Dr. Wm. D. Kelley’s Metabolic Typing

      William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS

In 1967, Dr. Kelley developed the scientific paradigm of METABOLIC TYPING. In. 1972 University of California at San Diego professor, Dr. George Watson, wrote a book, Nutrition and Your Mind, noting the concept of “Fast and Slow” oxidation rate which was a small part of Dr. Kelley’s Metabolic Typing Paradigm.

In the mid 1980’s Mr. William L. Wolcott, found a paperback edition of Dr. Watson’s Nutrition and Your Mind. At the time Mr. Wolcott was an employee being trained by Dr. Kelley. According to Kelley – Wolcott was unable to comprehend the Kelley Metabolic Typing Paradigm, his employment was terminated. Wolcott then appropriated Dr. Kelley’s copyright name of “Metabolic Types.” Wolcott furthermore produced a most defective nutritional program marketing it through Dr. Kelley’s trained Physicians and Technicians. Nutritional Programs being promoted from Watson to William L. Wolcott and Dr. Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S. and a multitude of other con-artists are defective to their very core.

WARNING: Be very aware of one Dale Maxwell and his ‘Road to Health’ web-sites. At one point in 1998, Kelley hired Maxwell’s firm to print “One Answer to Cancer with Cancer Cure” after which Kelley  moved on to another printer in the Mid-West. Today, Maxwell claims that he spoke to Dr. Kelley every day until his passing and that the Doctor had trained him in treating cancer victims. Maxwell is now offering Cancer enzymes with Dr. Kelley’s name on the bottle – with no legal right do so. It has been requested of him on many occasions by the Kelley Foundation to ‘cease and desist‘ but he has chosen not to. The scams continue. ~ Editor

Like so many other establishment frauds, these creatures have tried to change the definition and meaning of Metabolic Typing originally developed and established by Dr. Kelley. Because of their limited mental capacities they cannot comprehend the total parameters of Metabolic Typing. These ladies and gentlemen want to rename and limit Metabolic Typing as Fast and Slow oxidation, which is a gross error.

NOTE: The following portion of the transcript has been edited and reproduced from the written transcript of Dr. Kelley’s book – but does NOT INCLUDE THE TEST. For the full book – including the test, you will need to order the book by clicking on the following link: Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types ~ Ed.

Dr. Kelley developed his Self-Test for the Different Metabolic Types in the 1960’s to help bridge the gap of research to practical application. He realized that the overall state of health of this nation could no longer be maintained acceptable unless the nutritional needs of the people were brought into immediate and sharp focus. No one (doctor or patient) knows what a well-balanced meal is. Doctors have not been trained along these disciplines, nor do they have the time or inclination to educate themselves in these areas.

What follows, will be a permanent fixture of this page. As was typical, the rest of the world stood around – experimenting – while Dr. Kelley endeavored to always move forth with the One True answer to cancer and many other degenerative dis-eases. While in the early part of this century, many claim to have the answers to Metabolic Typing, it was in fact Dr. Kelley who advanced the science to this level. He was the modern day pioneer in the field. Editor

In order to make the most efficient use of research data, it must be related and applied directly to each individual to meet his specific needs. The problem then arises as to which data is significant for each patient. Dr. Kelley had to develop a system to accomplish this. It was decided that the most practical system would be an extensive questionnaire: Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types. This book was updated and enhanced in 2013 with additional transcript written by Dr. Kelley, which had been originally printed as a separate, small “booklet”.

The test is bound in a book that contains hundreds of health questions. It includes complete instructions so you can score the results yourself (the results are compiled on an as-you-go basis during the completion of the questionnaire).

Taking the time (it takes a few hours) to complete the questionnaire will tell you whether you are a meat-eater, a vegetarian, or have a balanced metabolism. It will tell you which types of meats, fruits, and vegetables you should eat. Furthermore, it will tell you what supplements you should take, and, perhaps even more important, which you should avoid.

