Eat healthy – for Life!

With the inception of the original incarnation of this web-site, it had always been our desire to provide a ‘cookbook’ of sorts, Dr. Kelley’s Cookbook to be exact. With the exception of two posts, it never came to pass. What follows, was one of the aforementioned posts, and fittingly, excerpted from Dr. Kelley’s own personal experience in guiding people to Victory over Cancer over the past, nearly five decades. Funny how others are just now catching on to the concept of fresh, non-processed foods. (Ed.)

~Protein ~
We have maintained throughout this treatise that cancer is nothing more than a pancreatic enzyme deficiency. The greatest cause of this deficiency is the amount of cooked protein (mutated amino acids) fed into the body. The pancreas simply cannot manufacture enough enzymes to digest the large volumes of pasteurized milk and cheese and cooked meat we eat and have any enzymes left over to digest the foreign protein we know as cancer. If people would not eat protein after 1:00 p.m., 86% of cancer in the United States could be eliminated.

However, a cancer patient should never give up all protein, as they might be tempted to do when they first learn that too much protein in the diet prevents the pancreas from ridding the body of cancer. The pancreatic enzymes themselves consist of protein (amino acids), and unless the body is fed adequate protein, the pancreatic enzyme production will stop and the cancer tissue will make a very rapid growth. The total withdrawal from protein has been the fallacy of many cancer diets, such as the “Grape Cure.” This is also the reason these diets have worked so well for the first few months – no protein – thus freeing the pancreatic enzymes to digest the cancer. Yet, over prolonged periods of total abstinence from protein, the pancreas fails. Proper balance and regulated intake is the answer.

~ Protein Timing ~
It is not only imperative that the correct kind and quantity of protein be eaten, but of equal importance, it must be taken at a specific time. We have found that regular proteins should be taken at breakfast and lunch only. When this is strictly observed the pancreatic enzymes, used in digestion of protein, are used only about 6 hours. This leaves 18 hours for production of pancreatic enzymes to digest cancer tissue.

If the average cancer patient is carefully observed, it will be noted that they start the day with protein – a glass of milk, ham and/or bacon and eggs, or milk with cereal. By mid-morning they are ravenous and have a candy bar, peanuts, doughnuts or sweet rolls with a soft drink or coffee. For lunch they normally have a roast beef sandwich, or chicken fried in “trans-fatty acid” vegetable oil, or a hamburger. By mid-afternoon they are again hungry and have been attacked by low blood sugar, so they perk themselves up with coffee or a soft drink. Dinner consists of a charbroiled steak, or a piece of roast beef or other cooked meat with white flour gravy and cooked-to-death vegetables. For dessert there is ice cream or pie a la mode with another glass of milk. It is impossible for the pancreas to produce enough enzymes under these conditions.

~ Eggs ~
Eggs are an unusually good source of protein – well balanced and the standard by which all protein is evaluated. They have all the essential amino acids in proper proportions. The cancer patient may have two eggs (preferably raw) each day at anytime.

Proper preparation of eggs is of vital importance. The eggs must be heated in the shell. We bring our eggs to a temperature of 140º F. to 160º F. (which is the normal temperature of hot tap water), for five minutes before cracking them. This destroys an enzyme just inside the membrane under the shell that prevents the biotin in the egg from functioning normally. When biotin functions properly, it greatly reduces the cholesterol risks of eating eggs.

After preheating before cracking them, the eggs may then be eaten, as you prefer them. Raw and soft-boiled eggs are the most preferable, though it isn’t absolutely necessary to eat them in these forms. In keeping with the use of as much raw food as possible, a good procedure is to eat the eggs raw in a blended drink of some kind, flavored to suit one’s taste.

There was a group of research doctors and dentists who, for at least a dozen years, had eaten two eggs daily (properly prepared as above), as part of a well-balanced nutritional program. Tests conducted on these people showed no increase in cholesterol. In fact, there was a significant decrease in the blood serum cholesterol level of each individual.

Misconceived beliefs of the orthodox medical world about eating cholesterol-containing foods have caused countless people to be unduly alarmed about cholesterol levels and the associated possibility of heart attacks. These misconceptions, carried on from the early 1950’s, have been proven false.

~ Liver ~
Liver is a wonderful energy food and cannot be surpassed as a blood builder. It is especially crucial for leukemia and lymphoma patients, as their blood is unusually weak. However, all cancer patients can benefit from the intake of raw liver before noon each day. In the mid 1960s, when Dr. Kelley was told he was in the final stages of pancreatic and liver cancer, he found that raw liver blended into carrot juice gave him strength when everything else he ate made him feel ill.

