Do you call that disease “Your disease“?

I’ve had a thought going round and round in my head for some time and after watching another of those PINK CURE RUNS and hearing a few of the people interviewed it really hit me – I need to comment on this *thought* and get folks to THINKING about what it is they say – What it is they lay CLAIM /OWNERSHIP of.

Years ago when I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus (SLE) I very rarely called it “My Lupus” – I referred to having been diagnosed with Lupus. I refused to claim ownership of that disease. I did refer to my 6 pregnancies as “My pregnancies” as I do believe they were “mine” and not someone elses. Just as the house I lived in was “My House” and my husband was “My husband” (even though he wasn’t very faithful to our marriage vows).

All the other illnesses and auto-immune diseases that I experienced were never “MY (insert illness)”. I didn’t really think about how I said it back then – it wasn’t a conscious thought back then but as the years went by and I began to notice how many people laid claim and ownership to diseases I began to think of WHY DO THEY DO THAT? WHY do they want to OWN those things and treat them as they would some special prize in life. My diabetes – My headache – my ulcers – my heart disease – my arthritis – etc etc etc. These folks never seem to get better either – could it be because they have taken TITLE and OWNERSHIP of the disease?

I really do believe that folks SPEAK THINGS INTO EXISTENCE in life. I watched a close family member say she thought she had something or other (all very serious illnesses) and she would study up on those things and sure enough – pretty soon I would hear her tell me she in fact did have it and she always referred to it as HER (insert illness).

Stop and THINK about how you speak of things – What is it YOU claim ownership of? Then think of what OWNERSHIP means to you. Do you still think this government or rather that OCCUPATION FORCE in office is OUR government? I don’t as you all know from my comments over a long time.

Is that car you drive really YOURS or is it only partially yours and the rest the Bank owns? How about the house you live in? And none of us ever really OWNS anything in this nation anymore as we are assessed a monthly or yearly RENT (taxes) on everything they are aware we have in our possession.

Back to the health related *Ownership* – Why do you accept those diseases and hand your body over to them? If you think of your body as being YOURS – why do you let those illnesses take up OCCUPANCY in them?

THINK, did you invite them in by the CHOICES you made of the food and drink you put into that body? How about the *exercise* you put that body thru on a daily basis to keep it healthy? Or, how about those prescriptions your doctor gave to you that were so loaded with side effects no one in their right mind would take them?

I smoked heavy for many years – I drank coffee by the gallons every day for years – I ate ‘food’ with no thought of if it was good for me or not – I ate to fill my tummy and my exercise was cleaning house – yard work and chasing after kids as my *day job* was sitting in an office all day. Yes, I was a working mom even when I was married. When I look back it is no wonder I had so many health problems – I FED POOR HEALTH like a hungry kid. It is no wonder that I had some really serious bouts with the way I was living my life. Little by little I discovered another Path in life – it didn’t happen overnight – it came in little bursts, enough to let me incorporate that new information into my life and make it a HABIT. I still have a long way to go. The fact that I am still alive at 72 when the majority in my family rarely reached mid 60’s. I have survived three of my cousins and I am the oldest of the cousins.

I get emails from folks telling me about *THEIR (insert illness)* and asking me for prayer or some info. I guess my first thought is WHY DO YOU CLAIM THIS ILLNESS? Why don’t you put a for sale sign on your front door and offer that illness as an item you wish to get rid of? So many folks flout these illnesses as if they were something to be proud of – I don’t understand that. Do you brag about having a delinquent child?

In scripture (yes, I am going to go to that), it says that By HIS stripes we ARE healed. It doesn’t say we might be healed at some time in the future – it says we ARE healed. Do we believe in His words or do we ignore them? It is Satan who twists the words – who twists the hearing of the Word so that we accept the diseases and illness, such that come from Satan. God created Adam and Eve – two PERFECT beings and He placed them in the Garden of Eden with every food and good thing there for their use and enjoyment – but He admonished and told them to NOT EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE. Adam and Eve didn’t take it upon themselves to disobey God’s Word. Satan in the guise of a serpent we are told slithered around and began to whisper into Eve’s ear, beguiling her if you will, and when Satan urged her to take a bite of the Forbidden Fruit she told him that God told them to NOT eat of that fruit or they would Die. (much like so many humans today eat and drink what makes them sick and leads to an early death)

Well, ol Lucifer wasn’t going to come right out and tell Eve that God lied to her because he knew he couldn’t do that but he could rephrase the way he said it so as to deceive her into taking that fatal bite. In response to her statement that God told them NOT to eat of the forbidden fruit or they would DIE – Lucifer said in a question format rather than a statement, “Surely you won’t die?” Eve, being beguiled failed to notice Lucifer said that as a QUESTION rather than a FACT – and she took the bait and bit the forbidden fruit and humanity has suffered the CONSEQUENCES of that failure to obey God’s Word to this very day.

There ARE consequences to every action in life – some are good and some are bad. That is why THINKING is so important – checking FACTS and what others say BEFORE moving forward.

Wouldn’t it make your life much better if you gave thought to what and how you say things about yourself? Wouldn’t it make your life better to disown those diseases and claim the scripture about being HEALED? How about using some of the Mustard Seed Faith and telling those diseases to be removed from your body – having the FAITH to ensure that those diseases DO LEAVE your body. This reminds me of a time in my 20’s when I had some kind of pneumonia every Feb. March for 7 years in a row. Finally after the 7th time I was angry and I remember saying out loud that I had my fill of pneumonia and I was NEVER GOING TO HAVE IT AGAIN. I have never had it again to this day.

God has given us many promises and He is TRUE to His Word always. What we have to do is read His Word – I call it the Owners Manual – and find out exactly WHAT we are promised and then go about taking ownership – laying CLAIM to them and kicking ol Slew foot out of our lives.

Begin today to THINK before you lay claim to things – are they REALLY YOURS – Do you want to keep those things? Then take the steps to make the changes you need to make to improve your health – your Life and your way of doing things. It won’t happen overnight – it didn’t happen overnight to get to the point you are right now. But – at least BEGIN to make the improvements and don’t listen to that whispering in your ears that says you CAN’T do it – YOU can – but YOU have to make that determination and follow thru on it. I speak from long experience in life.

~ The Author ~
Jackie Juntti (Granny) has been a daily reader and frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications for many years. She can be reached for comment at