When you complete the questionnaire and follow the directions at the end of the book for scoring your answers, you will know where your body, at the present time, is functioning. There are three main metabolic types (Vegetarian, Carnivore and Balanced), and a number of sub-types (three in Vegetarian, three in Carnivore and four in Balanced). Each person will know exactly which of the three main types they are functioning in and also which sub-type.

After one follows the nutritional guidelines at the back of the questionnaire for their metabolic type for a few weeks or months they will want to take the Self-Test again to determine if their metabolism has switched to another type. Everyone should recheck their metabolic type every six months to a year, because it can change. If and when it does, one’s diet and supplemental program will have to be changed accordingly.

As one improves their blood chemistry, it’s possible for their nervous system to go into balance – giving them a balanced metabolism. This can take years, or it may never happen. However, I wouldn’t worry about it if it doesn’t happen. As long as you’re healthy and functioning normally – that’s what counts. ~ William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS

~ Objective of Metabolic Typing ~
The over objective of our metabolic typing, and suggested therapeutic protocol it to:

1. Support the dominate functional type; while;

2. Rebuilding the subdominant type in attempting to bring about a balance of function of ones’ metabolism and to create superior health within ones’ genetic design limits, which is the utmost of health care one can achieve.

3. The technique used in our program is to re-evaluate every six months to bring one up the metabolic spiral (see page XX) to their genetic design limits – where their individual optimum health occurs.

4. Once this state is achieved, one should maintain this level nutritional supplemental support.

5. Should neglect or overwhelming stresses interrupt ones’ state of health (genetic design type), one should re-evaluate and take the necessary metabolic supplements to achieve their genetic metabolic design.

It is only possible to obtain an accurate evaluation of one’s Metabolic Type and metabolic needs by an intensive objective self-evaluation such as presented herein.

In DEGENERATIVE METABOLIC DISEASES, we must understand that various laboratory blood, urine and tissue examinations are worthless at best and dangerous at worst to draw an accurate picture of one’s metabolism. Such fraudulent schemes, tricks, and deceptions shall also pass away with the current generation or so of their promoters.

~ Biological Genocide ~
Those who are not aware of the Mass Genocide being practiced and inflicted upon civilization today by the establishment, are deceived into trying to obtain health by understanding METABOLIC TYPING without an awareness of its limitations.

~ Discovering Your Personal Nutritional Needs ~
Without knowing your metabolic type, you are guessing as to what foods and supplements you should take. Dr. Kelley’s Do-It-Yourself Book Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types provides a method and explains how you can develop a personalized nutritional program that gives you the results you want.

A person may be following a program of the best foods, the best supplements, and plenty of exercise – but how does he or she know that those really are the best foods for them? Each of us is different and has a different metabolism.

Many of the world’s leading scientists including, for instance, biochemist Dr. Roger Williams, author of many excellent and well-known books such as You Are Extraordinary, and Nobel Prize Winning Physicist, Dr. Linus Pauling, have proven this through their own research.

Let’s get your Metabolism on Track. Order the Book TODAY!

~ Basic Metabolic Considerations ~
Originally, we classified Individuals into twelve basic types, which are named “Metabolic Types One through Twelve.” However in the early 1960’s computer programs were limited to a maximum of ten data banks for calculating metabolic types. Although we had the first main frame computer in Dallas up and running – before banks had computers and were still toying with the concept. Our Do-It Yourself Book is based upon our original Scientific Data. By classifying each person into their own proper type, it is possible to determine accurately what vitamins, minerals, foods, and other supplements would best support his or her own body chemistry. Equally important, it is possible to know what supplements and foods they should avoid. With the knowledge of these factors, it is possible to design a program that has the fullest potential. All people fall into one of the metabolic types, that is to say they fall into one of the basic ways the body functions. Each person’s body takes in food, water and air. How a person uses these raw materials to maintain life differs from one person to another. This function of maintaining life is called metabolism and is normally defined as the sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in the body.

