This site is dedicated to educating cancer victims of the recognized “cures” for cancer developed by Dr. William D. Kelley, over six decades ago, through the distribution of Kelley’s books, audio programs and nutritional supplements and counsel to aid the cancer victim.
NOTE: Please do NOT post questions regarding cancer counseling nor supplements on this page. Please send us an email at [email protected].

Jeffrey Bennett, Editor
~ Welcome ~
After twenty-five years of building and supporting a web-site, which was authorized and sanctioned by Dr. William Donald Kelley, the commitment to the work of this great healer expanded and continues. In 2013, I was asked by the Kelley foundation to take-on the responsibility of becoming the editor and publisher of Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types. With the July 2013 release we expanded the original writings of Kelley by including a 30-page pamphlet, written by Dr. Kelley – ‘Metabolic Typing‘ – which had previously only been published as a separate mail-out.
One thing led to another, and the re-editing of Dr. Kelley’s treatise on dealing with Cancer was also placed into my hands. When I first met Kelley, the book was entitled, ‘One Answer to Cancer (with Cancer Cure)’ – a title which had been generally in use by Kelley since its earliest 30-page printing in 1967.
In 2001 the book went through some updating and was repackaged and re-titled “CANCER: Curing the Incurable without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation” and was later somewhat modified in a 2005 printing. For a number of reasons, the book has not been LEGALLY available for several years (other than at inflated prices through Amazon). The main reason the book ceased to be available was the issuance of a ‘Cease and Desist‘ order by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) due to the term, “Curing” in its title. Apparently (as Kelley once told me), “It is illegal to ‘CURE’ cancer!”.
NOTE: The above mentioned title is still being offered through Amazon and other locations in what is openly referenced as “Print on Demand” order. This is not only a violation of the previously referenced order by the FDA, but is a distinct and clear violation of copyright laws.
Once again, at the request of the Kelley Estate and family, early in 2014 I began the arduous task of melding both of the previous versions of Kelley’s protocols together into one definitive presentation. There were things left out of the 2001/2005 edition which led to confusion by many of its readers – an oversight I am sure – or maybe not. In addition, there was additional information that had been located in Kelley’s files that we felt would be of tremendous benefit to those who purchase the fully updated and restored version of Dr. Kelley’s seminal work. In addition – there were some layout issues, which we addressed – AND a brand new title.
Shipping of ‘Victory Over Cancer without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation’ began on – as I had pointed out before November 1, 2015.
It continues to be my honor and privilege to represent Dr. Kelley and his work for the past, nearly a quarter-century, and into the future. Through interviews with Dr. Kelley on my daily radio program, traveling and lecturing with him – and on his behalf – it has been one of the most rewarding experiences in the journey of my life.
As life goes on – I continue to work closely with the Kelley family, to share with them, the time, which I was blessed to spend with the Doctor, and what our vision for this site was originally intended. I will continue to remain available as a consultant when necessary, as I am committed to TRUTH – and to the teachings and protocols of my friend, Dr. Kelley, with the faith and belief that one day – SOON – the world will awaken to the genius of William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S..
In the words of Jean Simmons (as Sister Sharon Falconer), in the 1960 film, ‘Elmer Gantry‘ – “Heal! Heal!“
Through the efforts put into this web-site, both past and future, we hope to challenge you to “heal thyself,” and with the help of the Heavenly Father, we will teach you – and educate you, as to your options – for LIFE!
What I learned from Dr. Kelley, since the time of our meeting in January of 1999, up until his passing just seven short years later, can never be repaid – other than by sharing his truths with those who care to learn.
Stay with us, as we grow and blossom, after all, it is your health, and your choice!
UPDATED: December 11, 2024
Jeffrey Bennett, President
Kettle Moraine, Ltd.
Editor and Publisher of the works of William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
Webmaster and Editor of
Dr. Kelley’s VICTORY Over Cancer
The Official Site for the Protocols of Dr. William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.
[email protected]