on the dirty scumbag traitors of the many agencies, think tanks, and useless bottom feeders in so-called “commissions” that government places their friends in. I could be talking about any or all of them and I do in an indirect way that I hope to make clear. I will make a last statement on this, however.

The founders designed Government (all of them are actually corporations) as small, unobtrusive, and ordered by our most important documents and Law to protect rights and private property. They were not meant to have the population of small countries with their own private armies amongst us (cops, agents, etc.) that to a man or woman does not obey their oaths of office that every one of them is required to subscribe to or affirm. They are thieves and traitors operating in plain sight. You see, they each helped con America into morphing into Ameri-Ka.

Validate this for yourself. Study the Declaration for these united States and the Constitution for the united States of America. Find just what clause gives any state or local government control over you and yours? Find the clause that states your rights depend on whether or not some government butt head says so or that the majority has the authority to vote your rights away. A hint, though, is that you can study ‘til hell freezes over but you will not find such a clause because it does not exist.

Remember, rights are inherent. They existed long before the written word, let alone corruptible government rising, it would seem, from the depths of hell.

What you see is NOT what you think you see. That is, unless you are one of the now informed that wondered as I did over a decade ago.

What did I wonder about? Well, the answer to that question brings us to revealing exactly what group or groups I direct the title to. It is time to reveal what dirty, no-good rotten traitors I speak of. Just who are the dirty rotten SOBs I write of? Are they all males or must I also direct my comments to the dirty filthy scumbag female traitors, the bitches of the sky?

Not being a sexist, of course I must include both the men and women that are in the process of poisoning all of mankind and much of Nature, if not all. Who are these bastards and bitches that are either ignorant of or willingly participating in the process of creating great illness, death, and damaging the Earth’s ecosystem for possibly all time?

But, first, let me explain something. A theory is what one thinks is going on A conspiracy is a plot between two or more people to carry out some plan. “Conspiracy theory” is in fact meaningless, as either a conspiracy exists or it does not. Or am I wrong in thinking that the two words are mutually exclusive?

But, since every Tom, Dick, and Harry that has no defense uses it, let us presume that such a usage of the two terms is valid. Then, we see that to leave the realm of a conspiracy theory, it takes just one fact to remove the conspiracy from the conspiracy theory realm. By the very nature of conspiracy, every bona fide fact will support the act or whatever as a conspiracy. You see, non-facts – lies – may only be supported by other lies, while a fact as truth does not since every fact is just part of the truth. Did I make that clear?

I state the above to state this. Conspiracy theory as used by the media and other rather ignorant people, is nothing but a trigger term to discredit. Those that accuse others of being conspiracy nuts or whatever never reports facts proving that the conspiracy does not exist. In fact, you might say that the users of the term are ignorant of the facts or willing participants in the conspiracy. People that seek the truth must treat it as such.

After all is said and done, if the reporter or whatever stated that the individual or group had an hypothesis or theory that such and such conspired to do such and such but the hypothesis was not supported by the fact that (verifiable fact), then they might have a leg to stand on. If they cannot do this, then they do not know what they are talking about and thereby participate willingly in the alleged conspiracy.

Understand that, Reporters of non-facts? You are part of the evil destroying America and – well – the rest of the world.

Now I finally get to the scum participating in the conspiracy to poison, making ill and or killing million of people and untold numbers of the wildlife of our planet. You are disrupters of the complex ecosystem and I pray your souls spend on eternity in hell.

I direct this at the pilots of aircraft that are spraying us daily now, not only over America but nearly every country on Earth. You are the vilest of the vile.

Additionally, you must be absolutely ignorant, just plain old dumber than a box of rocks, or a traitor not only to America to all of mankind. There is no way in hell that you do not notice how the trails hang in the sky for hours rather than the few seconds of a contrail. I have seen up to eight aircraft running crossing patterns so I know that any flying at a higher altitude must see the same from above as I see from below.

I have seen and taken pictures of chemtrails lasting up to ten hours or longer, their ugly colors causing me to hate the pilots, as I watched the once deep blue skies to masses of ugly purplish, bluish, dark gray cloud-like masses.

Thus, the term I came across in the mid-1990s that really sparked my interest – chemtrail. Experts on the formation of contrails and dissipation of such verses chemtrails can produce tons of evidence that chemtrails are not innocent contrails. There is also tons of irrefutable evidence that aircraft pilots are either spraying the chemicals or allowing mechanisms in their planes to spray the toxic chemicals. I can produce my own pictures of one day as I watched aircraft after aircraft going over from 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

It was a beautiful summer morning with an almost deep blue sky that still existed all those years ago. Then, chemtrailing started up with the average number of aircraft in the sky at any time – five. Just to shut you up on one point you might attempt to discredit me with, I also caught two aircraft along with the chemtrailing jets that show clearly the difference between the appearance and longevity of chemtrails verses contrails.

Anyway, the sky kept changing with the poisons until by the last few pictures, all I could see from horizon to horizon was that ugly bluish, purplish, and dark gray mass of putrid chemicals. That was a long day with disgust and deep anger building for me.

I took many other pictures on many different days and now the anger I felt then has deepened way past where it was but about all I can do is give pilots the finger as they fly over spraying poisons. I sure wish pilots could see the finger and read my lips. But, no, all I can do is try to protect myself as much as possible, which isn’t much, you sick psychos. But, then you knew that, didn’t you?

So, what the hell is the matter with you pilots? Are you not aware enough to research for yourselves? Are you blind and/stupid? Did the evil scum behind it all threaten the lives of you and your love ones? Or are you just a bunch of psychopaths that do not care just so long as you get your checks and perks? Or do you just like poisoning people, other animals, and maybe even a lot of plant life?

If I had the means (and I sincerely wish I did) I would shoot every one of you bastards and bitches out of the sky and hire people worldwide to do the same. If it were a passenger craft spreading the chemicals, I would have people waiting at the airport to capture the pilot and crew so that my workers harmed no passengers.

Damn but you suck, you dirty traitors. You deserve to face firing squads or hung slowly by your necks until you join the evil rotting in hell. This includes, of course, those that are behind the conspiracy.

And don’t dare explain away your actions with, “just doing my job” or “just following orders” or “I didn’t know.” It won’t wash and eventually I firmly believe that on your judgment day payback is certain.

A question for you morons spreading the crap, are you actually so stupid that you believe the trails you leave behind are not harming you and your loved ones?

Folks, what I hope you realize is that all of us had best wake up and smell the stench of the lies spewed by government and its controllers, its lackeys, the controlled media, etc. and come to realize we are in a deadly war for our lives, our well-being, and perhaps all of mankind. If not – – well, the outcome is we and our land are no more.

Submitted to Kettle Moraine Publications by the author.

~ The Author ~
Ed Lewis has been widely published on the Internet for several years prior to the last two, when he took a sort of sabbatical to somewhat helplessly watch America being manipulated onto the road to ruin. He holds BS degrees in Biology and Psychology, National Honor Society in both fields, and MS coursework and research in Psychology completed.

Lewis is a 64-year old Vietnam Era veteran that believes every official should be held accountable for treason and other crimes when Law, statutes, and their Oaths of Office are violated.

He believes that every American has the duty to stand against any government or chartered quasi-government that violates the rights of the people, and that no man, or group of men, especially foreign lobbyists and dual citizen people, have the authority and/or the right to interfere in our land and tell us what we might think, say, write, and do. Fear to do so will ultimately destroy America.

Contact Mr. Lewis at with@cvalley.net