~ Dr. Kelley’s POSTSCRIPT ~
In interacting with the various metabolic types the observations of note that come to my attention are:

A. DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS: All girls of all metabolic types believe without question that they like Genghis Kahn, Napoleon and Queen Victoria and have the divine right of Kings to rule, boss, direct and control all persons and activities they come in contact. This of course is true, but in relationship only to their own children. Unfortunately they try to extend this concept in out of context situations from family affairs into all activities in which they are engaged. Each metabolic type has her own distinct techniques and system of control;

B. NOTES ON TYPE XI’s. All type XI sympathetic metabolizers are creative left brained individuals with elevated capacities of logical cause and effect creative comprehension. These individuals in their genius find it difficult to “see the forest for seeing the bacteria on the leaves of the trees.” An example of Metabolic Type XI is Henry Ford, an engineering genius ahead of his time- changing the course of history.

All Type XI sympathetic metabolizers are extremely brilliant secondly after their most dominate trait, unwavering dedication and determining. They are analytical to a point of sin. They have many more questions than the pope has Catholics. They by genetic design must ask questions. They throw out a question and expect it, (along with their energy and the questioned one’ energy) to form a stationary cloud. In so doing, they can go around and around, inside and outside, look from top and bottom, slice it vertically, horizontally and diagonally collecting unlimited data by which the can form their own answer of TRUTH unencumbered by any misconception of the one who they ask…

C. NOTES ON TYPE X’s. All metabolic Type X’s are so balanced they can do everything well. In dealing with various tasks at hand and others, they have a tendency to procrastinate. Spiritually having the faith that everything will work out the way it should, they accept life the way it is. With this confidence they can adapt to what ever comes their way – and they can and they do.

Type X balanced metabolizers are very creative in the way they can see details like a Type XI as well as comprehend wholes as the Type XII metabolizers. Type X metabolizers s stand close enough to the forest to see the leaves, yet far enough away to see the forest. Without question King David was a Type X balanced metabolizer. Possibly, King Edward VIII was also genetically so gifted. Type X’s are filled with lovingkindness and can see all five sides of a coin.

D. NOTES ON TYPE XII’s. Parasympathetic metabolizers are always right brained individuals and often left handed. They seem to have a direct connection to universal knowledge. They see, experience and comprehend in an unlimited perception the rest of humanity never dreams exists. A notable example of a Type XII metabolizer is Thomas A. Edison.

All Type XII parasympathetic metabolizers are happy, self confident, well built structurally with energy to spare. They are strong and capable of producing sustained energy over a long period of time, they need little sleep, they are self confident, at peace with themselves, others and the world. They take life as it comes and can wait for others to catch-up spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically…

Warning & Disclaimer – The publisher and the distributors, College of Metabolic Medicine, Kettle Moraine, Ltd., and College Health Stores, LLC do not endorse any of the views, procedures, treatments or Metabolic Supplementation presented in this text. Publication and distribution is made solely to inform readers who have a specific interest in alternative information for proper nutrition for their body’s metabolism. Readers are cautioned against following any procedure for any serious disease without medical consultation. The views expressed herein are those of the author solely, and the publisher and the distributors disclaim any association with the author’s views and comments.

~ Warning of Fraud ~
Dr. Kelley developed the Science of Metabolic Typing in the 1960’s. This science is based upon the understanding of CREATION, GENETICS, PHYSIOLOGY, BIO-CHEMISTRY, PSYCHOLOGY. ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTATION, GENETIC MUTATION, BIOLOGY, and not the least, RELIGION.

Misrepresentation at best and ignorance at worst has promoted the current abundance of FRAUDULENT METABOLIC TYPING concepts circulating today.

To begin your pathway to health, order your copy of Dr. Kelley’s Self Test for the Different Metabolic Types TODAY!