Raw organic, antibiotic-free and hormone-free liver contains a multitude of live enzymes, amino acids and other intrinsic factors that science has not yet identified, which are destroyed when the liver is cooked. (References to “intrinsic” or “unidentified” food factors are fairly common in nutritional literature. They result from clinical reactions, which cannot be linked to known nutrients. Raw liver for cancer patients is an excellent example of powerful therapeutic, but unexplained, effects.) There are no supplements or drugs that can take the place of raw liver; none are in any way comparable in their effects. Eating raw liver ensures thorough digestion and the replacement of expended nutrients, promoting excellent health.

Raw liver is best if it is organic, antibiotic-free, hormone-free and not irradiated. However, if this type of raw liver is unavailable, fresh muscle meat, steaks and ground, are acceptable even if you buy them at regular markets. Organically grown and not irradiated is always more nutritious and preferable. But if organic isn’t available, commercial is healthier than none. At least 3 and no more than 6 heaping tablespoons of raw liver should be taken daily.

Chewing the liver is best for proper digestion. However, if masticating it is too objectionable, it will digest well even swallowed whole, if it is sliced into small enough cubes, and if adequate hydrochloric acid and enzymes are taken.

There are two methods which people find suitable for preparing liver:

1. The liver can be sliced about 1/4 inch thick, placed on a cookie sheet, and frozen. After it is frozen, it can be cut into 1/4 inch cubes. One can then use plastic sandwich bags, putting 3 to 6 tablespoons of frozen cubed liver in each bag and storing them in the freezer for daily eating. This frozen liver may be chewed or swallowed whole, followed by a sip of juice if desired. Some prefer to allow the liver to thaw and then to place a spoonful at a time in the mouth and chew it or swallow it whole with a sip of juice.

2. Liver may be placed in the blender with carrot, pineapple, or tomato juice (and seasoning of one’s preference if desired), blended, strained to remove the fiber if preferred, and used as a morning “pep-up” drink.

~ Meat (Cooked and Commercially Produced) ~
The cancer patient will want to give up cooked and commercially produced meat such as beef, pork, lamb and fowl immediately (except for raw liver – see above). Cooked meat is harmful for the cancer patient, as the very same enzymes used in its digestion are needed for fighting and digesting the cancer.

All natural, self-made enzymes your body can produce should be used to fight the cancer. Commercial meat should be avoided for another reason; it has a high female sex hormone content. For commercial reasons most animals, especially beef and fowl produced in the United States have been fed large quantities of hormones. Since an overabundance of female sex hormones initiate cancer, meat of this type should be excluded from the cancer patient’s diet.

After being on Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Diet for 9 to 12 months, when the tumors are under control, one may gradually resume consumption of meat as long as one’s metabolic type requires it (see Chapter VIII, Metabolic Typing – Discovering Your Personal Nutritional Needs) and adequate enzymes and hydrochloric acid are taken to digest it.

If and when one does go back to eating meat, it will be extremely wise to make every effort to find a source that can provide meat, which has been produced without chemical feed, hormones, antibiotics, and pesticide residues.

~ Protein After 6 Months On Cancer Diet ~
After the first six months on Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Diet the cancer patient must increase the quantity of protein in his diet. At this time not less than sixty grams of protein daily should be included in the diet. You should, of course, continue all the above approved protein, but now you may include (or increase) such proteins as those found in deep sea fish, all forms of seeds, nuts (except peanuts), nut butters, whole grains, whole grain breads, and homemade, raw (unpasteurized) goats’ milk yogurt and/or buttermilk.

~ Seeds and Sprouts ~
Raw seeds and sprouts are good foods for cancer patients, and may be eaten after 1:00 p.m. We freely use brown sesame, sunflower and pumpkinseeds. Many people enjoy sprouted seeds, such as alfalfa and mung beans, buckwheat, wheat and soybeans.

The most “living foods” are sprouted seeds. When seeds are soaked in water, their protective enzyme inhibitors are removed and the enzymes, which have been “asleep,” become active, and in three days the nutritional values of the seeds are increased tremendously. The seeds also become much easier to digest.

For the best in nutrition, be sure to eat your sprouts raw. Eat as many as you desire.

~ Beans ~
Dry beans of all types are a good source of food for the cancer patient, and may be used two or three times a week at anytime of the day. The best way we’ve found to prepare them is to cook them at a temperature of 200º F. We place two cups of dried beans (washed) in a bean pot to which we add five cups of RO filtered or distilled water (which Kelley spoke against in later years Ed.), five garlic cloves, two tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of sea salt or kelp, and 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. We place the pot, (covered), in an oven overnight at 200º F.

Originally published on, June 15, 2001. (Ed. 11.22.10)

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