FOLLOW UP: Amish parents will be forced to give their 10-year-old daughter chemotherapy, court rules after hospital makes legal challenge to block their herbal remedy approach

In a follow up to a story story posted on this site on August 23rd…

Maria SchimerAn appeals court in Ohio has sided with a hospital that’s seeking to force a 10-year-old Amish girl to resume chemotherapy after her parents decided to stop the treatments.

The decision issued Tuesday sends the case back to a county judge and says he must give more consideration to the request by Akron Children’s Hospital.

The judge had ruled in July that parents Andy and Anna Hershberger had the right to make medical decisions for their daughter Sarah, who has leukemia.

The hospital wants registered nurse Maria Schimer, who is also an attorney, to take over limited guardianship and make medical decisions for the girl.

The hospital says the girl will die without chemotherapy.

The girl’s parents say that the chemotherapy’s effects were terrible and that they’re now using ‘natural’ medicines, such as herbs and vitamins, and consulting with another doctor.
Sarah’s parents brought her to Akron Children’s Hospital in Ohio to treat the tumors on her kidney, neck and chest – a number of which were visible to the naked eye.

Her parents initially said that she could be treated with the necessary chemotherapy and she underwent some rounds of the procedure but not enough to completely eradicate the cancer.

Written by A REPORTER for the Daily Mail, August 28, 2013.

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